forum Romantic? Gay? One one one.
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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"His name's Arthur. a guy I knew from a while ago, not the best person in the world." He told Athan
"aw ashy Ash had boyfriend," Arthur said in an obnoxious high pitched voice


"you can try." He told Athan "it's not worth it lets just leave

"Awwwww he's trying to defend you, Ashton, let him try." Arthur gave him a cruel smile


He slumped to the ground and laughed "your boyfriend has good fighting skills Ash." he got up and walked away
Ashton looked at Athan in surprise after Arthur left "why did you do that?"


He stayed at the library for the majority of the rest of the day. He went to his loft when they closed, bringing along a few books