forum So uh who wants to rp O/O
Started by @bubblegum

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shoot her hair is pretty tghjnhugytghuj "How did you find this place?" She asked instead, stepping forward a little bit. The light did magical effects on the white and yellow canvas that was her wings, playing all sorts of different colors on it.


"It's beautiful. God, it really is." Sati looked over to Michi. "You sure we're not in another dimension?"

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"Technically… no. It still exists in the same dimension, but on another plane. It's complicated, to say the least." Michi smiled, setting the lighter down. It was an older one, staying lit when she let go.


Sita glanced down at the match, then back up at Michi. "Like alternate realities? This seems like the perfect place to discuss inter-dimensional logistics," She commented with a smile, sitting down on a red crystal that reflected against her wings.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"Well. Okay. This is how it works; this reality we are in now exists in the same bubble like the one you are familiar with, so it isn't considered a different dimension. To be considered a different dimension, they must be separated by Ether. And no, not the medical ether." Michi tried to keep it simple; if she explained everything in its entirety, they would be here for a long time.


Sita shrugged, pushing the medical Ether cone out of her mind. "I guess that makes sense." Her wings fluttered again, leaving sparkling silver glitter on top of the already beautiful reflective stones.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"There's… a lot of scientific mumbo-jumbo about this, but basically the only way to truly travel to another dimension is to use a portal." Michi shrugged, mesmerized by the effect of Sati's dust on the crystals. The crystals seemed to absorb it, reflecting the light even more. It was beautiful.


Luckily, Sita laughed and tilted her head at Michi, grinning, her wings fluttering nervously again. "You think?"


"Aw. I would argue. I mean-" She waved her hand towards Michi. "You. It doesn't really need explaining."


Sita laughed again, glancing behind her as the wings fluttered out of nervousness. "Well, thank you. They've always been a setback to me, but if they're that nice to you…" She shrugged, a smug grin on her face.


"Well, I have to hide them in the hospital…and in most public places," She admitted, tilting her head fondly at Michi. "Not everyone is used to interdimensional, fantasy-kin beings running around like you."

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Michi put a hand to her chest in mock shock.
"Really?" She giggled, resting her hand on Sita's.
"Well, now that you know about this forest, you can come through to it any time you like."


(fghjpjhgytgj I snorted)
"I mean, that makes sense." She laughed, grinning at Michi. "You can't possibly be…mad at me, can you?" She leaned in a little.


Sita shrugged. "It seemed like you thought I was going to let random strangers into the portal now that I've found it. I have to do something to alleviate your anger, now don't I?" She leaned a little closer to Michi, a grin on her face.