forum REBOOT! For Tired but Passionate
Started by @False-andrew flash_on

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Name: Aviv Perez
Age: 19
Race: demigod; Hispanic Latino
Gender: demiboy
Sexuality: asexual
Appearance: Aviv is about 5’10 with a slender, angular frame. He has a bit of a diamond-shaped face with a brown olive complexion, with freckles splashing their skin. His hair is dark, a little long and wavy, with some of it falling into his eyes, which are striking clear blue. Dark glasses also rest around his eyes, and he tends to wear loose, comfy clothes.
Personality: Aviv is a very quiet and introverted person, though they deeply value close relationships and caring for others. As such, he’s very sincere and caring when he interacts with people. Other times, especially with strangers, they’ll appear gruff and skittish. They also tend to prefer peaceful living and quiet, not much for adventuring or questing. They like to be practical and matter-of-fact when problem solving, and has a more logical mind.
Powers: invisibility, which he can control at will. When they touch another being, he can put them to sleep. They can also make suggestions to people to get them to do certain things, a little akin to mind control but more of a sort will manipulation. Aviv is also known as a sort of Secret Keeper. You can tell them a secret or give him something precious to you, and they will always keep it safe in little mason jars that can only be opened by the people with the secret, or Aviv himself. These jars are capable of holding immaterial things, like secrets as said before, emotions, memories, dreams, desires, etc. Aviv can also use these jars to create dreams with a few key ingredients.
Hobbies: reading, slow dancing, playing the violin, messing with people while he’s invisible
Other: has insomnia. Doesn’t really like the gods, but has compassion for mortals

(Here is the little guy)

@False-andrew flash_on


The sky was purple and orange. Not that that meant anything much. Rayla just took note of it this afternoon, because she was feeling sentimental.

She turns back to her books lying on the earth next to her and sighs. The divine realm had been exceptionally quiet. Hardly any fights besides personal disputes, and all of her destructive research was reaching it's inevitable end.

"Life is great…" she sighs, closing her eyes for a moment and smiling, feeling the slight breeze on her face.

She gets up and starts to walk off, before she realizes it's faster to run.

She breaks into a dead sprint and… BAM! She runs into someone.

"Jesus Christ- sorry-"


Heaven was boring these days, but at least it was beautiful. The sky looked like a bottle of wine and a jar of honey had spilled over, the milky clouds seeming to blend in. It was only a few hours into the afternoon, and it already looked like sunset. Aviv tugged his coat more around himself. Shorter days meant colder nights. Colder nights meant no sleep. He sighed as he walked. Maybe they should leave this place, go visit their family. He was probably needed more there than up here.
They were so lost in thought that he didn’t notice something coming towards him. When they finally noticed the footsteps, getting swiftly closer, it was too late. Aviv was knocked back with a yelp, and found themself on the ground. He blinked, quickly realizing something was wrong. They coughed and picked himself up, looking around.
“Ouch… where are my glasses?” They tried looking around for a dark shape in the grass.