(awesome! me too!)
(awesome! me too!)
Seth was furious, clawing his way through his brothers. It was easy for him. When Seth was angry, he was practically unstoppable. He roared in pain when a knife slashed through his side but he smacked Jasper into a nearby wall. Blood spattered everywhere, and by the end of the fight, Seth stood in the center of the carnage. He glanced at Grayson with intense red orbs before he inhaled slowly and returned to his human form. His brothers were not dead, mostly unconscious. "I'm not returning father. Do not look for me." He orders coldly, walking to Grayson's cage. He places his hand on the lock and it melts. He grabs Grayson's hands gently. "We're leaving."
Grayson kept his eyes fixed on Seth, fear creeping into his thoughts as he watched Seth's brothers fall one by one. Everything will be okay as long as I don't make him angry.. He thought, letting Seth take his hands and stand up. Just do what he says.. Grayson nodded and looked down at the blood soaked ground.
Seth saw the fear in his beloved's eyes. He hated seeing that fear, but he sucked it up and guides them out of the palace, teleporting them back to the comforts of the apartment. He was shaking, his body wrecked with pain. In his rage he had beaten his brothers, but he had been wounded. He inhaled sharply, trying his hardest to breath and not burst into tears. He hated his family, he hated what he was. He hated that Grayson most likely feared him… and Seth would not blame him if Grayson hated him. "You probably want me to leave, huh?" He asks quietly, not looking at Grayson. He kept his eyes firmly on the ground.
Grayson took Seth's hand and led him to their bedroom, gently guiding him to lay down on the bed. He took a damp cloth and a first aid kit, beginning to clean the cuts and spots of blood that he could see. "I'm.." He paused, not liking how shaky his voice was. "Not leaving.." Grayson managed to get out, swallowing the lump rising in his throat. "Where does it hurt the most?" He asked, trying to stop his eyes from filling with tears.
Seth followed quietly, his eyes shutting as he settled onto the bed. He could feel the tears slowly running down his face. Grayson saw his true form, saw… he saw Seth… as a monster. Maybe Seth was… he certainly felt like it. A monster. That's what he was. He winced when his wounds were adressed. He shook his head. "Here." He gently guides Grayson's hand over his heart. "Here is where it hurts… Don't you see, Grayson?" He looks up, tears running freely down his cheeks. "I'm a monster." He whispered. "I could have hurt you… you're frightened of me, aren't you. I could see it as we left." He shut his eyes, his body ached everywhere. But the mere thought of losing Grayson, the mere thought that he had terrified the one person that loved him… he couldn't take it.
Grayson let his guard down, tears beginning to roll down his cheeks. "I..I don't know." He choked out. "I was terrified the whole time. I thought they were going to kill me and then you showed up and I thought they were going to kill you." He wiped his eyes and sniffed, clutching Seth's hand in his own. "I couldn't stop them from hurting you. I'm small and weak and I can't even stand up for myself let alone someone that I love." He sobbed. "I'm scared that you're going to hurt me because I'm not good enough for you, not because of what you are. I'm sorry for getting myself kidnapped and for being so useless all the time. I’m the problem, not you..”
Seth listened to Grayson, and his eyes soften, still spilling tears. He slowly leaned forward to gently hug Grayson. "You're not weak…" He whispers. "Grayson, you're the strongest person I know." He whispers, cupping Grayson's cheek. He slowly wipes away his boyfriends tears, smiling weakly. "You are more than good enough for me, I don't deserve you." he whispers, his eyes gently. "You're not useless, you're not the problem. I brought you harm as a demon, and that is something I will never forgive myself for. But my darling, I will always love you. Demon or not." He sniffs. He slowly inhales before whispering, "I Seth, son of the devil, embodiment of wrath, will never under any circumstance hurt you. To you I swear this." A small pentagram appeared on his hand, solidifying the promise.
"You could never hurt me, promise or not." Grayson said quietly, taking Seth's hand in his own and kissing his palm. "You deserve the world and every good thing that comes your way. You're the bravest, strongest, most beautiful person I've ever met." He said, a fresh round of tears spilling from his eyes. "I don't know what I would do without you, Seth. I want to make up for all the times that you've been there for me but I don't know how."
Seth took his hand and gently kisses his fingers slowly. "You don't have to make up for all the times I've been there for you. You have always been there for me. You took… take care of me." he whispers, smiling warmly. "I love you so, so much. You're so kind and loving, sweet and smart. I don't know what I would do without you. You're my everything."
A smile tugged at the corner of Grayson's lips and he picked up the cloth again, continuing to clean Seth's wounds. "I love you so, so much too. Let me finish cleaning you up and then you can have some painkillers and get some rest, okay?" He said quietly, brushing Seth's hair off of his forehead.
Seth nods and smiles at the other, kissing his cheek gently before leaning back. He grunts a little in pain and sighs softly before taking his hand and kissing it gently. He gazes at the other and smiles. "Did my brothers hurt you at all?" He whispers, gazing at the other. If they even touched him, he'd kill them without a second to think.
Grayson shook his head, standing up to grab Seth a clean shirt. "I was unconcious up until a couple minutes before you got there." He explained, handing him the shirt. "Put this on. Are you hungry? Thirsty?"
He winced as he slipped on the shirt. He hissed a little bit before shaking his head. "I'm a bit thirsty…" He whispers. He sighed as he looked at the ceiling. "Can we just cuddle?" He whispers, just wanting Grayson in his arms. He was tired. He was done with all the pain and heartbreak. He just wanted them to be safe and just… live.
"Course. Can you put these on the cut on your side? I'll be right back." Grayson replied, kissing his forehead. He stood and went to get Seth's water and the medicine. Panic flooded his thoughts as he filled up the glass. What if he's not there when I get back? What if someone takes him away? He rushed back up the stairs, letting out a sigh when he saw Seth still safe and in bed.
He nods and shuts his eyes as he stays there, trying to breathe, trying to calm himself. Everything hurt. It always hurt to take his wrath form. He hummed as he looks up when Grayson came back up. He smiled sweetly at his boyfriend. "Thank you my love." He whispers.
"Here, take these." Grayson handed him the medicine and set the water on the bedside table before settling himself next to Seth on the bed. "Is there anything else you need?" He asked, gently combing his fingers through Seth's hair.
He shook his head. He took the medicine before slowly moving to curl around Grayson. "Please… stay by me." He whispers, moving closer and kissing his cheek gently. "I don't think-" He choked before resting his head so that he could listen to Grayson's heartbeat. He scared at this point. He didn't want to risk Grayson getting kidnapped again.
Grayson wrapped his arms around Seth, careful not to hurt him. "It's okay. We're both safe now." He whispered, kissing the top of his head. "Try to get some rest. I'll be right here when you wake up. I'm not going to leave your side." He added, trying to comfort him as best he could.
Seth nods and smiles faintly, kissing his boyfriends cheek. "Thank you, my love." he whispers quietly, nuzzling into his shoulder. "I love you." He whispers, shutting his eyes. He slowly dozed off in the warmth of the other, his ear resting on Grayson's chest, listening to his soothing heartbeat.
"I love you too." Grayson whispered, gazing up at the ceiling as Seth slept. He was too wound up to sleep, the events of the past couple hours replaying in his head every time he closed his eyes. His eyes scanned the room every so often, grip tightening around Seth unconsciously.
(Time skip?)
(Alright, just a tiny one, or a larger one?)
(a tiny one is fine with me!)
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