"I would hope that both of you were aware of the Mata Games. Would it be wrong to assume so?" Director Archer asked, as Canary plopped down in a chair. The latter's left leg was tossed over the arm rest, the other staying generally on the ground. Generally, because she couldn't seem to stop tapping it. Director Archer didn't bat an eye, let alone comment on the sitting position or tapping. Though some teachers just called her a class clown, clutz, or lazy, Archer had an inkling about the undiagnosed ADHD Canary likely suffered from.
"How could we not be?" Canary asked, her music now paused. "They're not only a huge deal for the top students of the school, but Margaretha Macleode was probably one of the best spies. Her husband was an absolute ass–pardon–which prompted her to move in with a completely different Dutch officer, and she taught herself and learned enough about Indonesian traditions that she was accepted into a dance company, which basically laid the foundation for her later espionage and spying." The girl's eyes had widened just a tad, and she was leaning forward, visibly animated in her small rant. "She was incredible. And kind of hilarious. Imagine being able to play that many fields with nothing but bull."
That was, very likely, the first time Aaru had ever seen her actually have knowledge on a subject. More known for cracking jokes, any other student would have been startled to hear her speak this much, and with such accuracy, on any topic. Let alone on one so important to the history of what the school taught.