“He’s… not in the mood.” Anna said, carefully putting emphasis on her words. Will immediately understood what she meant, and said, “Ok.” He set the game down on the floor, taking the pieces out.
“He’s… not in the mood.” Anna said, carefully putting emphasis on her words. Will immediately understood what she meant, and said, “Ok.” He set the game down on the floor, taking the pieces out.
Rykah looked up just long enough to spot the hat and steal it for his own, before going back to the drawing.
Anna took the dog and Will took the car. Anna went first, because she was impatient during games. She also wasn’t very good at them.
Rykah went next, moving his peice and going back to his drawing.
(Timeskip til later?? also I need to sleep now so if you see me back here before morning pls tell me to go to sleep….)
(I have to go too, my brother is being an idiot again, and got himself hurt. Sorry. Night.)
(Wow is your brother ok? also i got up about 45 min ago…. so pls be patient if i get befuzzled…..)
(My brother’s fine, he fell and got a black eye. And its fine.) It was almost 10:00. Anna had left a while ago, Jack coming into say goodnight in a very distracted manner.
Rykah said goodnight and began to get settled on the sleeping bag that Will.
“Hey, Rykah?”
"Yeah?" said Rykah putting away his sketchpad.
“Sorry about today.” Will said quietly, sinking down off his bed slowly.
"We'll figure it out," said Rykah "Right now we should both get some sleep."
“Er…I’ll be right back.” Will walked outside to the bathroom and found his bottle of sleeping pills. He quickly took one and came back in.
Rykah watched him curiously as he came back in. Deciding not to ask he curled up in the sleeping bag, his wins wrapping around his top half since they wouldn't fit inside.
Will climbed in bed, quickly falling asleep.
Rykah lay down, thinking for a long time before falling asleep.
(Time skip?)
Will woke up in the morning shivering. He room a deep breath and recovered from the nightmare. He prayed he hadn’t talked or even yelled earlier that night.
Rykah rolled overhis leftwing was under himand his right was splayed out behind him, half folded. his sleeping bag was open, and he was half out of it and the edge was pulled over his head like a blanket.
“You awake, Rykah?”
Rykah made a small noise, not wanting to move.
“You okay?”
"Leavemealoneiwannasleep…." came the nearly unintelligible sound from Rykah's tangle
Will laughed. He checked the clock, and noticed that it was nearly 8:30. “We should probably get up.
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