"Mm…" Scipio hugged Lucifer again. "Wasn't someone bringing food or something?"
"Mm…" Scipio hugged Lucifer again. "Wasn't someone bringing food or something?"
"They're probably making it," He soothed gently, stroking his hair some more. "They'll be in soon."
"Okay. You seem to be in a better mood now that your painting's finished." Scipio murmured, adjusting his sleeve again.
"Yep. It's kind of been stressing me out." He laughed softly, glancing down. "Are you sure you don't want me to get clothes for you?"
"Maybe after we eat… I wouldn't want you to be gone when they come in. It'd be pretty suspicious." Scipio eventually gave up on fixing the sleeve and just let it slide down his shoulder.
"Alright. I'm just saying, I'm pretty sure they'll have expected us to sleep together at least once, but if you don't want nice-fitting clothes, that's fine." He grinned down at the other.
"I said you could go after we eat! Not never. I can't just walk through the halls without pants, though. I do have some decency." Scipio smiled softly to let Lucifer know he was joking, leaning into the demon's warmth once more.
"Well, never it is," Lucifer decided with a laugh. "You've made me decide that I won't go at all. Because I don't want you to leave." He grinned back, throwing his arm around the other once more.
Scipio sighed, shaking his head. He didn't really care though, since Lucifer was warm and he fully intended to abuse that fact. He hugged Lucifer tightly.
Lucifer hugged the fluffi boi back, humming happily. A soft knock announced the arrival of the servant and he stood up to grab the food.
Scipio reluctantly sat up, deciding to hold up the sleeves of the shirt for at least as long as the servant was in there.
Lucifer answered the door and just took the food, thanking them and shutting it. They weren't even able to see past him.
Scipio watched Lucifer as he approached the bed again. "What do we have this time? Do they just bring random food?"
"They just brought some snacks for us." He sat down and gave him two bowls. One was a bowl of nachos that were still warm, and the other some salsa.
Scipio put some salsa in a bowl and started eating his chips quietly. Or, as quietly as someone can actually eat chips because d a m n.
Lucifer didn't seem to care too much as he enjoyed his chips, nonchalantly crunching them and making a bit of noise. He was a king, after all.
Scipio eventually lay his head against Lucifer's shoulder as he ate his chips, staring blankly at the wall.
(How tall would you say Lucifer is, anyways?)
(Hm maybe 7' maybe a bit shorter?)
Lucifer looked down at the other and continued his crunchings, happily licking his lips. Chips were good as hell.
(Yeah Scipio is about 5'6 or 5'7 lol)
Scipio tugged at the collar of his shirt a bit. "Y'know what's weird? It feels warm in here now."
Lucifer glanced down at him, raising his eyebrows. "Why's that? You're not wearing very much."
Scipio shrugged. "Salsa, maybe? Dunno. I never was very good at biology. Actually, I was, but I didn't care at all, not enough to remember anything, anyway."
"The salsa? It ain't even that spicy," He commented, but squinted at the other nevertheless. "Well, I'm glad you're warm anyway."
"Like I said, I dunno." Scipio thought for a moment. "Maybe I'm sick. Can people get sick in hell?"
"No, you can't get sick in Hell. Germs don't really… well, I wouldn't say they don't exist, considering technically you don't either."
"Hmm… oh well. Maybe I'm just still adjusting to the new atmosphere." Scipio ate another chip. "What do you do down here for fun?"
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