forum RP with @Fraust
Started by @Becfromthedead group

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@Becfromthedead group

Castor was about to get up when he received the offer. He turned his head slowly, trying to take in the group composition before agreeing to anything. They seemed different enough from him that it would probably work out, not that he had the room to be picky.
"Yeah, sure," Castor replied, "We need someone else. Or if there's another group of two or three-"

Meanwhile, Aesir had actually nodded off in class. They jolted awake to see the assignment on the board. Everyone was grouped up, at least partially already. They went around asking, only to receive answers like "we're full," or "not you."
Gods, even if they had been paying attention, people still seemed to not want them. That's when they stumbled upon Cas, Finn, and the third person in that group.
"You looking for a fourth?" They asked.
Castor looked over to Finn then back at Aesir. From what Castor remembered, Aesir was the thief type and always scored really high on exams even though they seemed distracted in class. Maybe there was something to them.


(My other person will probably be an oc at some point if I can think of anything for them lol)

Finn nodded decisively and settled to follow Castor around the room in search of more team members. He hummed thoughtfully, trying to spot anyone who hadn't already joined a group. They were starting to run out of options, and they needed a diverse enough group to be able to pass this assignment.

He looked up when Aesir approached them. Aesir? Not the most trustworthy, but… they're skilled, for sure. He considered for a few seconds, bringing one hand up to his chin with a soft hum. "Hmm… yeah, sure. Works for me." He eventually shrugged. Beggars can't be choosers, after all. I'm sure it'll be fine. Finn's friend seemed mildly skeptical, but soon shrugged as well.

"So… you guys have any special skills?" He asked awkwardly. "We'll need to find quests to do that suit our strengths as a group. Um… I can do magic and parkour. Not sure whether that second one is helpful or not, but… I dunno. Maybe. I'm also a healer class, or something adjacent, so I know a little more about potion ingredients and that sorta stuff."

@Becfromthedead group

Aesir let out a little sigh of relief.
"Well, I can get us in and out of anywhere. And I mean anywhere. I can pick locks, and I'm good at finding safe routes and whatnot. I'm not really much of a smooth talker like you might expect. I fancy myself as more of an investigator."
"Can you kill things?" Castor asked, "Because we kind of need-"
"Yes, I can kill things. Avoiding conflict is best, but I'm a good shot, and I can catch most people off guard if in the right situation. What about you?"
Castor laughed softly.
"I swing my sword. Give whoever needs it a good thrashing. You guys can take care of the rest, I'm sure."
Aesir rolled their eyes. "Not unexpected, but I'm still somehow disappointed. You'd better make a good shield for us little guys."


"So you're a Rogue class, more or less." Finn tilted his head from side to side a couple of times as he considered. "We shouldn't have to kill any people, hopefully, but it's pretty common for quests to involve killing an animal or beast of some sort. We should be able to find enough things to do for this project, yeah?" He yawned and stretched. "We'll need to gather some things. Sounds like we'll be doing a bit of adventuring."

"We need to make sure we have the essentials." Finn's friend piped up. "Water skins, ingredients for food and potions, spare clothes, matches or some other Firestarter in the case that Finn's incapacitated or something and can't make one for us. I assume you all have average survival skills, at least?"

@Becfromthedead group

"That's about right," Aesir agreed, then sitting back and listening to the other group member.
Castor shrugged. "Yeah, I've spent my fair share of nights in the wilderness. I can set up camp, make a fire, all of that. Just as well as the next guy."
"Same," Aesir added, "I have better-honed survival skills than most, having grown up on the streets and all that. There's nothing to worry about there. All of my supplies are back in my quarters, but I should be set."


Finn and his friend nodded, and Finn tried to think of something else to say. "Alright, um… I guess we should decide somewhere to meet then, and then we can go grab everything we need and meet up there?" He suggested. "Just like, the entrance of school or something is probably fine, but I don't really care that much as long as we're all on the same page."

@Becfromthedead group

"Front of school is fine for me," Aesir said, "I'll be there in ten."
Castor glanced over at Aesir as they left and gave a short nod.
"That's fine with me, too. I won't be long."
He sighed softly.
"I was going to ask about where we're going, but the thief is already gone. I guess we can figure that out when we regroup."


"Yeah, we'll figure out the rest of the plan when we meet up. We'll be back soon." Finn and his friend waved and headed off together. They were dormmates, so they were just going back to the same room.

Soon, the both of them arrived at the front of school with bags full of important belongings and materials for a journey, including emergency rations.

(Got a little more details on Finn's friend! This is Delta/Del, haven't decided their Pronouns yet so I'm using they/them for the time being)

@Becfromthedead group

(Cuuute! Also is this picrew genshin impact themed by chance? I'm like 90% sure that's the anemo symbol-)
Castor and Aesir started walking in the same direction, but ultimately split ways. They lived a few doors down from each other. Aesir was ready to go quickly; they had few belongings and generally traveled lightly.
Castor also traveled lightly, but he needed some time to mentally prepare. He was pacing the room, trying to make sure he didn't forget anything important. Weapons. Rations. Tools. I need sleep. His roommate came in and said something, but Castor didn't understand at first, he was so heavily zoned out.
"The project," he repeated, "How's that looking?"
"Oh, gods, sorry," Castor murmured, "Yeah, I think it'll be fine. My job isn't hard."
"You know you have to do more than beat shit up."
Castor sighed. "I do. But as long as they're competent, I'll be fine."

Cas was the last one to come to the front of the school, with the excuse that he "misplaced something important."


(I believe so lol)

Finn and Delta arrived at the designated meetup spot at the front of the school, both shouldering moderately sized bags. Finn had a lot of Miscellaneous bits and bobs that he deemed either interesting or important sticking out of his bag, whereas Delta's bag was very neat and tidy.

"What are you two arguing about? We can't already have infighting!" Finn insisted, adjusting his heavy bag on his shoulders. "We need to get going or all the good quests are already gonna be taken by everyone else."

@Becfromthedead group

"It's nothing," Castor replied, a soft sigh on his lips.
Aesir shrugged. "Well, he's right. Let's get going. Take the message board at this town. And if the good ones are picked over, we can go another town or two over, if that means the difference between completing a quest and not."
Castor gave one final glance back towards the school.
"Yeah, let's go."
The fighter took the lead, heading towards the more populated town, away from the school.


Finn and Delta fell into step behind Castor, content enough to follow for the time being. Eventually, Finn would get bored of it, but for now he was compliant. "There's always a ton of things on that stupid quest bored. I bet we'll be able to find good ones no problem." He nodded decisively, and Delta sighed.

"Sure, but we still want to get there as soon as we can to make sure we have as many options as possible." Delta remarked. Their voice was soft and soothing, with a vague edge of irritation. They honestly didn't talk very much in class, so it was strange to hear them speak.

@Becfromthedead group

"And the sooner we know what we're dealing with, the better," Castor agreed, "If we need to investigate around town or make traveling arrangements, we can go ahead and get those done, probably before nightfall."
His voice was faint. Deep, but very soft. He also never spoke in class, but did well on practical training. He usually figured a blade spoke louder than words.
Aesir held up the back of the group, and they happily followed along. "There will doubtless be a lot of quests, but sometimes people do put pretty dumb requests up there. Ones that won't fly for class. I seriously doubt they'd take something like going upstream to get weeds for the old woman herbalist or helping someone find their lost cat. Those kinds of requests really do clog it up if you're looking for a bigger adventure."


"Yeah, true. Those are just silly side quests." Finn shrugged. "Sometimes I take them on if I'm bored and I've got extra time. It's a good way to get familiar with the area, too. Like fetching herbs from a specific area can help me learn generally good areas to find herbs, and stuff like that." He yawned and held his hands against the back of his head as he walked, his elbows pointing upwards to the sky.

Delta was quiet. They mostly hoped that the group could find something to do that wasn't too dangerous. They were a skilled fighter, of course, but it would be bad if anything serious happened. Especially if Finn were injured, they would temporarily be out a healer.

@Becfromthedead group

"Yeah, I guess they can be useful. Even if only for a little extra cash," Aesir replied.
Castor glanced over his shoulder.
"Well, did any of you have any type of quests in mind? I'm pretty sure we have to pick something with some amount of combat, even if it's just like… some hostile kobalds or something."
"I don't mind felling a few weak monsters," Aesir agreed, "but I think I speak for more than just myself when I say I don't want to get into too much trouble."


Finn and Delta shrugged, and Finn considered. Delta didn't really care too much what they did, after all. "Fighting stuff is probably ideal so it's interesting and adequately 'helpful'. It's not a big deal if you guys get hurt since I can heal you, and I've got offensive magic as well. So does Delta, but they're kinda more of a ranger…" Finn rambled on, to which Delta nodded quietly. "We won't take on anything too dangerous. Like… no dragon killing. I don't think we'd survive."

@Becfromthedead group

"No dragon killing," Aesir agreed.
"Yeah, even I would draw the line there," Castor chuckled, finally walking up to the board, "Let's see what we've got."
Aesir grabbed a flyer and started reading.
"Wizard guild help nee-"
Castor snatched it out of their hand.
"Put that one away," he murmured, more oddly aggressive than normal.
"Jeez, okay, Cas."


Finn stood on his toes to see the content of the board more clearly. "Hm… mostly menial garbage. There's gotta be something good somewhere…" Delta started to rifle through the papers over Finn's shoulder, humming thoughtfully. "Looks like there's a few dire wolves causing trouble a couple towns over." They announced to the group. "That wouldn't be too difficult, and it would count for the project."

@Becfromthedead group

"Sure," Castor said, "Nothing I haven't encountered before, "Let's take that one before anyone else does."
Aesir shrugged. "Fine by me. Let's look at the details before we go see the questgiver. Look at that fine print and whatnot. Could you read that for us?"


"Yeah, sure…" Delta took the paper from the board and held it closer to their face so they could read the description. "'Need 3-5 dire wolves disposed of immediately. They are hurting kids in the village and causing damage to property. Method of disposal up to quester, see questgiver for reward'." They read aloud.

@Becfromthedead group

Castor looked down at his feet.
"Well, now we have to take this one, right? People- and children no less- are getting hurt, maybe even killed because of this. Sounds like a simple enough thing for us to do to help. Although I'm not sure why another hunter hasn't picked this up yet," he said, "We should go talk to the poster before we make a final decision, though. Does it say where to find them?"
Aesir opened his mouth to question Castor on why he so quickly dismissed the other quest but latched onto this one. But it was a group project, not that big of a deal, so they held their tongue. If he hated the other quest and was alright with this one that everyone seemed to agree on, so be it.


"Yeah, they're in a town a few miles south of here. They don't know exactly how many wolves there are, which is why there's a range. I'm sure 'method of disposal up to quester' just means that we can kill them or relocate them or whatever." Delta hummed as they looked at the paper. "Killing them is probably easiest. If we relocate them, they might just come back here again." Finn nodded in agreement and took the paper from Delta.

"Alright! Let's get going to the questgiver's office, then. Uhh… does one of you know how to get there?" He asked.

@Becfromthedead group

Aesir took a quick look at the paper.
"Yup, I can get us there quickly. Even know a few shortcuts once we get in town," they replied, "I spent a good deal of time down there in my younger years, so I'm familiar. They might, uh… not be so happy to see me back, though."
Castor stepped away from the board. "Lead the way, then? We should try to get there before sunset if we want to talk to this person."
Aesir nodded and started south, looking over their shoulder to make sure everyone was following.


Finn and Delta fell into step behind Aesir, generally keeping quiet aside from occasionally shifting their bags. Finn started to get bored after a little bit, though. "So… uh… I guess we should get to know each other a bit more if we're gonna be doing this thing together, right?" He suggested. Although the question came from being bored, he was genuinely interested. "Maybe we can all say a bit about ourselves, I dunno. We don't really interact with each other much."

@Becfromthedead group

"Sure, I'll start," Aesir said, glancing over to Finn, "First things first, I'm a lot more trustworthy than I seem. I'm no pinnacle of character, but I'm a cutpurse, not a cutthroat, so I'm not out here to hurt anyone. Lived out my life on the streets as a kid, so I was forced to steal in order to survive. I'd never take from anyone who needed something more than I did. Life sucked back then, but it taught me a lot of valuable lessons and I still have a lot of skills I never would've learned otherwise."
Castor looked away from the others. "I don't think there's anything to know about me that you don't already. I'm a simple man, really."