9 out of 10 of the roleplays I make have super detailed plots.
This is the 1 out of that 10 that does not.
Okay, so, I have a few ideas, but nothing specific. I have this character I want to use in a RP because I haven't in a long time. He's super soft, innocent, and incredibly gullible. He's the nicest person ever, but also ridiculously sensitive. He essentially acts like the world's purest eight-year-old, except he's a teenager. His specific age will depend on what kind of plot we pick, and the age of your character.
Essentially, I want either a ship or a platonic friend for him (either works). Preferably a somewhat protective character, though their personality is up to you completely. Maybe he gets on their nerves. Maybe he doesn't. Idk. Either way, I wanna do a RP with him and I'm looking for someone who will join.
We can do superheroes and villains if you want, though clearly my little bean isn't going to be either. Maybe your character is a hero and my smol boi gets kidnapped by a villain, so they rescue him and take pity on him. Orrrr maybe he somehow ends up befriending a super villain (which would be ironic), who is evil except for when it comes to him.
We don't have to do superheroes/villains, I'm just a sucker for those tropes. We could still use him getting kidnapped as an inciting incident. Or we could do something less extreme, like him getting bullied in school and some kid taking up for him. Idrk. Suggestions? I just have a few rules.
- No cursing. At all.
- No sex scenes. At all. Hand-holding, hugging, kissing, etc. are all fine tho
- MxF ships only, so if romance, please make a girl. If friends only, either gender works.
I like violence- You can have as many characters as you want!
- I need a writing sample please. You don't have to be a pro; just be literate
- We can do powers if you want but nothing supernatural please
- If you're not active everyday that's okay. I'm not always, but I try to be.
Sorry. My RPs aren't usually this vague.