forum Ruché, Rings, Revenge (o/o, closed)
Started by @knightinadream group

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@knightinadream group

France, May 1958…

Pierre Charbonneau was one of the most wealthiest and well connected men in Europe's criminal underworld. He worked for an organization called Le Bouvier. From France down to Argentina and over to Korea, he's been all over getting work done and making tons of cash. But to the average man, he's known for his wine company. Juggling his fine reputation, company, and witty intelligent daughter was no easy feat yet there was nothing that Charbonneau could do.

And yet, on one early hazy July morning in 1956, Charbonneau was found dead in his study by his assistant. It was clear that he was murdered but no one knew who did it. His daughter (who was visiting relatives in Vienna) was devastated. She took on her father's role as he left everything to her. The only she doesn't have though is revenge.

Miss Charbonneau (A) is everything. Young, intelligent, ambitious, beautiful and won't go down without a fight. She lost her mother when she was very young and now has lost her father. While he was alive though, she went along with him on business trips, spending summers all over the world.

Now it has been almost two years since her father's murder and she's sure of who did it: her father's enemies, Mr. and Mrs. Accambray. They were second to Charbonneau in everything and despised him for stopping them from achieving it all. Through an old friend whom she calls Uncle Henri, the Accambrays need two people to work for them during the summer in their summer home near Marseille. One to work as an assistant for Mrs. Accambray and help her plan events and parties for the season, and one for her husband to help him with his buisness and maybe teach him how to hunt.

Uncle Henri suggested to A that maybe her and B could go undercover as a married couple, hired to help them out before taking them down. They'll take on fake names, create a meet cute, and take some fake wedding photos just in case. It'll be like they're actually in love….

B thinks that A is everything and adores her. They met when Pierre and A were in his home country for a while on business. He worked with Pierre as an errand boy before eventually moving over to work as Pierre's assistant (where he would eventually find there murdered Pierre). Though he's more of a brawn type (A is the brains), he can speak a couple languages and was a sharpshooter during the Korean War.

The two of them have been friends since childhood. While neither of them have said a word, there's this mutual pining between them. They each think that the other isn't interested but on the contrary…

Both want to take down the Accambrays. Not just for their own sakes, but for Mr. Charbonneau too. All they have to do is fake it all, but how can they fake the parts of it that are true? Would they ever come to their own truths? Can they achieve their mission?


  • Note: Just to keep in mind, this does take place in the late 50s so just be aware of that.
  • TW: Mentions of drugs, alcohol, and violence
  • andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer)'s rules
  • I don't have a preference for A or B because I'm fine with either or. (Of course, any names like Charbonneau or whatever can be changed, it's all good.)
  • Keep sexual themes to a minimum. Romance ofc is encouraged for this but no smut please.
  • Experienced rpers please
  • At least two paragraph response
  • If you have any questions, comments, concerns, and/or ideas, please let me know! This is your rp too! :D

@knightinadream group

Name: Philomène "Mina" Aurora Charbonneau
Alias: Rosalie Bourreau
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Appearance: She has soft refined features that goes with her personality. Her frame is small and curvy. Mina has an oval-shaped face and pouty lips. She stands a little bit over 5'6". Her jet black hair is wavy and goes down almost past her back. Most of the time she has it in an asymmetrical twisted updo, but she usually wears different hairstyles depending on occasions, seasons, and her mood. Her eyes are sea green and almond-shaped. She has warm ivory skin that feels silky to the touch.

Philomène loves to wear a variety of outfits. From ball gowns to a blouse and short skirt to a shirt and shorts, she can and will wear anything and make it work. She'll wear any color, but blue, lime green, and purple are her favorites. Her favorite accessories are her mother's silver rose necklace and pearl earrings. She also has a silver heartlocket with her father and mother's portraits in the inside.
Personality: Philomène is as determined as she is smart and sweet. Even though she is a sweet and nice gal, she will fuck shit up. It's hard to get her rattled, but it's not impossible. She's pretty much on her own and prefers to be. And her tolerance for taking shit from others is low. The thing is though, she loves people. She loves being around and talking to people, especially helping them. Philomène is full of pride and rarely asks for help herself. At the end of the day, Philomène is just trying her best even if there are people who try to stop her from doing so.
Background: Philomène is the only daughter of Pierre Charbonneau and his wife, Valeria Stocia. The two met when Pierre stopped by Valeria's father's bookstore in Bucharest. A little over ten years later, Philomène was born on August 17, 1937 in Caen after her parents moved from Paris due to safety concerns from Le Bouvier's rivals. The three of them lived happily till Valeria passed away a few months later due to postpartum complications.

From then on it was just Pierre and little Philomène. At first, the world was just Caen and the rest of Normady, but soon Pierre had to take Philomène with him on buisness. She loved seeing and living in so many different countries. She loved meeting, befriending, and spending time with different people. Eventually she had to stay back in Caen with Uncle Henri, her nanny, the cook, and many bodyguards working for Le Bouvier but she still joined going on trips with her father.

It has been a wild ride for Philomène ever since. She began working as her father's apprentice around 12. Mostly she helped with sneaking people out of France and move to England, Canada, and the United States or arranging room and board for her father's friends that went after Nazis. When she was old enough, she studied at the University of Paris. After that, she began traveling around to other countries or going sround France for her father's business.

Philomène said goodbye to her father for the last time in late May to go see family in Bucharest and Vienna. By her third day in Vienna, she learned of her father's murder. Her days have blended together since then. Uncle Henri swears she hasn't been the same since then. The only time she isn't dejected and aimless is when she's either taking care of business or planning her revenge. She knows who it is. Those Accambrays. They've been rivals ever since Pierre began his business long ago. Now, it's time to take them down. Philomène knows she can do it, but she can't do it alone.
Theme song(s): "Dans la peau" by Camélia Jordana, "La Maritza" by Sylvie Vartan, "Army of Me" by Björk
Other: Aside from everyone calling her "Mina," the only other nickname she has is one her father always called her "Reine." She enjoys reading books, especially Victor Hugo and any horror, photography, and dancing.


Name: Christopher "Chris" Paraskevas
Alias: Sebastian "Sebs" Achilleus
Age: 22
Gender: Male


  • Height: 6'2
  • Weight: 245 LBS.
  • Usually wears button down shirts with sweater vests, with the sleeves rolled up, and slacks tucked into black boots.

Personality: He's rather easygoing, but stays silent in most situations, offering silent comfort or silently doing his tasks without question or error. This has earned him the nickname "Drone," referencing the kind of mindless automatons people believed would exist by 2000. It's also the leading factor in why he has no real friends besides Mina, whom he is honestly head over heels in love with - not that he'd ever admit it to anyone save for his journal. When it's just him and the people he trusts, he becomes an almost entirely different man - talking and joking like it was nothing.

Background: He's always been a bit different from the people around him, always focusing on his studies and exercising. He grew up not rich, but definitely not poor. Cozy two story house, a younger sister, a dog, both parents happily married. Then his family fell ill with leprosy at 15. He was the only one who didn't contract it, and that was due to his minimal contact with his family. He was sent to live with a more well off family in Athens - whish is when he met Pierre and Mina, and started doing odd jobs for a bit of extra personal spending money - and lived there until he was drafted as a sniper in the Korean War at 19. During his year in the Army, he learned Korean and English, and knows a little bit of Filipino. Once he got out, he went back to Greece and started living on his own for a while until Pierre offered him a job. He moved in with Pierre and his family and has worked as an assistant to the business ever since.

Theme song(s): Undecided.

Other: If it were modern day, he would definitely be a car guy. Not in a douchebag way, just in a "I restored this ancient relic and I'm selling it for cheap" way.

@knightinadream group

(Chris is great! I love him! I'll send a starter as soon as possible. I was thinking of starting off the night before they go to the Accambrays.)

@knightinadream group

Two train tickets for Marseille sat on the counter top with car keys sitting next to them. Two suitcases sat in the foyer of the Charbonneau household. Three people going about through the house in Caen. None of them would be running around if it weren't for what the Accambrays had done. The tickets and suitcases wouldn't be standing there if it weren't for Pierre's murder.

The clock struck 11 pm. Uncle Henri already turned in for the night. Dishes and wine glasses sat by the sink, drying. Parts of Caen was asleep while others were out and about, drinking and partying. In one corner sat a restless Charbonneau in her kitchen.

Philomène sat in one of the kitchen chairs, staring at the rings on her finger. The diamond shined in the moonlight coming through the windows. She sighed while twisting the wedding band underneath it. There was a million ways to describe what she felt. No matter all the rage, grief, anxiety, and exhaustion she felt, she felt empty. At least she would be doing this with Chris. The thought of doing this plan with him made Mina happy.

For a while, she tapped her fingers on the table. Aside from the sounds of crickets chirping outside, all was quiet. Mina sighed again before dragging herself off the chair. She trudged over to the teapot on the counter. At first, she stared at it for awhile but pulled the sides of her purple silk robe over her matching nightgown.

"Chris?" She called out while looking over her shoulder, "Would you like some tea?" Biting on her bottom lip, she swung around on her left heel then rushed down the hall and up the stairs. Mina hummed to herself as she passed a few doors before stopping at one. Gently knocking, she leaned in and whispered, "Christopher, are you there? Do you want some late night tea and dessert?"


Chris was, as always, awake late. Not because of any disorder or even anxiety tonight. Nor was it the constant flittering thoughts of his love. No, tonight it was just stress. And so he was awake, sitting at his desk, pouring over his books and notes that he'd found and kept over the years. Observations of various strangely colored or otherwise unique insects or flowers, little short poems he'd written. Books on math and the arts, old literature translated into languages he was only vaguely familiar with or even aware of. It seemed no matter what, he decided, that he would always prefer books to people. Except for one.

She ran through his thoughts like a gentle breeze once more and he smiled faintly in the lamplight radiating from his desk.

The room wasn't much to look at. A plainly dressed bed, a relatively cheap chest of drawers, a wardrobe, a nightstand squatting beside the bed. The only unique piece of furniture were the chair and desk he was currently at. They'd been a gift from Pierre as recognition for good service and an unshakable work ethic, custom made to fit his rather large body.

That was the only other thing of note in the room. Christopher himself, an imposing figure even in the solitary confines of his own room. He knew this, of course, had been told it countless times passing by on the street to go see the sights or, more often, to complete a task Pierre set to him. He knew he was "conventionally" attractive but didn't think much of it. He thought he looked rather plain, all things considered, beside the scars that twisted his feature slightly.

Chris puts his and up to his face, touching the scar that had half blinded him in his right eye. Flashes of images came to him for just a moment before he sighed and stood up. It wasn't like he had a choice about his career. The images still flash through his head but he sets that to the side as he hears a knock on his door, followed by Mina's voice. "Do you want some late night tea?"

He glances down on the plain silver band gleaming on his finger before moving to the door, forgetting that his shirt was half undone. He sighs.

It doesn't matter. It's just Mina.

He opens the door and looks down at her. "I would, thank you."

@knightinadream group

Time had always felt slow in the moments before she saw Chris. Just thinking of him was enough to bring her comfort. Sometimes her thoughts would make her chest tight or leave her sighing, and yet, she felt those things whenever he was around. She loved it. She loved…

"Chris…ummm…" Mina caught a glimpse of his chest before looking up at him. Oh God… And she just took off her makeup too. Quickly, she moved some curls to cover her reddened cheeks. If only she hadn't removed her makeup earlier, she would have blamed it on accidentally putting on too much blush.

There was just something about Chris that made her stop and stare. He reminded her of a character that jumped out of one of her books into the real world. Mina always thought of Chris as a hero. No matter what, he was still the same Christopher she had met long ago in Greece. He has captivated her ever since.

She softly laughed, "Sorry, I cannot sleep. I was wondering maybe we could have some tea and talk for a bit." While talking, she twisted the wedding band. Then she looked at the band on Chris's finger. If only it was the real thing. If only…

"What tea would you like? Chamomile? Green?" Mina looked up at him and smiled, "Both are good for calming the nerves. Heaven knows, we both probably need it."


Chris watches her carefully, noting the way she fixed her hair but not thinking much of it - it was an all too common gesture these days, he'd found. Some sort of nervous habit maybe. Then again, it made sense. She was constantly stressed. So he had never pointed it out.

His mind wanders slightly as he notices the way her robe hugs her figure…

"Yes, hello Mina," he chuckles.

Chris had always thought Mina was everything. The most intelligent, courageous, beautiful, and above all, talented individual he'd ever met. From the moment they'd met back in his home country, she'd always been the one to take the lead. He didn't mind; he never would have made even one friend had it not been for her.

"It's alright. It will be yet another sleepless night for me as well; I've found a new book to read. The one you recommended last was very interesting. I was up for days with that one, as a matter of fact," he smiles quietly.

"Chamomile is just fine, thank you. And yes, I'm sure we do," he replies, gently nudging Mina out of the way so he can step out of his room and shut the door.

@knightinadream group

Chris always stood out to her. He was everything. He meant the world to her. Mina knew people from all over the world. Some she kept in touch with still whether it was work related or not, but she always begged her father to take her along anytime he was traveling to Athens. Then when she was with Chris again, everything was alright again. Hope and assurance would fill her heart and mind. Heavens knows she needed it now more than ever. She just hoped that she did the same for him.

And that godforsaken voice of his. It never ceased to bring a smile on her face. Even his laughter was warm and comforting.

"Oh really?" She beamed. Mina held her fists up to her chests, softly shaking them with excitement. "I'm glad you enjoyed it. Oh, I'm jealous. I wish I was able to read it nonstop. After all, I always find it hard to put a book down. You'll have to tell about this current book later."

"Chamomile it is then." She adjusted her robe then made her way downstairs. Even in her slippers, she took small steps while going down and walking towards the kitchen. Mina was always good at moving quietly, but she swore that her father had ears of a bat; he would always stir at the slightest creak.

Sometimes Mina acted and moved around like he was still there despite knowing very well that he wasn't. She softly hummed to herself while preparing the tea pot. It was too late to think about those things. Such thoughts would keep her up longer and they'd be more useful for Mina tomorrow.


(Sorry for the late response… it's been a long and stressful weekend.)

It was always strange just how long they'd actually known each other. She'd visited him in Athens a lot, and had grown to look forward to their strange adventures that usually involved building small little blanket forts and reading by lamplight all night. When he'd come back from the war, the first person waiting for him was Mina, to help him get used to civilian life again. Of course Pierre was plenty of help with that too, but it was still Mina who helped him the most.

"I will… it's called Fahrenheit 451. Very interesting so far… I'll talk more about it in a couple nights," Chris chuckles, watching the way Mina expresses her joy. "The Catcher in the Rye is also a very good book, I recommend you read it at some point…"

Chris follows after her, his footsteps surprisingly quiet for someone his size - though still, compared to Mina, he sounded like an elephant in an echo chamber.

He sits at the table while Mina prepares the tea.

@knightinadream group

(It's okay! I appreciate your response. Don't sweat it!)

"Those are both American books, right?" She asked. "You must tell me about them both soon. We'll be sharing a room there so we can talk about your books. And we'll have some time to read them too, finally."

If only she had time to read more. It killed her to see how many books would pile up on her vanity or the desk in her room. Ever since her father's murder, Mina had been planning and plotting all the while filling in her father's shoes as the Charbonneau leader. Funny, she always preferred being known as "the Charbonneau girl" and nothing more. But the thing is, her father always had a book in his hand. Maybe after the Accambrays are rotting in the earth or jail she'll be able to relax and read more.

Philomène looked through the cabinets, inspecting each one before pulling out a box of chamomile. She set the box next to the stove then went to prepare the teapot. As she turned on the stove, Mina hummed a tune while setting the pot down. Sometimes she liked to hum Tchaikovsky and Brahms.

As she took two cups out, she said, "One for Mr. Achilleus and one for Mrs. Bourreau-Achilleus." Swiftly, she turned around on her right heel then leaned over the table. "Sounds like a cute couple, wouldn't you agree?" She looked at Chris and smiled.


Chris nods. "America has some of the better fictional literature right now in my opinion, though I will always partial to ancient authors such as Homer."

The mention of sharing a room causes Chris to shift just slightly and look away, hiding his face in the shadows to conceal the slight blush.

He turns back to watch as she rummages through the cabinets and ruminates a bit before Mina's words snap him out of his trance,

"They do," Chris smiles back, chuckling. "Picture-perfect, like a couple in a novel, the type to have a golden retriever or some other large friendly dog, and go on long evening walks in the summer."