"I dunno, love…" Cas looked away, his heart pounding. "I'm… I'm afraid of how much it could hurt…"
"I dunno, love…" Cas looked away, his heart pounding. "I'm… I'm afraid of how much it could hurt…"
(I could've sworn that I responded sorry!)
"We don't have to do it. It was just a question love. Besides, you know that I would never hurt you right?" River smiled placing his hand on Cas's cheek.
(No problem)
Cas nodded, leaning into River's hand. "Thanks, love…"
River lightly chuckled and kissed Cas one more time. "I could like this forever…" River rolled over and scrunched up his body under Cas's
"Me too…" Cas huddled close to River, sighing contentedly.
"…but we have to go back now or they'll wonder where we are. One more kiss before we leave," River mumbled before kissing Cas letting his hand stay only on his waist.
Cas sighed again and kissed River back. "We can lay out in the sun as long as we want when we go home."
"Yeah, we can," RIver was happy that he said "we" and "home" in the same sentence as he kissed Cas one last time then got up from the grass. "Let's go," River held out his hand and smiled.
He nodded and reluctantly got up. "I don't wanna go back." He sighed, still holding River's hand as they started to walk.
"I don't want to either, but we have to," River sighed as they pasted the bung. "What to do now?"
Cas shrugged. "I dunno. What do you want to do?"
"Anything you want to do," he smirked teasing Cas.
He rolled his eyes. "I want to do what you want to do. You like archery, right?"
"Yeah," River started walking over to Archery. "If you come you have to shoot, deal?"
"Alright, alright…" Cas sighed. "I can't guarantee I'll be very good, though."
"Doesn't matter because that's the fun of it," River chuckled.
"Whatever you say love." He shrugged, following River over the bridge.
River Cas walked through the long path to the other side of the lake reaching the Archery Activity. River tookhis bow and arrows lining them up to the third target.
Cas stood beside him, trying to draw the string of his bow back. His arms quivered from the strain, but he managed to get it back where he needed it to be. The arrow slipped off the dock, so he had to try and quickly get it back on before his arms gave out.
"Here, let me help you that. First, relax, don't pull so hard. "You only need a little bit to hit the target," River stood behind Cas and pulled back with him. "See? Just relax."
Cas took a deep breath and aimed the arrow, holding it still for a few seconds before releasing it. It hit around the middle rings of the target (like, not bullseye middle, but middle between the edge and bullseye).
"Nice. Now, try doing that without my help," River smiled and backed away.
Cas glanced back at River helplessly for a moment, but soon looked back at the target. He tugged back the string with wavering hands and managed to hit the target again, albeit for a lower score.
River smiled and walked over to his bow and arrow. He shot the arrow easily to the third target getting a bullseye.
"How are you so good at this?" Cas asked, huffing a bit. He struggled to draw back the string of his bow again.
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