Elliot was satisfied when Dan didn't say anything, leaving the room.
After a minute, Arien came back to the living room.
"I'm bac- where's Dan? Elliot, where the hell did you put Dan?" Elliot tried to look innocent, but it wasn't working. Arien came into the room Dan was in, trying to find him. There were a lot of plush toys in there, though, and Arien wasn't sure if Dan was on top or not.
"Dan?" he called out.
Dan wasn't sure if he should say something when he heard Arien. Elliot did tell him to stay quiet but now Arien was calling for him. "Here." He said quietly, though it was mostly quiet because of his size too. But he said something and it was quiet, hopefully that was fine.
Arien picked up on this, making his way over to Dan. He moved the other toys off of him, picking him up gently.
"You okay? Elliot didn't accidentally hurt you, did he?" he was obviously concerned for Dan.
"I'm alright, feel a bit motion sick. But I'll be fine." Dan said and looked at Arien.
Arien let out a sigh of relief.
"Sorry about him. He… doesn't really get that people aren't just food." He held Dan close, leaving the room and going back to the living room.
"That's alright." Dan said relaxed with Arien holding him. He kinda understood the guy saw him as only a food source.
Arien was happy when he felt Dan relax, sitting back down and shooting Elliot a dirty look.
"Please don't do that again," he said. Elliot held up his hands.
"Okay, okay, I won't." Arien held Dan close still, not really trusting Elliot to not try to snatch Dan again.
Dan was perfectly fine with it. He was just relaxed as he was held. The sick feeling had gone away by then.
Arien was basically cuddling with Dan again, legs curled up on the couch.
"You two look adorable together~" Elliot teased.
Dan blushed under the plush look, he could tell Elliot was just teasing him. He slightly felt embarrassed by the statement.
"I agree," Arien said. It was much harder to tell if he was teasing or not. He gave Dan a little hug, just lightly holding him again Arien's chest with a smile.
"Though he's the cute one."
Dan looked at him, "How do you know what I look like for real? I'm kinda a doll currently."
"Yeah, but I got a general idea." Elliot giggled a little when Arien hugged Dan.
"Dan's definitely the adorable one," Arien said. He smiled, keeping Dan close.
Dan was definitely blushing, though at this point he wasn't sure if it could be seen.
Little pink felt dots had appeared on Dan's cheeks, which Elliot was quick to point out.
"Aww, we got him to blush!" Arien looked down at Dan, smiling at him.
"Like I said, adorable." He rubbed his thumb over Dan's hair, ruffling it playfully.
Dan hid his face embarrassed. He was still blushing as he hid his blush.
Arien grinned, lifting Dan up a little and nuzzling the back of Dan's head with his nose.
"You're especially adorable when you blush," he said quietly. He smiled.
"I get it, I'm cute. OK." Dan nodded and kept his face hidden. He was completely embarrassed.
Arien chuckled a little, holding Dan against his chest.
"You two make a great couple," Elliot mentioned.
"O-Oh, we're not a couple," Arien said. "Just… friends." Elliot reached over and poked Dan's head lightly, trying to get him to show his face.
"Yeah, we're just friend. We only really met at like the beginning of the week." He said and looked up a bit at Elliot.
"I've seen people get together in less time than that," Elliot said. He smiled when he saw both Arien and Dan were blushing. Arien pushed Elliot's hand away from Dan.
"I guess." Dan said softly and nodded.
Arien wrapped both of his hands around Dan, a lot more gentle then Elliot had.
"Still, we're not. Not yet." He winked at Dan, blushing a little.
Dan was fine with how Arien was holding him. He blushed a bit more when Arien said that. "Yeah…" he nodded.
Elliot gave an exaggerated sigh.
"You guys are too innocent. And that's coming from me. Why don't we play hide and seek?"
"What, so you can kidnap Dan?" Arien accused. He pulled Dan a little closer, rubbing Dan's back with his thumb.