Female, she/her
Biromantic, currently very confused about it all lol
Changeling child, lured into the trap in the park. But also a werewolf. Forcibly infected in the experiments to see how lycanthropy would manifest in a changeling. The answer? Badly. She has the monthly transformations like any other werewolf, but the infection has seeped into her usual changeling transformation forms as well, and while not in her original form, she has heightened aggression among other things. Transformations take more energy than they used to.
She was already in the foster care system prior to this. Her dad left, her mom (the changeling in the couple) was murdered a few years ago. Foster parents are not going to take her back in, as they find her new trauma to be more than they can handle (they were already having issues with her that were not her fault)
An absolute sweetie. Bookish. Very quiet, but always listening.
Could commit a murder, but would she?
Very very smart, god-tier trickster
(Alright, I will open for the next scene ig?)
Cyrus sat in one of the waiting rooms, scribbling in his notebook. He was exhausted, but determined to find out every last detail he could about what happened. He was about to fall asleep sitting up, when Galen walked into the room, in his full scrubs. He pulled down his face mask to reveal shining white fangs.
"Why don't you go home, darling? I've already told you the kids are alright."
Cyrus shook his head. "I'm meeting some of the witnesses here. They were coming to visit anyway, as a couple of their friends were injured in this whole shitshow."
"Alright, well… At this rate, you might as well just leave with me when my shift is over. But I'm ordering us takeout tonight. You're not cooking like this."
Cyrus smiled. "God, I could kiss you right now."
Septima was the first to arrive at the hospital. She came straight from her workplace and sat in one of the waiting rooms, waiting to be let back. Soon after her, Felix arrived. Wet hair. Baggy hoodie even though it was hot out. He looked exhausted too, and it took everything Septima had to not tell him to go back home.
Azel and Ren arrived alongside Felix, both looking curious and a bit sleepy. Ren wandered around the waiting room, messing with things that he probably shouldn't have been messing with. A few minutes later, Caelum arrived as well. He looked tired, and he was still limping slightly. He wasn't nearly as put together as usual, presumably due to stress about this whole situation. He came over to the group and dipped his head politely as a greeting.
Meanwhile, Theo was very nervous in his hospital room. He didn't like all of the doctors around, and he flinched whenever he was touched. They reminded him just a little too much of the experimenters. He whimpered softly and pulled the sheets over his head to hide.
Eventually, Galen came to Theo's room. He was pretty distinct compared to most of the other hospital employees. Tattoos, piercings, his relaxed attitude… he really just seemed like a normal guy.
"How are you doing?" He asked, standing at the foot of the other's bed, "I trust the doctors have been treating you well?"
Septima stood up once she saw everyone had arrived.
"Oh, good. Let's see if they'll let us back now."
Cyrus then noticed the others had finally made it.
"They should. Your friends are open for visiting. It's just the kids- I don't know if they actually want anyone yet or not. I came to see them, and I haven't been let back yet."
Theo seemed a little less uneasy around Galen, but he was still visibly nervous. This man had a very different style than his experimenters did, but even so, this place was unfamiliar and scary. He held tightly to the sheets on his cot, still cowering as he looked up at the man. "They're scary…" He said quietly.
Caelum nodded a bit. "Right. We want to make sure they're alright, of course, but if they don't want to see us, we shouldn't force them. Do we know anything about their current conditions?" He asked, glancing around to see if anyone had an answer.
"Yeah, hospitals are kinda scary," Galen agreed, "I spent more time in and out of them than I'd have liked as a kid. I know just as well as anyone. And after what you've gone through, it's understandable."
Galen gave a slight smile, his white fangs showing.
"But all things considered, you're doing very, very well, and you'll be out of here before you know it."
"Yeah," Cyrus replied, "They're both projected to recover alright. The werewolf girl is awake now. Changeling werewolf actually… seems infecting her with lycanthropy was part of the experiment."
"That's… fucked up," Felix sighed under his breath, "Is she doing okay, like… emotionally?"
Cyrus shrugged a bit. "She seems to be holding up, but it's going to be very hard to come to terms with. I… I very much sympathize with her, since my situation wasn't so different. I was forcibly infected as well. But at least I can try to be there for her, as someone who has had a similar experience."
"And the other kid?" Septima asked.
"Understandably scared still, but doing fine. He'll probably be out of here first."
Felix shifted a bit. "And… um… have you heard anything about Aurelius or Elio?"
Cyrus shook his head. "No, go talk to someone at the desk. If you guys want to try to visit the kids after that, I'll see if I can arrange something."
Theo nodded weakly, looking away from Galen. "Y-Yeah… everything still kinda hurts… I haven't been talking to the doctors very much, s-so I guess that's my fault…" He fidgeted nervously with the sheets, his heart racing. "They were scary, so I didn't tell them much…"
Caelum looked pale and concerned as Cyrus spoke. "That's so horrible… I'm glad they're stable, at least, but it'll take them a long time to emotionally recover from this, if they ever do. Have we made any plans to find housing for them?" He asked. "I wish I could be a good home, but my life is so unstable and unpredictable… and Elio and I aren't exactly wealthy, or in a relationship, so everything would be really complicated and not well suited to a child, especially not one with trauma like this. I hope I can still keep in contact with them…"
"That's not your fault," Galen replied, "But if you let us know what you need going forward, that'll help everyone. You'll be able to leave faster, too. I promise the people here are good people. They've all taken oath after oath to cause no harm and do what they can to help all patients, no matter who they are. Don't let your fear fool you this time. That said, you seem to be talking to me alright. If you need me for any reason, just let one of the nurses know. For now, well… is there anything you needed?"
"For sure," Cyrus agreed sadly, "My husband and I have talked about housing the children, actually. I just need to make sure it's not a conflict of interest with my work. But we can definitely provide if they'll let us. We'd actually been discussing adoption for a while, so really, it seems like the logical thing to do. And you would all be more than welcome to come visit the kids, take them out, babysit, or whatever it is that needs to be done. The bigger the support system the better."
While Cyrus talked to the group who'd remained, Septima went up to the counter to get the others in to visit.
She came back with a little sheet with the room numbers written on it.
"Hey, so we can go visit Auri and Elio now," she said.
"Okay…" Theo huddled up a little tighter, still nervous despite the reassurances. He glanced around the room, eyeing everything that made him uncomfortable. He clearly didn't like the medical equipment that was surrounding him, but there wasn't much he could really do about it. They needed it to help him. He glanced up when Galen asked if he needed anything. "Um… I… haven't eaten for a while…" He said quietly. "S-So I'm… kinda hungry."
"It would be great if you could adopt them!" Caelum smiled a little, looking more hopeful now. "I'm sure you'd be a great home for them, if you think you're up for it. The boy seems to trust you somewhat already, after all, and you said you have firsthand experience so you could help the girl as well."
"Right, I'll have someone bring you a meal," Galen replied, "And if you would like visitors, I was told your rescuers would be visiting later, if you want to see them."
"That's what I'm hoping," Cyrus agreed, "It mainly comes down to conflict of interest, since I'm playing a large role in the investigation. But in my opinion, if anything, I'll better understand what happened to them."
Felix shuffled up next to Septima and they whispered among themselves.
"Um… we're going to go visit Aurelius now," he said, "If anyone wants to come with us, they can."
"Oh… okay… if they wanna see me, that's fine…" Theo said softly, looking surprised that he might have people interested in visiting him. "They were nice… not scary like the bad people. But what about Bee?" He asked. "Is she okay? They hurt her…"
"Right, that makes sense…" Caelum replied softly, looking up when Felix spoke. "Yeah, we might tag along if that's alright. Then we can go check on Elio and the kids if they're alright with us seeing them."
Galen gave a firm nod.
"She woke up a while ago. She'll probably be here longer than you, but she's doing better than when she first got here, that's for sure," he said, "I'll see if I can arrange for you to visit her once you're doing a little better."
Felix nodded and went on his way after Septima. They came upon Aurelius' room and Septima slipped in first to ask if he'd be okay with more visitors. He was visibly tired, but agreed. Felix came in behind, his mouth drawn into a frown as he took in the sights of the room. His eyes wandered to Aurelius' arms where he had several IVs running into his veins. One was clearly a blood transfusion. That's what he'd been afraid would happen.
"How are you feeling?" he asked softly, "It looks a lot worse than you were letting on back there."
Aurelius shifted a bit.
"I didn't want anyone to freak out over me too much," he admitted, a slight flush rising into his cheeks, "But I'm feeling rough, honestly. I-I'll be okay though! I'm not that winded anymore, at least."
"At least you can't push yourself any further while you're staying here," Septima murmured, "You look sicker than I've seen in a while."
"Okay… t-thank you, sir…" Theo dipped his head politely and winced, huddling up more in the covers. He looked down at the IV in his arm, clearly uneasy at the sight of it, but having already been told several times by the doctors that it was necessary and helping him, he reluctantly left it alone.
Caelum, Azel, and Ren slipped into the room behind Felix when they were given the go ahead, looking at Aurelius as they entered. Ren looked a little bit confused, but he was generally confused. Azel and Caelum looked concerned; the latter moreso than the former. "I'm glad you're doing okay, at least…" Caelum said with a soft sigh.
"Of course," Galen said with a curt nod, "Anyway, I'm going to go check on Bee again, and I'll let you know when you can see her."
Aurelius nodded shyly. "Yeah, I mean, it's not like I was in immediate danger of dying or anything."
"I think you really underestimate it, but say what you will," Felix murmured, crossing his arms over his chest.
"I'm really anemic," Aurelius admitted, "I think things were already getting bad again, and then I lost more blood, so… yeah. I didn't want to leave Felix by himself, and it's not like I was going in with the intent to get stabbed in the leg. Probably should've been more careful than I was, but… Something about the whole situation didn't sit right with me. Those kids… They made me reckless."
"Okay…" Theo curled up under the sheets and sighed shakily, fidgeting with his hands. He had a lot of bandages covering his body at the moment, and he didn't like how they felt.
"You really should be more careful…" Caelum sighed softly. "Especially with your condition. You can't afford to lose much blood." Ren and Azel nodded.
"Yeah, at least you might get a cool scar, though!" Ren chirped with a bright grin, to which Azel smacked the back of his head with one hand.
Aurelius gave a sort of half-smile. He knew that Ren's comment was well-meaning, but it hit strangely. He had a lot more scars than most people knew about. And no one got to see them. Ever. Not because they were particularly ugly, but because when you had scars, someone always wanted to know how you got them, and that was not a question anyone really wanted the answer to in his case.
He answered Caelum first.
"I-I know I should," he agreed, "It just really struck a nerve. I couldn't think clearly through my anger."
He rubbed the back of his neck.
"Too bad the cool scar is in a place no one is ever going to see it. You'd have to kill me before I'd wear shorts," he said to Ren, laughing softly.
"I'm sor- I'm so sorry that I couldn't protect you better," Felix said, biting down on his lip, "I wish I'd known the gravity of the situation and gathered extra help beforehand."
"I get that… I was definitely more reckless than I should have been as well." Caelum laughed weakly, running his fingers through his hair. "It was hard to see those kids like that. No one should be in that condition, but especially not little kids. It's sick, and I can't believe anyone could do something like that, especially without remorse."
Ren tilted his head to the side a bit, rubbing the back of it where Azel had hit him. "Yeah, I guess that makes sense. I guess I'll need to buy new clothes at some point…" He started muttering to himself about how to find money to buy clothes that properly fit him.
"Yeah… it's absolutely sick," Aurelius agreed.
His eyes wandered over to Felix.
"Nothing about this is your fault. I went in knowing potential consequences."
He found himself once again fighting to stay awake. Fatigue had set deep into his bones, and his eyes grew heavy.
"We should leave you to rest, shouldn't we?" Felix asked, "I'll come back later, just me if I can."
Caelum nodded a bit and nudged Azel and Ren to get them to follow him out of the room. "We'll go check on the kids. You get your rest, alright?" He then closed the door behind them and waited out in the hallway for Felix, figuring he might want to speak to Aurelius one on one.
Aurelius gave a slow nod. "Will do. Not like I have a choice," he laughed.
Felix stayed by his bedside for a minute after the others. Septima, however, left.
"I won't stay and scold you," she said with a smile, "You already know."
She turned around and followed the others out, leaving Felix with Aurelius.
The two didn't talk much at first. They simply sat in silence.
Cyrus was waiting in the hall.
"Hey, you guys can go visit Theo," he said, uncrossing his arms, "I talked to a couple of the nurses. And they said the other kid is open to visitors as well."
Caelum nodded a bit as Cyrus spoke to them. "That sounds good. I guess it's good that they're feeling well enough to be willing to see people, right?" He smiled softly and sighed, heading towards where Theo's room was. Theo looked up when he heard the door open, looking nervous until he saw who it was.
"Sure, I think they want human contact besides doctors," Cyrus said softly, "All the sterility- it's very strange."
Septima followed the others to Theo's room, while Felix stayed behind briefly before coming with them.
"Yeah, that makes sense." Caelum looked over at Theo, who was quietly clutching the sheets up to his chin as he watched the group of people come in. "Hey, Theo! Are you feeling any better?" He asked, to which Theo tentatively nodded.