RP with JustALostM (Closed, Mature)
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@JustALostM book
Alright! Gonna get the starter up tomorrow latest tmrow night!

@Serpentess health_and_safety language

@Serpentess health_and_safety language
Name: Ōn’nyosh (Pronounced Ōn-yäSH)
Age: 20 years
Race/Species: Desert Ssuthorai (Pronounced ZUH-ther-EYE), an exotic reptilian/serpentine race
Eye Color: Vivid blue serpentine eyes with grey flecks
Hair Color: Long, thick silver hair in a braid. When out of a braid, it’s very wavy and soft.
Height: 5’11”
Weight: 125 lbs.
Basic Personality: His ‘in-character’ persona is a combination of a royal fool and an insane wanderer. Out of character, he is actually quite charming (once you get past his attitude), intelligent, and sly. He collects exotic, and highly dangerous, friends. He habitually insults people, whether he’s in character or not, and this has gotten him into plenty of trouble on many occasions. He is an outright asshole, and loves to curse, but can be fairly mellow. Very persistent. He’s also an attention whore, a hellacious womanizer, a ‘slight’ alcoholic, and has a warped/perverted sense of humor.
Other: Here’s some pics of him.
(These two are from Heroforge, so they’re not exact)
Jester Outfit
—He’s a famous jester/clown, He’s a good theif/kleptomaniac. A connoisseur of alcohol, particularly whiskey and wine. Excellent swordsman.
—His blood and saliva are toxic, even deadly if enough is used. He’s naturally resistant to poison, and immune to his own.
—He makes friends with almost every criminal he finds and has a spy network in his homeland.
—He’s an agnostic, but instead of worshiping any gods, he insults them. Because of this, he has been banned from every church/cathedral in his homeland. Surprisingly though, whether he realizes it or not, he is actually favored by the gods, despite their hatred of his attitude.

@JustALostM book
Name: Silas Percyvell
Age: 21
Race: Human (I'm original. I promise–)
Basic Appearance: Wavy blond hair with light green eyes. Usually wears a belt that can carry herbs, bottles, etc. 5'11 and aroud 133 lbs.
Basic Personality: On the surface level, he seems to be robin-hood coated. Though in reality, he isn't much of a bad person. Stealing not for the sake of stealing, but for the sake of having bare minimum (sometimes). With those who are closer to him, he is much more talkative and cheery, always enjoying a good, small, drink at a tavern with friends.
Silas watched as his breath turned to steam in the cold breeze. He was looking down at the thin blanket of snow that covered the path he was walking. Taking a deep breath, he thought back to why he was in this whole situation. He had attempted to rob the treasury of a high official of the town. 'I didn't even take too much!' the man thought to himself, trying to justify his actions. He shifted his hand in the pocket of his cloak to hear the clinking of the many coins that sat in it and grinned gleefully.
He itched his stubble while his expression changed to irritation due to a thought passing through his head. He didn't get the chance to collect his items before needing to escape. It all happened so quickly. But he was here now, walking down a paved road leading to an unknown settlement which was closer than he thought. He saw some buildings spread around and an influx of people walking on the roads, minding their own business, talking to others, buying fruits and other foods to stalk up for the colder days of the year.
A familiar feeling washed over Silas. Fatigue. Though it wasn't as bad as it could have been, it seemed the many hours on his feet were starting to grow more apparent. 'Perhaps there's something - - someplace,' he corrected himself, 'I could take a little bit of a rest?'. And as if it were some sort of miracle, Silas spotted a quite large building with a small sign to the right of the door which read 'Tavern' in common, in large, silver looking letters. 'This works,' the man thought, pushing open the door.
(Ohhh I'm so funny. I wrote the starter before I put my character template up-)

@Serpentess health_and_safety language
(Lol. It happens)
As he walked along the snow covered road, Ōn’nyosh mumbled random insults and limericks to himself, picking out the ones he liked best. He passed by a young couple walking the trail as well, ignoring their disgusted looks when he mumbled a particularly vulgar limerick. They were lucky he didn’t start laughing at them. But, he was on a job, so they were spared. For now.
His quarry, a supposed thief that had robbed the treasury of the previous town, was a short distance ahead of him. Ōn’nyosh had nearly been arrested for that robbery, due to his similar tall and lean physique. However, his hair saved him. After all, Ōn’nyosh was not blond, whatsoever. Nor was he a human, for that matter.
Though, he was almost arrested anyway for insulting the treasurer multiple times. After all, what fucking idiot left the treasury door unlocked, even just for two minutes to go grab some stupid paperwork?
Ōn’nyosh managed to get out of the arrest by offering to catch the thief. The treasurer was courteous enough to allow it. So, here he was. He had a vague description of the guy and a road to follow. Due to his considerable travel experience and quick speed, he was able to catch up to his quarry pretty easily. Hopefully he was the guy, and not just some similar looking kid that hadn’t done anything. Ōn’nyosh wasn’t in the mood to deal with that kind of situation.
As Ōn’nyosh entered the new town, he noted his quarry going into a tavern. How perfect. Ōn’nyosh loved taverns, and often spent days enjoying himself in them. Unfortunately, he couldn’t do that here.
He strolled into the tavern, making a quick note of where his quarry had gone. He then headed straight for the bar. His iconic hat caught many eyes, even despite his traveling gear. He didn’t care as he announced himself in his usual fashion.
“Hey bartender, a shot of whiskey here! A traveler can’t go fucking far without one, don’t you know?”he called, laughing.
The bartender, well aware of who Ōn’nyosh was, just by reputation, simply rolled his eyes and set a shot of whiskey down in front of Ōn’nyosh. The clown downed the shot, then casually tossed the bartender a gold coin. The bartender eyed the coin in shock, considering that Ōn’nyosh could buy several bottles of whiskey with just the one coin. Ōn’nyosh simply grinned at the man before turning away to watch the activity in the tavern.

@Serpentess health_and_safety language
(Bumping just in case. No rush)