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Deleted user

"I mean, we still could, we all just have to look different enough from ourselves that people don't notice who it is… in other words, we need to disguise ourselves." Atlas said with a little chuckle. He'd never done that before, so maybe it was time he did.

Deleted user

Emrys laughed, pulling him out into the hall and then over to their room. "Yeah right. We're… what, the third most famous band in the world right now? The second? People are gonna recognize us wherever we go."

Deleted user

"I mean, we could always try… and just deny anything the fans cook up… But you're right." Atlas said, a little disappointed. He pulled out the key card and scanned it, opening the door for Emrys. As soon as he went through the door, Atlas wrapped his arms around Em's waist and continued walking more into their room.

Deleted user

Em nudged his shoulder gently as they walked inside. "We… um… we could still dress up a little if you want. See how long it takes the fans to recognize us." He plopped down on the bed, dragging Atlas with him. "THat'd be fun, right?"

Deleted user

Atlas fell onto the bed right next to Emrys. "Yeah, it would be fun! Maybe I should dye my hair another color!? This light blue is kinda fading anyway." He said, running a hand through his hair. He snuggled up to Emrys, planting a kiss in the crook of his neck.

Deleted user

Em hummed happily at the kiss and tangled a hand in Atlas' hair, letting it run through his fingers as he considered. "We'd have to buy dye today, but it could be fun. What color are you thinking?"

Deleted user

"Hmm… maybe pastel pink or bright red? What do you think?" Atlas asked. He leaned his head into Emrys' touch a bit, smiling. "Management is probably tired of me dying my hair so much, but who cares? At least they aren't stopping me."

Deleted user

Em laughed and leaned down to peck him on the nose. "Management can go get fucked, I like how you look with your hair all bright and crazy. I think pink would look good, you'd be like those k-pop boys you showed me last month."

Deleted user

"Yeah, fuck management. I haven't had pink in a while, if ever, so I think I'm gonna do that." Atlas said smiling. "Someday we should break from management and create our own company or just join another one, I can't imagine spending my whole career with them." He said, shifting a little, his head on Emrys' chest. "Have you had a chance to listen to those guys' music yet?"

Deleted user

"Which ones? I know you showed me the really popular ones a while ago, but I haven't gotten to listen to many of them." Em nuzzled the top of Atlas' head. "And I think you're right. After this tour's over, we should skip renewing our contract and find a better company."

Deleted user

"I bet Harley and Cadmus will definitely agree with that as well. They hate management as much as we do." Atlas said before softly pecking Emrys' chest. "I guess I mean all the groups. I think we're gonna have to listen to them one of these days. I have a lot of their music saved on my phone as well so we can listen on the tour bus if you would rather." He turned to the bedside table and grabbed his phone. He texted his personal manager, each member had one, and asked them if they could grab some bubblegum pink hair dye from the store. He wanted to dye his hair before going to the aquarium, but he was too lazy to buy some himself.

Deleted user

Em nodded, watching Atlas with an amused look as he was kissed. "Y'know you can just lean up and kiss me on the lips right?" he asked softly, giving Atlas a smile that was simultaneously gentle and teasing. "And… I think I'd like it if we could listen to them together, which one's the one you liked so much last month? It was a flower name I think."

Deleted user

Atlas smiled and did exactly that. He lifted his head and leaned up to kiss Emrys. "Like that, love?" He asked, still smiling. He rested his head back to Em's chest. "I mean… I liked a lot last month and I still like 'em all this month. But are you thinking of The Rose? They are the only group I can think of that has a flower in the name. But you have a lot to listen to, it's a good thing I'm a master of listening to other people's music."

Deleted user

Em kissed him back, pressing his smile into Atlas' lips. "Yeah, exactly like that," he murmured, resting his head on top of Atlas' again. He lit up when Atlas said the name of the band he was thinking of, nodding enthusiastically. "Yeah! Those are the ones, I wanna listen to them first 'cause their songs sound like yours."

Deleted user

Atlas smiled, "Aren't you tired of songs that sound like mine? You're like the first one I tell when I get inspiration for songs, so you usually end up helping with the song." He asked. He usually didn't listen to the stuff he thought sounded like his.

Deleted user

"No, I love your songs." Em curled around him with a soft hum. "I think your style is really pretty and the lyrics always sound beautiful, so… I almost always like listening to your music." He shrugged. "I dunno why, it's just… the music I always liked as a kid was yours anyways. It's got a lot of sentimental value."

Deleted user

"Thanks, that means a lot," Atlas said softly, smiling. "Do we have time to listen to some music, or should we go back down to the pool and check on the lovebirds?" He could just look at the clock, but he didn't feel like moving his head to look at it and figure out the time.

Deleted user

Em scanned around for a clock. "We've got fifteen minutes before the pool opens, so I think we can get through a couple songs if you're willing to sit up so I can grab my phone."

Deleted user

"Hmm ok, I guess I'll sit up." Atlas groaned overdramatically as he slowly sat up. He blinked and looked out the window. He reached over to his phone and saw that his manager said they would get the dye and be up to the hotel room in fifteen minutes. That was ten minutes ago, so they'll be here with hair dye soon.

Deleted user

Em laughed at the overdone production, pecking him on the cheek before he hopped out of bed and started ruffling through the room. "What's got you so busy looking at your phone, love?"

Deleted user

"My manager's gonna be up here in about five minutes with my hair dye. I was too lazy to go get it myself so I sent them to get it instead." Atlas said with a small laugh to himself. "We can use mine to listen to music if that'd be easier." He said looking at Emrys going around the room looking for his phone.

Deleted user

Emrys laughed, plopping down on the bed so he could cuddle up with Atlas again. "Oh yeah, what's her name? Hallie? Haylee? She's nice enough, maybe we should get her to come with us hen we change to a new company." He still hadn't found his phone. "And… I think we're gonna have to listen to music on yours for now, I think I left mine by the pool."

Deleted user

Atlas leaned his head on Emrys' shoulder as he went to his music app and scrolled through his music until he got to The Rose. "Well, she seems happy here though, for some reason. I wouldn't want to take her to something that she wouldn't enjoy." He said before pressing play on She's In The Rain.

Deleted user

Em nodded, wrapping his arms around Atlas' waist to pull him closer. "That's really sweet of you," he mumbled, shifting slightly to get comfortable. "You've always been sweet, honestly. How do you do it all the time?"

Deleted user

Atlas smiled, turning his face to Em's and kissed his cheek. "Really? I feel like I'm being a bitch half the time… but I guess I'm just doing the opposite of what people have done to me in the past because I wouldn't want that to happen to others." He explained.