forum ▪Rp?▪ 《1/1》 《Closed》《Stalkers are welcome》
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Startled, and a little offended at his tone, Leah watched, frozen, as he sprouted wings and took off before she could even say anything.

"Wait—run? Run from what? Who was that?" she called anxiously, looking around wildly before clambering to her hooves. She was glad the dragon boy was easier to see with the added mass of his wingspan, and then reminded herself that she had no reason to be. Why follow him when she didn't know him? Wouldn't she be better off finding her way home—? Oh. Oh. She had no clue where that was or, now that she thought about it, where she was.

Okay Dragon Boy, don't lead me astray, she thought to herself hopefully, biting her lip in worry. It's a good thing I'm a fast runner… She sprinted after him, watching the shadows carefully for any hints of danger.

Deleted user

"They are getting closer.. shes not fast enough…" He'd huff. "Hey! Grab my Hands! Now!" They are getting closer… He'd think. He'd hold out his hands.


(No problem! :)

He wants me to do what now? she panicked to herself, nearly stumbling over the asphalt in surprise.

Leah opened her mouth to argue, but then she heard a shout. If those were the people they were supposed to be running from, they were gaining at a terrifying rate. She still had no clue why she was running or from who, but while she didn't trust the dragon boy, she could at least trust in his fear.

Summoning her strength, she leapt as high as he could, managing to grasp onto his wrists tightly enough to prevent her from slipping. "My name's Leah!" she shouted to him over the wind, hoping her weight wasn't too much for him. That's what he asked earlier, right? she asked herself distantly. Right now, she was more concerned with not falling.

Deleted user

Grayson would get higher in the air the second she latched on to his hand."The names Grayson..Pleasure to meet you..But now not the time to talk…" He'd fly to the forest and he was lowering down. A few seconds later, a arrow would hit his wings. "GAH" He'd crash to the floor.


Leah had been too focused on trying not to puke to register that they were descending. Did she mention she was afraid of heights? She was startled out of her stupor at Grayson's sudden cry of pain, but it was too dark for her to make out the cause. She called out worriedly but was cut off by her own scream at their sudden plummet.

They crashed to the forest floor, Leah gaining several scratches and bruises in the process. At some point, she'd tumbled a few feet away from the dragon boy, ending up with her antlers tangled in the underbrush.

She grunted in annoyance, more worried about Grayson. With a lot of wincing and a determined grimace, she freed her head from the underbrush and leapt to her hooves. Following the sound of breathing, she was soon at the dragon boy's side.

"Grayson? What's wrong? Where are you hurt?" she rushed to say, her hands fluttering uselessly over the boy's side.