forum Sick Of Cliches, but you’re my only exception. REBOOT //Closed///
Started by @Celeste_X0X0_ group

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She sighed, and promptly felt like she'd been doing it forever, like she knew the vampire well enough to sigh every time he entered the room. Within minutes he'd stumbled, interrupted guests and insulted her.
From somewhere close by, her brother sensed his presence.
"Ana, go. Into the party. Now."
His voice rung out like a clear stream, trickling towards her in a calm but demanding tone. She obeyed, knowing he could see the slight nod in her chin from wherever he was. The crowds around them were too thick. She welcomed in a few last guests on her line and redirected the rest of the people towards her mother to be welcomed in.
All in a matter of moments. Then she looked up at her Vampire.
"Not tonight."
And she flipped him the bird, finally, striding off into the party, her dress, undoubtably, flowing dramatically behind her.
The Courling had begun.


(not sure where we're going to go now, maybe someone attacks Courling or did you have a plot idea? Either way might be a good idea to have him follow her if you'd like?)

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

(Okay thats fine lol. I think maybe for like the next post or two it can be a bit calmer but like Min-Hyuk and her brother can kind butt heads too. But also, i do like the idea of something going on at the ball. I just dont know what would happen because I think the most the would happen (in my opinion) would be someone gets in a fight. Since this ball is like a place where everyone can meet together in peace no matter race. But i mean if you could think of any way someone would actually like attack it in such a way that would cause something big, I’m all here for it)

Min_Hyuk only glared at her brother, though a sense of mischief in his stance. The fact that neither of them liked him, fueled him even more. He was going to have fun bothering these two.

On the other hand, Cassius was talking up all of the girls without even meaning to. His peppy attitude and his accent seemed to lure everyone in just like that. Cass wasnt a flirt or anything, he just knew how to be nice and actually compliment someone. Though it definitely seemed like he was flirting. Min wouldnt be surprised if Cass went home with a handful of their numbers. And if he did he would through them in his fireplace at home before sitting in front of it drinking a nice, warm cup of blood in his white robe.
He didnt like to bother with those things. Min-Hyuk knew Cassius well enough to know this.

Looking away from the fine looking vampire, he decided to follow the she wolf through the crowd. What? He had nothing better to do than to annoy the crap out of her and her brother. And seeing as technically they didnt have the right to attack him, as he would only be using his words, he was safe. But he wasnt worried about that anyway. His confidence rose too high for him to worry about his safety. And plus, he had Cass if anything did happen.


Daciana didn't even make it half-way across the first field, the one dedicated mainly for mingling and drinks, before the girl found her.
Steph. Her supposed best friend, who by birthright would grow to be a lady in waiting and her advisor. They'd been raised together, taught together even.
Daciana couldn't stand her.
She was so fake, so hidden ambitious, she knew what Steph really thought of her. That a she wolf should be exceptionally more womanly then her if she was in line to the throne of their pack. Daciana knew that without having the constant, blonde, perfect reminder fo what a woman should look like, bounding after her all the time.

Steph grabbed onto her arm, linking it through hers and cast her a smile that was too much teeth to be considered friendly.
"You look stunning, honey." Her voice was silky. "No one here looks as wonderful as you. See what happens when you let go of those silly, untraditional thoughts? You fit in, Ana."
Only her brother was allowed to call her that. Daciana tried her best not to recoil, though her whole body language was practically screeching for her to get away.
She always felt trapped around Steph, like maybe everything she believeed was wrong and she should just let this evil, smart girl take over.
Steph either wasn't taking the hint or knew and didn't care. Both were possibilties.
"Look. You've even got an admirer." Steph pointed behind them. "Don't tell me that's your boyfriend, Ana! A vampire? You're already a disgrace, you know! That'll make the council hate you even more."
Daciana winced, but turned to look anyway.
That vampire, he was steadily moving towards them, it sort of did look like he was following them. But she very much doubted it was out of admiration. More like, excitement to ruin her day.
He'd have to get in line, Steph was already here for it.
"I don't even know his name." Daciana managed to mutter out.

Thoughts like those swirled in her brain, clouding it over until her eyes watered slightly, her throat felt thick and she didn't even pull back against Steph's grip.
"How about we go get you some drinks? Maybe some boys to talk to? You're about due for a husband promising you know. Almost shameful that you haven't gotten any proposals yet, right?"
Constricted, uncomfortable and just plain sad. Daciana wanted nothing more than to rip open Steph and leave her in her dust. But maybe she was right.

Maybe Steph and the Vampire would get along.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

Picking up their very one sided conversation, the only thing he gathered from it was this mutt had some rude friends. Though with how annoying he found her, it didnt look like she had very many options.
But if someone else was already bothering her, he didnt have anything to do for himself. And so for that reason, he didnt like this chick.
Stepping forward to intervene, getting her out of that perpetuating situation but once she said she doesn’t know him….well that kind of ruined his plan.
What was the plan you may ask?
Well, the plan was to come up to her, act like a friend and get her out of there. If she were decent, she would owe him a favor. And thus he would be able to annoy the hell out of her.
Yeah, it was a little immature. Obviously.
But all he ever did was be serious, trying his best not to kill the ones around him. Why couldn’t he have a little fun?

Feeling a sudden tight grip on his shoulder that pulled him back and around to face Cass, Min almost stabbed him in the chest before he realized it was Cass’s face.
Letting out a sigh and rolling his eyes “what?” He growled
“Woah, easy there tiger” he chuckled before his eyes flashed to the two girls walking away from them.
“Darn, is your girly into chicks? That always sucks” he shook his head
“For the last time, shes not my girl. Shes a mutt i met at school and ive got kind of a bone to pick with her”
“Oh I’m sure you do have a bo-“
Cass was interrupted by a firm punch to the stomach.
“Dont- i will gut you after this” Min says quietly, and quite frankly annoyed


Instinctively her ears perk up to the sound of a punch, her family was always on the alert for fighting in their territory, usually from rowdy werewolves at a full moon that will pick a fight with anything that moves and especially on nights like that one. The subtle sound of thwack to a chest close by didn't miss her ears, but when she turned she was met with a uglier mess then a werewolf fight.
It was her Vampire, messing around with a buddy a couple of metres back. She groaned loud and long before she could stop herself, deadly annoyed and convinced her night couldn't get much worse.
Steph turned to her. "So you do know him!"
Daciana shrugged. "Yeah, you could say that. Unfortunately."
The advisor werewolf, the princess really, the troublemaker of the pack grumbled under her breath and turned to glare directly at the Vampire. She mouthed over to him, knowing his eyesight was absolutely impeccable, even better then hers. By a mile. Most of his powers were.
Not that she'd ever admit that though.
'Could you not?' She mouthed to him. "Kind of dealing with another asshole here, you'll have to wait until Monday.'

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

Min turned to her for a second, only for her to tell him to stop. He flipped her off with both of his hands before rolling his eyes with a chuckle, amused at simply how much she was bothered by it.
But also, the fact that her attention was pulled towards him.
Obviously she was annoyed by the “rough housing” maybe if he caused a fight or two. That’d be his way of annoying her.
Again, there was nothing better to do at this lame party.

Cass slaps the back of his head “Hey! What the hell was that for?” Min asked, putting a hand on the back of his head.
“What are you a middle schooler!? Thats no way to show a girl you like her” he says with a huff.
“I’m not into her!” Min said
“First step…denial. Dont worry, you’ll come to acceptance sooner or later. And then she’ll probably go through the stages of grief once you reach acceptance…why? Because life is hard. And when that happens, I’m here for you” he says. In which Min-Hyuk only rolled his eyes like the angsty teenager he was.
“Because who could resist you huh?” Cassius chuckled
“Every. Other. Living. Being. On. This. Cursed. Planet. Thats who” he grumbled.
“I mean have you seen what i look like?”
“Yeah, a vampire. Just get rid of the smokes, and youre good” he says hitting him in the side of the arm.
“First of all. No. Second of all, get off my back. Shes a mutt. The only reason I’m not at her throat right now is because we’re at this stupid party alright?”
Min was already annoyed by Cass, but he didnt realize how loud they were both being. Not even to draw everyone’s attention. There was music and everyone chitter chattering in every which direction.
But it was louder than how they would usually talk. Well for Min at least. Cass had always been loud whenever in good spirits. Which wasnt too often. But he faked it a lot. Unlike Min who wanted everyone to know not to mess with him. And for some odd reason, people still got on every one of his nerves.