forum Romance?
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Here's the template!


  • Eyes
  • Hair
  • Face
  • Body
  • Typical Cloths
  • Work clothes
  • relaxing cloths (if applicable)
  • Distinguishing Marks


You don't have to be this detailed with it tho XD

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Name: Sebastian Goldheart
Age: 22
Gender: male
Sexuality: bisexual
Race: Human
- Eyes- A cool grey, almond shaped with pretty eyelashes
- Hair- a grey and black mixture, it's styled in a wide short Mohawk. It's just long enough to where he has to push it out of his eyes
- Face- he has a chistled jawline. He's conventionally attractive, but the expression on his face usually keeps people away. Very few freckles.
- Body- Sebastian has been working most of his older life, starting as a teenager. He has a healthy body, with no really exaggerated muscles until he flexes. That doesn't happen often. A solid 6'1"
- Typical Cloths- A grey cotton top, and tan pants. Leather ties keep everything in place.
- Work cloths- a shiny set of overly polished armor.
- relaxing cloths- n/a
- Distinguishing Marks- stubble, scar on chin, eyes

Personality: Sebastian is a fighter. If you threaten him or his family, he'll tear you to pieces without hesitation. Still, he's more of a follower. He takes orders well, and he does well in controlled environments. He's big on dragon extermination, though.
Tendencies: he scratches the back of his neck when upset, and crosses his arms when thinking
Background: Born into a lesser noble family, Sebastian has been training for knighthood his entire life. He slayed his first dragon when he was 17, and had been doing so ever since. He sees himself as doing good work for the benefit of the people, protecting them from monsters.
Likes: working, fire, camping, his achievements
Dislikes: the dark, death,
Other: n/a


Name: Prince Archer of Hildenmane
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Sexuality: ace, homoromantic
Race: human

  • Eyes: warm brown, almond shaped
  • Hair: raven colored, wavy and swept to the side
  • Face: narrow, olive complexion, seems to be of Asian decent
  • Body: bean pole, lean but soft
  • Typical Clothes:
  • Work clothes: + light armor
  • relaxing clothes(if applicable):
  • Distinguishing Marks: a birthmark shaped like a bird in flight on his right thigh, a three-clawed scar on his left shoulder

Personality: INTJ
Tendencies: Taps his foot when impatient/annoyed, quiet, body shakes when afraid or anxious, tends to click with dragons more than humans
Background: Archer was born at time when his parents were anxious for children, as his mother had never been able to get pregnant until then. His father’s rule had been stained by constant dragon attacks despite the measures against them, and as Archer grew older, he was pressured by his father to become a dragon slayer. Though Archer was much more interested in his education and learning about dragons, rather than slaying them, he also felt pleasing his father was the only way for him to enjoy those things. When he was around 18, he was sent into the forest to find a dragon’s lair and kill the beast inside. When he found the dragon, he found that he could understand her, that she was protecting her children and territory from humans. Though she initially almost burnt him to a crisp, he managed to get her to trust him. He told her of the situation he was in, and she offered to kill a bear so he could bring back its heart to his father. He did so, and was revered as a hero. Though he felt guilty that he was being praised for something he didn’t do, he knew keeping the dragon safe was most important. Over the next few months, he snuck out to spend time with the dragon, explaining to her that humans are much more complex than she thought, and helping her move to another location away from the human city. One day, he learned that his father was launching a program to hire knights from around the kingdom to become dragon slayers and effectively eradicate dragons from the world. With the help of his mother, of all people, he managed to convince his father that he would be apart of this program, traveling the kingdom and slaying dragons. But he planned to do the exact opposite. And maybe, just maybe, convince the world that dragons were not the beasts of legend they were led to believe.
Likes: dragons, snakes, and other animals, reading, grilled fish, exploring occasionally, rainy days, etc
Dislikes: his father, high expectations, annoying people, knights trying to slay dragons, somehow deathly afraid of horses, etc.
Other: Can understand dragons, and sometimes other reptiles

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(oh neat!)

Sebastian made his way quietly through the forest, stepping lightly. There had been rumors of dragons nesting in this area, a large group of them. If Sebastian managed to take them out, he'd be hailed as a hero, and word would travel back to his family. He smiled internally at that. Of course, nothing showed on his face. He was searching for the tale-tell signs of dragons.


The pines looked down upon Prince Archer as he treaded through the hilly landscape. He had gotten used to the forest, despite his rich, comfortable upbringing. There was a cool breeze in the air, and the grass was soft beneath his feet. He too had heard of dragons in the area, even claims of the beasts attacking lost children and weary travelers. If they were true, he wondered if he could get them to change their diet. On the other hand, he’d never heard of dragons living together. They would be quite interesting to study.
Archer looked around, searching for a sign. There was something up ahead. As he went toward it, he noticed footprints around the area as well.
He couldn’t quite tell what it was at first. But it was large, and smelly. Then he noticed the flies buzzing around it, and realized it was a corpse. It seemed to be the body of a bull moose, considering the shape of the body and the antlers. Archer returned his gaze to the ground to study the footprints.
There were many of them. The shape and number of toes were similar to a typical dragon, but they were smaller, making the dragon overall small as well. Maybe as tall as he was, at the shoulder. It was strange… there were so many footprints. He usually never saw this many. He wanted to measure and draw them, but he decided against it. It would take a long while, and he had to make sure a knight hadn’t gotten to them first. He looked around, trying to commit the place to memory, and then headed onward.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Sebastian was closing in, he could feel it. He slowed, watching his footwork carefully. He needed the element of surprise now more than anything, especially if the tales of how large the nest was were true. Sebastian had never dealt with that many dragons before. Eventually, he spotted the nest. The dragons… They didn't look like any he had dealt with before, but they were definitely dragons. He his behind a rock, ready to strike.


When Archer found the nesting area, he had to do a double take.
It was like if birds didn’t make nests in trees, but on the ground. Surrounded by rocks, dug-out wells and potholes littered the clearing, filled with fur, feathers, branches, even bones. If there were eggs inside, they did a pretty good job of hiding them.
Then there was the dragons themselves. The first thing Archer noticed was that they didn’t have wings. And then it all made sense. These were drakes, and from what he could remember from his father’s library, they couldn’t breathe fire. They made up for that with cleverness and living in packs. Capable of taking down prey much larger than themselves, like a moose. As he watched from the edge of the clearing, he note of their dark gray hides glistening in the sun, and the sometimes orange, sometimes amber eyes filled with intelligence. Though those feet were small, he could tell they were primed for digging. Archer resisted the urge to measure every single part of their body.
Slowly, he rose from behind his rock, and whistled to announce his presence. Still whistling every so often, he edged toward the nest. The drakes turned their eyes on him, their bodies tensing.
Archer took a deep breath. A tremor in his voice, he said, “I’m not here to hurt you.”