@saor_illust school
Come hither, @SwimwithGamers!!
I have finally made it
sorry i got distracted and joined a vc
Come hither, @SwimwithGamers!!
I have finally made it
sorry i got distracted and joined a vc
prompts yes
i will post that when i get out of vc
Okay then!
heads up, ill be taking a mini break from notebook in general for a couple hours, just to destress, so no template yet or prompt discussion really either, sorry about that
Oo, the last one is really interesting. And it's okay, take as much time as you need!
i appreciate it :D
anywho, so characters
i presume the two characters are the immortals, if i can read correctly, so which would you like to be?
Hm. I've definitely got a character who would make people fall in love with them
ooo okiee
ima hafta make another new character for this
but that's fine,
i do that a lot anyways
and i enjoy it aha
Ah, okie then!
right so templates
(i'm kinda feelin' lazy rn, may not put up my character for a few hours and anyways im kinda hungry but ALSO my character will def be a female, so if you so choose to put up your character today, that should help you out a bit aha)
Name: Daniel Fox
Nicknames: Danny, Fox Boy
Gender: male
Age: 17
Sexuality: bisexual
Brief Personality: Daniel loves to flirt. He'll flirt with anyone, pretty much, but that didn't mean much. He actually is a very caring person, and if the flirting is returned or received well, he'll protect that person for a very, very long time. And, if someone makes it clear they're not interested in that kind of thing in a respectful, not upset manner, Daniel will politely stop. It also doesn't mean he won't want to be friends, though. He's an average student when it comes to grades, but he focuses more on the social aspects anyways.
Likes: flirting, sunbathing, flirting, running, and flirting. Did I mention flirting?
Dislikes: being cold, hard rejection
Aight fantasy world it is, then I presume? And Daniel is the one with the fox ears and tail in the picture, right?
(wait fantasy jfsdjkldf i can finally use amelie who i made for no reason other than bc i could lkjsdlkj)
Name: Amelie Grant
Nickname(s): Ames, amy (the most wonderful woman in the world) (both vvv rare nicknames)
Age: 17,410
Gender: female
Sexuality: panromantic asexual
Appearance: straight dark purple hair that reaches just below her ribcage, light purple eyes, thin, pale lips, and rosy cheeks. When she appears, Amelie can be found wearing a black wristwatch, along with an assortment of other black-coloured bracelets, black combat boots, light-blue slightly ripped jeans, a white tank-top, and a black biker's jacket style coat. Amelie's ears are also pierced, and always wears a larger black circle earring in her earlobe, and two smaller, (also black) earrings along the sides of her ears.
Personality: Amelie loves to run around Earth under the guise of a young, 17 year old innocent teenager, and thus forces herself to attend highschool… on occasion. As she technically (well not according to her fabricated papers) is her own parent, here on Earth, she doesn't have to worry about skipping school, ever, and whenever she doesn't feel in the mood to attend school, which is most of the time, Amelie usually runs off to the city to have some fun.
Other: also a minor goddess, and appears to be 17 in human years. she may be a minor goddess of fate, but that doesn't mean she's particularly, well, magically gifted or anything. amelie is far from magically gifted, in fact all her powers consist of are random visions of the future, and she never knows when they'll come. reference image: https://pin.it/2VGszns
Ooo, I like her!
okie! so, do you want to start or should i?
Which ever your most comfortable with!
aaa i'm sorry jlfsdlkjsdsd
i swear i wasn't unintentionally avoiding it
somehow i kept skipping over it klsdflkdslsdkldsd
okay but
could youuu?
Ooookie! I'll get one up then!
Daniel was sat in the cafe, as usual, enjoying an extremely sugary confection drink. He'd found he could get the most hearts being a soft boy, from both men and women, so that's what he did the most. He adapted from person to person, of course. He smiled at a couple girls who were staring at him, winking. One of the girls swooned a little, and Daniel smirked. Gotcha. Just that much time added to his life.
Daniel hadn't meant for this to become his life, flirting, stealing hearts, living forever. He just liked people to be happy, and flirting did that very well. And it wasn't like Daniel wasn't against falling in love, it's just… He didn't want to give his heart to just anyone.
Amelie entered the cafe, not paying any attention to the people around her. The weather outside was cold, and, well… cold wasn't her style. The humans do have one good thing - they can make some pretty good hot drinks, she thought to herself.
"Medium caramel latte," she called out to the barista before finding a place to sit down, incidentally not too far away from Daniel, but definitely not too close. Amelie hated being around humans, but as long as it served her needs, it was certainly bearable.
(hi i'm sorry i'm not dead i just completely lost inspiration for a hot minute)
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