@Mojack group
Person A and B are roommates. They share their apartment in a city, they live together. Maybe they like each other. Maybe they don’t. Maybe it’s sort of complicated. But they live together, yeah?
Except: both live a secret life. And both have frankly come very close to each other in their ‘secret life’, yet remain unaware that that’s their roommate. In fact, Person A is a monster hunter - Person B, a monster. Do you know where this is going?
Monsters, as far as anyone’s concerned, don’t exist. The general public remains unaware of them, of what goes bump in the night. Of why animals might go missing, or in some cases, even people. Except for the hunters, which have taken it upon themselves to hunt these creatures. Person A first moved to this city for that exact reason, to hunt the monster. The monster had been rumoured for causing trouble in the area. Little did they know that the monster would be walking right under their nose.
Neither A nor B know each other’s identities, but who knows how that’ll last? The elusive monster, escaping the hunter’s clutches each night - and the monster, narrowly making an escape as their life flashes before their eyes.
Person A and B - living a secret life when things go dark, living a somewhat normal life during the daytime. And of course, they’re roommates.
Yeah. Could be a romance RP, this once.
Person A: the monster hunter
Person B: the monster
I would prefer to be person B.
If I do not recall your writing style, I will ask for a sample.
As always, LGBTQ+ friendly.
My character will most likely be male.
Here are clarifications:
- the type of monster A is hunting is unknown, much to their dismay (and maybe surprise). This means it’s trial and error with figuring out weaknesses and strengths.
- they’ve been living together for 6 months in total, meaning A has failed to catch B for half a year now (although not unusual, since hunts can take pretty long either way).
- monsters, as I said before, remain hidden to the general public. Both monsters and hunters are very strict when it comes to hiding their identity (except for ‘feral’ monsters, who possess no human forms and are highly aggressive)
And the rules:
- Do not autohit, but don’t dodge everything either. Play to your strengths, but remember your weaknesses.
- Mature RPers, please. There may be some dark topics referenced depending on where the RP ends up going.
- And as always, swear to your heart’s desire!
- Ask questions as needed. I’ll be pleased to answer.
- Response time may vary, from same day to several days later. Please keep that in mind!
- Absolutely no one liners.
I’ll swing you into the sun if you do one even though you’ve read this rule - Please try to have good grammar/punctuation!
- Say the sexytimes somehow happen in this, it’ll probably be a fade to black sort of thing. Sorry. I’m not good at writing that stuff, nor am I extremely fond of reading it.
- If you have any ideas for this..let me know.
- This list may change (most likely won’t, but I always mention this just in case).
The template (remove brackets)
Aliases: (if any)
Age: (19-24)
Background: (go as in depth as you want, secrets are welcome)
Other: (if needed)