forum Rp ●One on One●
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@Shadow_Knight group

(Got it.)

Vix glared at him until everyone started to laugh, her gaze softening. What was with these people? Laughing at someone just because they bumped into someone?
Vix picked up speed, chasing down the boy. "Hey! Wait up!" She yelled out as she caught up with him.

Deleted user

andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) turned around and had tears in his eyes, "What now! I said sorry!" He'd wipe his tears. Oh..a newbie..A new one to "annoying team"… He'd think sighing. " you want.." He'd say with a voice crack.

Deleted user

He'd get pulled forcefully into the hallway. "Hey! I've got class ya'know! Anyways, What do you want!" She'd let go and stop walking at the empty hallway.

@Shadow_Knight group

(Please do not control my character.)

"I know but I want to ask you a few questions." She said, letting him go. "Plus, I know classes don't start for a bit." She said, leaning against a locker, so it would be harder for him to run, if he wanted to.

Deleted user

"What do you want..?" He'd asked confused. " Your new to the school and yet you pull me aside for some reason.."

@Shadow_Knight group

"I need names if I'm going to be here." Vix shoved her hands into her pocket. "And the genral population of this school seems to not like you. Which gives me two reasons to like you already." She said with a smirk.

Deleted user

He'd raise an eyebrow. " My name is- Wait…You want to be my friend..or whatever…because everyone Hates me?Are you-is this a trick..? You working with Chad or somthing? Maybe Chandler.." His heart would be beating fast…He was scared out of his mind, not knowing what will happen.

@Shadow_Knight group

"Look," She said, rolling her eyes a bit. "I couldn't care less about who the f#c% those people are, I need to know what goes down at this school and you look look like you need some friends." She explained as she pushed herself off the locker. "So how about we make a deal?"

Deleted user

"Fine..My name is Anderew..Andy for short..and this school is a normal school just..everyone hates me..who are you…?" He'd wonder.

@Shadow_Knight group

"Why in the nine circles of HELL would they send me here if this is a normal school?" Vix thought. "I'm Vix." She said with a smirk. "We should get going to class, should we not?" She asked as she turned around and started walking down the hall way.

Deleted user

"Wait up!" He'd say, running to her. "So Vix..when did you find this school? I found this 'cause i found this school while getting lost one day, it looked normal.." He'd sig h

Deleted user

(God im so dumb. i forgot to answer!!)

"Oh um..Did i say 'Found'? I meant like i dont know you saw this- Im saying why did you come?" He was curious why she randomly just poped into this school.

@Shadow_Knight group

Oh. That was disappointing. "My parents decided to move here when I was suspended from my old school." She said, spitting out the word 'parents' as if it was poison.