forum Pretending Hearts [RESTART (O/O CLOSED)]
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@Imperfect_Autumn group

“Hi, Arvil. It’s Daisy. Lilly had an idea she wanted me to run by you,” she said, holding her phone to her ear with her shoulder so she could keep working on things.

Deleted user

"Oh, Daisy," Arvil blinked, pulling the phone away from his ear to look at the ID properly. "Sorry, I didn't look at the caller ID. What's she planning this time?"

@Imperfect_Autumn group

Daisy chuckled softly. Of course he hadn’t. That did explain the offhanded greeting.

“A double date. She want to go to Olive Garden,” she explained, leaning forward in her desk and peering at the screen. The chair squeaked was she did so, and she winced at the sharp sound. “This Sunday.”

Deleted user

"This Sunday?" Arvil opened his schedule on the computer, furrowing his eyebrows. "What time? Because I have two meetings scheduled for that day. One is from 10 am to 12 pm, and the other is from 6 pm to 7 pm."

@Imperfect_Autumn group

“She didn’t say, so maybe between your meetings? Let’s say, one o’clock?” Daisy mused, glancing at her own calendar. “Oh, you have an event this weekend, too, don’t you? You invited me to it.”

Deleted user

"Yes," Arvil nodded. "Saturday and Sunday both. I would have to leave between the event for my ten o'clock meeting, but would definitely return once it's over. Would it be all right for you to ask Lilly to reschedule? Monday evening would sound good."

@Imperfect_Autumn group

Daisy hummed aa she maneuvered things to find her calendar, then checked her schedule for Monday. “That works for me, too. I’ll talk to Lilly about it and make sure it’s good for her and Jordan, too.”

Deleted user

"All right," Arvil hummed, picking up a pen and twirling it around his fingers. "Was that all?"

(Chill,guys. You're not planning a meeting. This is an informal date. Informal.)

@Imperfect_Autumn group

(Lollll. They’re business folk. It’s all they know 😂)

“Yeah, that was all,” Daisy said, shifting so she held her phone in her hand again. “…so how has your day been?”

Deleted user

Arvil leaned back in his chair, a bit surprised at the fact that she hadn't hung up yet.

"It's been well," he finally replied. "Flies by fast when you're busy. Yours?"

@Imperfect_Autumn group

Daisy crosses her legs as she waited for him to reply. It took him a second before he did, and she was thankful he didn’t just leave her hanging awkwardly.

“It’s been all right. I’ve been working on a report pretty much all day. It’s got to be in by four this afternoon,” she replied.

Deleted user

"I sure hope it's not of me," Arvil joked, twirling his pen but having it slip and clatter to the desk. "Or is it?"

@Imperfect_Autumn group

“No, it’s not,” Daisy assured him with a light chuckle. “Although… A report on you might be nice. I’m sure my boss would love it if I could get one on the elusive Arvil Davis…”

Deleted user

Arvil snorted, picking up his pen again. "Pretty sure they'd find you bias," he said. "A girlfriend interviewing her own boyfriend wouldn't be that interesting."

@Imperfect_Autumn group

Daisy clicked her tongue. She leaned back in her seat, curling up into it.

“You’re probably right… Darn. What good is it having a famous boyfriend if you can’t even write a report on him?” she sighed dramatically, shaking her head.

Deleted user

"The famous boyfriend can get you anything you need, and he's pretty darn good at business talks," Arvil supplied, chuckling with a mischievous glint in his eyes. "I can assure you I have plenty of uses, Daisy darling."

@Imperfect_Autumn group

Daisy hummed. Her cheeks warmed, both his statement and the pet name turning them a light pink. Daisy darling. There was no reason for that to make her feel so warm inside…

“Ah, yes, I suppose that’s true. Well, I suppose I’ll have to figure out just what those uses are,” she mused jokingly, smiling.

Deleted user

"I am a mystery, as you already know," he continued, liking the way she joked. "Good luck, Miss Reporter, in trying to figuring me out."

@Imperfect_Autumn group

“Thanks. I think I’ll need it,” Daisy chuckled. She checked the time and cringed, sighing. “All right, I should get going so I can keep working. I’ll talk to you later?”

Deleted user

"All right," Arvil hummed, leaning back on his seat once again, "I'll talk to you later."

@Imperfect_Autumn group

“Goodbye, Arvil,” Daisy said before hanging her phone up. She set it down on her desk, giving it a look before remembering she had to call Lilly back with a sigh. Picking it back up, she called her best friend again.

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Lilly set down the scented candle she'd packed up—unlike her friends and her boyfriend, she was just a perfumer. She was good at making candles and perfumes. Chemistry had always been her favorite subject, and she liked perfumes, so… it was a good choice.

Her phone rang and she frowned. She usually didn't receive calls unless it was Jordan—Daisy always sent her messages, and Jordan said he had something to deal with (plus, they just got off the phone a few minutes ago), so who could it be…?

It was Daisy. Lilly blinked and answered the call.

"Hello, my dear," she said, throwing herself back on her bed. "To what do I owe this pleasure?"

@Imperfect_Autumn group

“Hey, Lilly. Arvil said that Sunday doesn’t work for him, but Monday evening does. Is that okay?” Daisy asked, switching screens on her computer and peering at the words.

Deleted user

"Oh, Monday?" Lilly furrowed her eyebrows. "Monday evening works for me, yeah. So we'll be doing Monday, then."