forum Romance?
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Sebastian closed his eyes. He realized, slightly, how his laying there facing Archer might have been a bad idea, but it was too late for that now, Archer already behind him. Sebastian just sighed softly, mumbling a small sorry and settling down completely, falling asleep without another move.


Now in his comfy sleepwear, Archer went back to his mat to find Sebastian asleep. A dry chuckle escaping his throat, he laid down on his mat next to him. Not really thinking at that point, he pulled the blanket over them both, and faced the stars.
Am I sleeping with someone right now? he thought. The stars didn’t have time to answer him as darkness tugged at his eyes, pulling him into a world of dreams.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Sebastian woke up later in the morning than he was used to, perhaps a half hour after sunrise. He rubbed his eyes, looking around. Oh- right. The prin- Archer. He blushed faintly when he saw the blanket was over them both, pulling away slightly.


A young drake wandered over to the men, her light grey scales glinting in the sunlight. Behind her, most of the other drakes had woken up and were eating a light breakfast- a small pack of wild boars. She paused about 3 feet away from the humans, and her scarlet eyes flickered between them, as if wondering which one could talk to her. The one who was awake, or the one who was asleep?
Hesitantly, she nudged Sebastian, and growled an indiscernible question.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Sebastian glanced up when he saw the drake, holding back his knee-jerk response to defend himself. This drake wasn't an enemy. He ignored her a bit when she didn't immediately approach, running his fingers through his hair.
Sebastianlooked up when the drake nudged him finally, a look of confusion on his face. He didn't understand her- but she could understand him, right?
"I'm sorry," he said politely, "But I can't understand you. He can." Sebastian pointed at Archer.


A strange feeling came over Archer as the world seemed to brighten up before him. Other than the sound of the river rushing by, the smell of pine and dew in the air, and the low murmurs of Sebastian’s voice, there was something smothering it all.
A bumpy, scaly something was pressed against his cheek. A strange, trilling sound filled his ears, and it almost sounded like…
“Human? Human? A message from the Zenpiri!”
He yelped, jerking his body upright. As he found himself face to face with the source of the strange noise, his yelp turned into a gasp of delight.
“Oh my stars! You’re so beautiful! Why are you’re scales so light in color? Are you…? An albino? Or are you just young? Oooh, let me get my- wait, what?”
”A message from the Zenpiri, human!”
He processed that. And everything else. Above him, the sky was a soft purple, which turned into a pink-ish peach color as it neared the sun, which was just peaking over the trees to the east. The clearing had a thin layer of mist hovering over it, which explained the smell of dew. Sebastian, who had apparently woken up before him, was sitting near him and the drake.
And the rest of reality set in. Archer took a breath.
“A message from the Zenpiri,” he murmured, for Sebastian’s sake.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Sebastian sat paciently as Archer awoke. He had his legs folded underneath him. He couldn't help but smile when Archer fanboyed over the drake. He ran his fingers through his hair once, nodding a bit.
"Okay," he said softly. In the morning daze, he had absolutely no idea who the Zenpiri was, but he didn't say a word at the moment.


(He do be fanboying doe-)
As the drake relayed her message, she paused every so often so Archer could translate.
“Okay, um… the Zenpiri sent some scouts ahead, and they came back with reports of banshees, angry spirits, and something else…a peryton? Acting strangely, you say…” he sighed. “I haven’t read about those.”
She hissed and gurgled some more.
His eyebrows raised. Then a grin crossed his face. “The Zenpiri is going to let us ride on the drake’s backs when we start traveling again. Thinks humans are too slow, haha.”
(School has been keeping me busy but I’m here!)

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Sebastian's face slowly fell to an indifferent mask as Archer explained what laid ahead of them. Of course there were things that were waiting ahead of them. He let out a soft hum, one hand going to his chin.
Although, this didn't stop him from having to hold back a chuckle when Archer grinned at the last news.
"I see, I see!" Sebastian didn't manage to hold all of the chuckle back. "Well, it seems that we are in fact much slower." He chuckled again.


“Yes,” Archer gave a short laugh. “I’m not surprised.” Then he yawned, and he reached up and rubbed his eyes and temple, trying to wake himself up after the initial shock of delight and humor. “Okay, okay. I’m going to… change…” he said slowly, going over things in his mind. “Then I’ll pack up the mat and blanket, and anything else… the fire…?” He glanced at it. It was burnt out, a layer of ash covering the blackened wood. “Okay. Are you hungry?” He looked at Sebastian, resting an arm on one knee.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Sebastian shook his head a bit.
"I don't often partake in eating in the morning," he explained. He stretched just a bit again, standing up and dusting himself off slightly. He ran a finger through his hair, stifling a yawn in one hand.
"Is there anything I can do to help clean up camp?" he asked.


“Good, me neither.” Archer followed Sebastian’s example, standing and stretching his arms and torso. Then he took the blanket and took two corners. “How about you help me fold this first?”
Then a small, ”Hey human?” reached his ears. He looked down at the little drake, who was wandering around his feet, sniffing him.
“Yes?” He raised an eyebrow at her.
She looked up at him, her scarlet eyes sparkling. ”What do I say to the Zenpiri?”
“Um,” his brain still slightly groggy, he thought for a minute. “Tell him that we’re going to clean up our space, and then we’ll be ready to leave.”
“Yessir!“ she trotted off back to the pack of drakes.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Sebastian reached over, taking the other two corners of the blanket.
"Alright, then." He hummed softly, smiling a bit to himself. Archer seemed to be in a good mood, and Sebastian had to admit he was too.
The knight tilted his head a bit when the prince was addressed by the drake again. He felt left out a bit, only hearing one part of the conversation. Still, he didn't really let that thought take root- Archer was a prince, of course he would have things he could do that Sebastian couldn't.


Archer folded his corners together. “I’m going to ask her so many questions when I get the chance,” he chuckled. He let out a sigh, unsure of what to say. He was used to doing everything by himself, whether in silence or with a curious dragon watching.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Sebastian smiled some as he helped to fold the blanket.
"It sounds nice, being able to hear the information from the source instead of inferring. Much more efficient." He knew most everyone didn't hold the same thoughts, that the dragons would lie, but he trusted Archer, and Archer trusted the drakes.


“Mmm, yes,” he absentmindedly walked up to Sebastian to fold their two halves. “Weird how I never really…” his words drifted as their fingers touched, clutching the blanket. He seemed to freeze in place as he stared at them, forgetting himself.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"Really… what?" Sebastian was almost painfully aware of how close he was to Archer when the man came close, and his breath was taken away when they touched. He was still a moment, a light blush coming to his cheeks.


Then he realized. Shaking his head and a slight blush coming to his cheeks, he pulled away, taking the blanket. “Never mind. I’ll take it from here. Can you find us something to eat for later?”
He folded up the blanket, avoiding eye contact. Mornings were never the best time of day for him, he huffed inwardly. Still, he should’ve acted with more dignity.
He set the blanket to the side, then folded his mat as well. Stuffing them in his bag, he then got out his clothes and searched for somewhere to change.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"Yes, of course," Sebastian said. He easily let go of the blanket, taking a step back. The knight had no idea what had come over him in the moment before, and he was a bit appalled at himself for feeling so… intimate with the prince. Yes, Archer had said to not be formal with him, but still, it was hard to find it so strange to act as if they were on the same level. He moved off to find the food Archer had asked for, glad to at least have this. He couldn't help but wonder what they would do if they came across anyone else, even a small town, and how their dynamic would have to shift.


As he changed, Archer’s feelings caught up to him.
What was he thinking? How could he have been so bold, and yet so stupid? He could’ve done anything, anything at all except just- just staring stupidly at their hands! He could’ve just pulled away! Ugghh, why did that have to happen? That was supremely unnecessary.
He pulled his shirt over his head.
And Sebastian- oh gods, what must he think of him now? If something like that had happened in front of one of the courtiers, or gods forbid his parents…
Suddenly memories of all that he had done with Sebastian flooded his brain. He could feel his ears getting hot. Why did he do those things? The wink, the eye drawing… what sort of illusion was he living under?
He held his face in his hands, his shawl draped over his arm. What was he supposed to do now? He couldn’t just pretend Sebastian wasn’t there, and besides, he had been the one who invited him on this journey. And he would need him after they had relocated the drakes. His status as a prince could only get him so far. Heck, the people might even turn on him when he eventually spoke about his findings.
His hands slid from his face, and he took a deep breath. Father’s program was to last about five years… Hildenmane is about 135,967 square miles…. that’s a lot of ground to cover, even five years….
He sighed. It’s too early to be thinking like this. The drakes might be wondering about them. He pulled on his shawl and began packing up.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Sebastian was silent as he made his way through the trees, his thoughts only for the prince as he went through the motions. He'd never think he could actually do anything for the prince other than serve him. How could the prince fall in… fall for someone as controversial as Sebastian? He could offer no heir, and he was barely nobility as it was. One misstep and it was all lost, let alone what they were doing now, with the drago- the drakes. His purpose in life was to serve the king, and the one day to be. Nothing else.
He'd be the one to take the fall, when the Prince spoke out, the knight realized. As soon as they revealed what they were doing, Sebastian would be cast out, and that was a best case scenario. The knight gathered up enough food for both himself and the prince, beginning the trek back in somber silence. Was it worth it? Was it worth loosing everything, perhaps even his life?
He knew the answer was yes.