Blackridge is an old town out in the country surrounded by forests, plains, and rocky hills. It was built back in the old west and has slowly been developing. The population is rather small so it's the type of place where everyone knows everyone. Peaceful is the word that comes in mind when one first sees this town. Unfortunately, that's far from the truth. Unbeknownst to even the residents, the town is home to monsters. No, not the ones that lurk under the beds of small children. These monsters are demons and all sorts of other evil creepy crawlies.The people who live here know that the town isn't like others. Something about the place just feels off but they like the friendly faces and the calm atmosphere. An occasional brutal murder or disappearance can be overlooked. A few weeks ago, things got worse, much worse. The people in town are starting to get suspicious but the sheriff is insisting that everything is fine. Something shifted recently. The monsters are growing bold and are taking more risks. Something needs to be done about this before Blackridge is nothing but a ghost town.
I have this new character that I really want to try out. She's a monster/demon hunter from Blackridge. If anyone wants to join, that would be great! Your character can be a cop, another hunter, a supernatural creature, or whatever. I'm just hoping for some sort of work partnership/romance between my character and yours. If anyone is interested in this, please let me know! : )
Here's my girl's link: Oleander