forum Saving Kingdoms, Closed
Started by Deleted user

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Deleted user

"I figured," said Skye, slipping next to him, arm still on Reed's shoulders. "I can't imagine what it'd be like to lose one of my brothers…"

Deleted user

Skye squeezed his shoulder, "Well, you have me now" said Skye softly, gazing up at the stars.


“My brother didn’t die of the flu. I told everyone that that was what happened, but that was only part of the truth.” Reed had never said it loud before, but it felt good to say it.

Deleted user

Skye looked down at him, not saying a word, instead giving his shoulder a reassuring squeeze.


Reed took a deep breath. “The same accident that killed my friends’ brother got my brother hurt. It got infected… he got sick and it killed him.”

Deleted user

Skye carefully, gently, pulled the other boy into a hug, not saying a word, as he watched Reed's face.

Deleted user

Skye wrapped his arms around the other boy, pulling him into his warm grip.

Deleted user

"It's ok…" said Skye softly, "Better out under the stars, then trapped in your heart."


Somehow, that was one of the most de stressing things Reed had heard in a while, and he relaxed a bit, stopping crying st least.

Deleted user

Skye eventually began humming a quiet song, it had no discernable rhythm, but the melody was sweet. Soon after he began singing, in a language that was foreign to Reed,

Deleted user

"Calma sawrenata foka micska daragante…" his singing was soft, and gentle almost a lullaby.

Deleted user

Skye kept singing, his song never stopping, although it seemed to turn seemlessly into a completelt different song at one point.


It took quite a bit in Reed not to fall completely asleep, although he occasionally drifted off a bit before waking back up.

Deleted user

Skye smiled when he felt Reed fall asleep, and weather or not Reed had noticed he wasn't sure. But the starlight had cause violet and blue streaks to appear all over his dark skin, his Violet, blue, and silver hair had also begun to glow softly in the starlight.

Deleted user

Skye finally stopped singing, his arms still around Reed. Skye carefully adjusted his position, shifting so that Reeds head rested in his fur. Sighing he looked up at the stars, I wish my brothers were this easy to soothe