I was bored, and I wanted to do this random rp. I got the idea… well, anyway, so there are two villains and two heroes. The villains are siblings, a brother and a sister. Same with the heroes. Anyway, this is basically a romance rp… and maybe the others don’t know who the other is? Ask if you want to join.
Boy x girl
Female Villain: TheMage
Male Villain:
Female Hero:
Male Hero:
Hero or Villain:
Hero/Villain Name:
Abilities: (up to five)
Cool! Just make the template for it.
Here's mine:
Name: Amara Serpens
Gender: Female
Hero or Villain: Villain
Appearance: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/f0/72/89/f0728910660b58a12adf126c20196a3b.jpg, http://www.cuded.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/Snake-Tattoo-32.jpg
Suit: https://www.dhresource.com/0x0s/f2-albu-g7-M01-C4-77-rBVaSVtxBB6AewSsAATmEfuc_kU033.jpg/black-color-neck-gaiter-bandana-scarves-mouth.jpg, https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ06dQG4RQ1POd_K4qeqIFqKX_W3ReECsvoCfdgp2zPPfJX_dit
Hero/Villain Name: Viper
Abilities: Telekinesis, poison manipulation, black aether, can make the tattoo on her arm come to life, pyrokinesis
Outfit: https://ae01.alicdn.com/kf/HTB1FcJgRpXXXXaVXpXXq6xXFXXXD/CHICD-Fashion-Casual-Women-Mid-Waist-Denim-Jeans-Slim-Ripped-Jeans-Hole-Burrs-Black-Pants-Female.jpg
Personality: Sarcastic, loyal, ambitious, cunning, fierce, loves to make fun of people, lazy, pretty chill until she gets annoyed, seems like the life of the party but would rather stay home and watch TV
Other: Before she became a villain, Amara was a kind girl. Then her mother was convicted of murder and killed. Amara never forgave anyone for standing against her mother, and decided to harm them, and became a villain.
(Awesome! I’m go hide in a corner)