forum Roleplay with grace and whisper. Closed.
Started by @imJUSTasillylittleguy group

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@Elder-God-Whisper work

Arsenio stuck out his tongue at Evan when he was told he couldn’t chew in his hair. [“It’s a nervous tic alright? Leave me be.”] But he pressed against Evan’s side to show he wasn’t really mad.


Sana visibly brightened at the sight of cookies and she gently took the bag, nodding in thanks, "Where did you guys get these?" She immediately took one out of the bag, taking bite and smiling brighter at just how good it was, "Who made these?"


"I need to learn your Abuela's recipe," She replied, stuffing the rest of the cookie unceremoniously into her mouth with a satisfied hum, "These are the best cookies I've tasted in a while." Sana smiled, holding out the bag so they could take some before motioning to the door. "I'll bring these with, don't worry, but we should get going if we're going to the park."

@Elder-God-Whisper work

Arsenio took a couple and handed one to Evan before leading them out the door. When they were on the sidewalk, heading for the park, he deliberately turned to Evan and grinned as he started eating holes into his cookie again, always enjoying the other boy’s reaction, which was mainly why he kept doing it.

@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

He took some from Ari as they walked out, he noticed how he was looked directly at by Ari. Seeing how he ate the cookies making holes in it again, He stared down Ari with a huff.
"Really Ari? Again?" he did snarky what are you doing hand motions with a frustrated huff at him.
"i will eat it out of your hands if you do not stop. Just like i did earlier."

@Elder-God-Whisper work

Ari’s eyes widened at that and grinned as he ate another chip, slowly so Evan would get real aggravated! Then he put it half way in his mouth, and quirked an eyebrow, signing, [I dare you]

@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

He watched continue to eat another chip slowly and by the end he was very aggravated. He did indeed leaned and take the cookie out of his mouth and pull away eating the cookie. i wonder if there lips touched.

@Elder-God-Whisper work

Arsenio’s face exploded into a tomato red and he turned his face away, muttering, “Estúpido idiota atractivo….” He buried himself in his hoodie, hiding the fact he was touching his lips in embarrassment and out of being flustered.

@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

He almost choked on the cookie as he was bright red flustered as well and just hoping Sana wouldn't notice but they were both blushing bright red so how would Sana not notice what just happened. he looked at the sky as they walked.

@Elder-God-Whisper work

(Same. She just needs to be like, “Yo, ya’ll are so freaking oblivious, just kiss and be happy, dammit!” Not specifically those words or meaning, but you get what I mean. Lol)


Sana walked just behind the two of them, happily nibbling on her cookies. She smiled in amusement as Ari started to bite out just the chocolate chips, and barely held in a laugh of excitement as Evan took the cookie from him. She noticed fully well that they had indeed just kissed in a sense, and her amused grin stayed ever present, especially as the two of them turned red in embarrassment. "Are you two sure you're not a couple?" She asked slowly, popping the rest of her cookie in her mouth and brushing her hands on her pants.

@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

Of course, Evan had his back turned to Sana but in the moment, he was actuallyable to hear her. He didn't notice how weird it was that he could hear her instead turning around swiftly and opening his mouth to respond but nothing came out and just he just trapped over a crack in the sidewalk.

@Elder-God-Whisper work

Arsenio squeaked and pulled his hood tight around his head in further embarrassment, and stumbled over his own feet, bumping into Evan. [“I’m so sorry!”] he signed after steadying Evan with his arms. [“Are you alright!?”]