forum shut up! shut up! the vampire! he's gay now! (O/O)
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Deleted user

Yes, this is another one of my stupid gothlit ideas that rarely gets traction. I post it not becos I am even that dedicated, but because my gay little brain is going to explode any minute now. Anyways, Dracula retelling where Dracula is a deadbeat and emotionally absent father and we are having NONE OF IT.

Plot summary:

Alisdair Renfield is Dracula's son. Or, well, he would be if anyone would have some goddamn respect. Because he's a pathetic wee transboy in an unsupporting Victorian Era and he therefore is a regular at the local insane asylum. Anyways plot is that your character is gonna help him beat the shit outta Dracula and maybe they kiss?? I can explain more later, I'm just megagay and megasad rn and need a distraction. Have fun y'all.

Deleted user

I'd be interested.. if we can maybe make them both girls? I have a harder time playing guys, though I could make it work

Unfortunately the concept really only works with a trans man because, tbh, mostly just I said so. However I don’t mind your character being a girl as long as she’s supportive of my character or at least, given this is set in the Victorian era and thus, as would be more realistic to happen, be willing to learn about my character’s complexity of gender. I’m writing him as me being a transmasc lesbian for the record, I don’t mind at all having my dude have a girlfriend I just need to be honest that I feel like the story flows better if I keep my guy the way he is.