forum REBOOT! For FanficFanatic
Started by @False-andrew flash_on

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@False-andrew flash_on


Name: Trianna Gast

Age: 31

Sexuality: Bisexual


Face and general body shape:

Height: 5'4"

Personality: Despite her looks she's actually pretty calm and cool, like nature's brightly colored poisonous/venomous inventions. But just like those inventions, threaten her and you'll see just how dangerous she is. She's a nice woman, loves people and enjoys good jokes. Loves to eat - she loves to cook, actually - and loves animals. She loves working out and boxing.

Backstory: Not really much beyond her blindness; born to lower middle class family, with 4 siblings. She was diagnosed with glaucoma at age 6, when she was complaining of a constant headache. Since her family was poor, they couldn't treat it, so she slowly lost first her periphreal vision then her central vision. She started learning braile at age 9, when she could barely see much out of the corners of her eyes but before her central vision had started to cloud.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

(no problem.)

Name: Medusa G.

Age: appears 35

Sexuality: formerly Bisexual but has sworn off men because of reasons.


Face and general body shape: her face is diamond-shaped with a sharp chin and cheekbones, while her overall build is lithe despite having noticeable curves (after all she had to catch Poseidon’s eye somehow…)

Height: 6’

Personality: Medusa often prefers to be alone so she doesn't interact with others, giving off a cold, even dangerous, attitude when she has to be around people. She doesn't trust anyone anymore and has a lot of experience putting up walls to keep herself from getting hurt again.

Backstory: Aside from the obvious? Medusa lives as far away from any town as she can. But when she has to go in for any reason, she wears sunglasses and all styles of hair wraps to avoid attracting unwanted attention.

@False-andrew flash_on


Trianna was running. Not that that was anything new. She did it pretty much every day. As she had for the past several years. Wake up, breakfast, run, go to work, go home, afternoon boxing and workout, dinner, bed. Same routine since she'd first lost her eyesight.

Today was different though, because she planned on going to a Cafe after her run. It was her day off after all.

So she was running, and then she runs into someone. At a half-sprint, they're both knocked over.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry-" she yelps as she stands.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

(It's ok) (honestly tempted to add a Percy Jackson twist to this, like the Mist, but… 🤷‍♀️)

Medusa sighed to herself, adjusting her headscarf slightly. She had finally gotten the last payment for one of her “sculptures” and had just been standing there, working up the nerve to go into town for a quick supply run. She hated being among people, even if they didn't know who or what she was. It was better that they didn't know but their ignorance was honestly a bit annoying.

She bit her tongue to keep from hissing as she was knocked over. At least her sunglasses were still in place… “It's alright.” she muttered, dusting herself off as she got to her feet.

@False-andrew flash_on

(Feel free :D)

Trianna shakes her head.

"Nono, it's entirely my fault- I'd say I should've been watching where I was going, but that's not possible… either way I should've been paying attention." she shakes her head, sighing.

"Gods, I knew I should've taken my usual route…" she sighs and shakes her head again before focusing on where the woman's voice was at.

"Uh. I can get you like, an energy drink or coffee to apologise-" she offers this hesitantly. "You don't have to accept but it'd make me feel a bit better about knocking you down if you did."

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

(well now I can't think of how but I might bring that idea back up later.)

Medusa raised a brow at the rambling, her attention catching on two specific details. She leaned in slightly, examining the human simply to confirm that she was blind before pulling back.

“Gods?” she asked, unable to keep the intrigue out of her voice. “It's not often one hears people speak of them.” she pointed out.

“You don't have to apologize or feel too bad. I don't like energy drinks anyway. Too much added sugar… if you can even call that syrup “sugar”.” she added with a disgusted mutter. “I can't remember the last time I was actually knocked over by someone recently.”

@False-andrew flash_on

(Okay :>)

Trianna senses the woman leaning in to examine her and grins.

"Come on, checking out a girl you just met-?" she laughs, then nods at the woman's words. "Fair enough, but I've been fucked over in life so hard and so many times that there's no way the gods aren't involved."

"Then let me buy you a coffee," she smiles. "Also I know energy drinks are unhealthy, but they work as intended so…"

"Last time you were knocked down huh? Well I'll refrain from being happy about being the first!" Trianna chuckles.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Medusa couldn't help but smile at the girl’s playful attitude. “Can you blame me? It's not every day I meet someone so unique as yourself.” she practically purred back. “And now you have me curious. I’ve also been on the receiving end of the gods’ wrath more than once. But I wonder what they did to you and what you did to “annoy” them.” she admitted.

“If it means getting to continue this interesting conversation, then coffee sounds fair.” she nodded, finding herself laughing along with this unusual woman. “Oh, believe me, it's quite an accomplishment. Normally, I’m much more alert… and resistant.”