forum Please don't make me fall in love with you // O/O with literal-goblin
Started by @ZephirFox8812

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(i'll repost the idea)
I was thinking the dumbass that is Church keeps getting into trouble and his new bodyguard has to put up with him and rescue him every five minutes and that it could be a slow burn type romance if you want to. I have a slight story in mind but that will probably come in a little later

It will be fantasy medieval (probably spelled that wrong this device has no spellcheck) so magic and powers are allowed

Powers: (if they have any)

Name: Church (I'm terrible with last names so I'll come back to this)
Age: 25
Appearance: Pale grey eyes and dark brown hair that is always messy despite how much time was spent brushing it. Pretty short, 5'6" at most. Likes wearing big swishy capes which often knock things over as he goes past.
Personality: He can go from having no energy to tons really fast. A little sarcastic. Is not a morning person. Little mundane things make him really happy. A bit goofy, owns exactly half a brain cell, and runs in without thinking all the time
Powers: He doesn't have any and he is mad about it
Background: Youngest of three siblings and third in line for the throne and he is mad about that too. Has an older sister and an even older brother who is a bit mean.
Other: He is a sucker for cats, they distract him from everything

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Name: Eridan Feuer
Age: 26
Appearance: Standing around 6'0, Eridan has a formal and polished appearance. His deep blue hair is a hassle to keep neat, but he puts in the effort needed. He has a slight scruff of a beard growing, but it never seems to grow past a heavy peach fuzz. His eyes are a pale blue, but upon further inspection are somewhere between a pale blue and grey, with bits of green near the iris. He is almost always wearing the armor required for his job, a shiny grey metal with bits of gold adorning the collar and certain details. His sword is always sheathed at his side.
Personality: Behind the cold exterior needed to be a knight, he is a kind, gentle person. He'd do absolutely anything for his loved ones, and he isn't afraid to voice this. He has a good sense of humor, though it doesn't often show. There's a whole side of him that many people don't get to see, especially since he began his work at the castle. This includes his sense of humor, a more casual approach to things, and any kind of teasing. Raised with two older siblings, he knows how to truly fluster someone. He's only used this to his advantage once or twice, however. He's vowed that if he ever finds a significant other somehow, he's going to absolutely spoil them in every possible way. He does have a bad habit of forgetting when he can truly be himself, though, and ends up maintaining his strong and stoic face much longer than he needs to. It takes quite a bit to get under his skin, though when someone does, all facades he puts up are immediately down. He'll tease, scold and reprimand said person without hesitation.
Powers: Slight pyrokinesis. He can create small patterns of fire in his palm or heat something, but that's essentially it.
Background: He grew up in a small cottage on the outskirts of town, with a single mother and a handful of chaotic children. Including Eridan, there are five of them, leaving him the true middle child. He has an older sister, an older brother, and two younger sisters. He loves his family arguably more than life itself, and he's sure to visit them whenever he is able to.
Other: He's afraid of most insects. There are some exceptions though- bees and spiders, for example.

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(I love your prince character too! And no worries- I have to eat dinner, so I won't be around for an hour or so either.)


(sorry for delay, trauma triggers make brain go aaaaAAA)

Prince Church was late, as always, to his meeting with his father. He half-ran half-fell down the stairs, buttoning his shirt as he went. He passed his sister, Kaara, who refused to be called anything but her plain name, outside the hall to the west tower. She waved him past with a vaguely amused smile. Church skidded into the throne room and stood up as straight as he could manage to walk over to the small group already there, his father, his brother, and a few people he'd never met.

As he approached, the king saw Church and shooed the fast-talking advisors away, only one man stayed. Church's brother strutted past him, his armour clanking. He whacked Church in the back of the neck discreetly, "Running. Very princely, short-ass." Church ignored him.

Church's father slapped on the back happily, forcing the air out of his lungs and pushing him forward several feet. "Morning, Dad" Church croaked out. "Finally made it down did you!" He chuckled, "Church, this is your new bodyguard, Eridan."

Church remembered his previous bodyguard, he was boring and old and Church could never do anything fun at all. He looked at Eridan briefly, not long enough to register anything about him other than 'tall'. "Dad, I don't need a new bodyguard." He whined, "No one is going to target the last in line."

"Don't argue, Church!" The king shouted, placing his hand on his youngest son's head.

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(no worries! i'm a sucker for long responses anyways :3 and take your time with replying, especially if it's for mental health reasons. i struggle with it myself, if that takes any pressure off.)

Eridan had spent all morning getting ready, and checked his reflection at least half a dozen times. This was his dream job and he absolutely did not want to screw it up. His entire family had seen him off, with variations of enthusiasm. His eldest sister had nearly cried, and his younger two made him promise to tell them lots of stories the next time he was able to visit. Of course he had happily agreed.

The moment he set foot in the castle grounds, he felt like he shouldn't be there. He'd spent the better part of his life doing anything just to put food on the table, and here he was among the richest people for miles? You don't belong. You don't deserve to be here, a nasty voice in his head whispered. But another voice in his head- a slightly louder one- said that that was all the more reason to prove himself.

As soon as the royal rushed into the room, he bowed his head in acknowledgment. Looking up after a few seconds, he got a true look at the prince. He was… considerably shorter than Eridan himself, and it almost made his lip quirk up. Of course, he refrained himself from showing his amusement, though. His gaze fell to the stone, thinking it rude to stare as the two talked about him. He figured he'd wait, only speaking when spoken to. It was an honor to even be in presence of not one, but two royals.


Church tried to push his father's arm away and struggled at only that. "Dad, please! If you insist on a bodyguard, at least don't embarrass me on the first day." He hissed quietly.

He turned to Eridan to finally look at him properly and felt himself involuntarily draw in a sharp breath. His first impression was right, as Eridan was a lot taller than he was and he had to look up to see his face. He was younger than Church had been expecting. Church thought his father had selected another old guy. His voice caught in his throat slightly and came out as a single, quiet, "Hello-"

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Eridan nodded. "It is an honor to meet you, Prince Church. Though I presume you've heard that many times." With a soft smile, he took the prince's hand and bowed his head to press a gentle kiss to his glove. "I look forward to working close with you." He stood back up, carefully straightening his armor.

The prince was quite… intriguing, from what Eridan had seen of him. He was truly looking forward to his new title, and getting to know the youngest royal was part of that. He was sure they could get along, whether that entailed barely interacting at all or talking daily. He was willing to do anything the royals needed him to do.


Church nodded, "I do hear that a lot," he laughed awkwardly. His brain running through things to keep talking about. He finally settled on one that didn't make him come off as completely insane in the first meeting.

"Have you had a tour of the castle?" He asked, crossing his fingers behind his back that Eridan would say no.

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Eridan shook his head, folding his hands in front of him politely. "No, I haven't." Alright, this was going good. He hadn't slipped up and done something uncultured (yet) so all was well in his book. He was just praying to any god listening that it would continue this way.


"Right, we need to fix that immediately!" Church said, his usual energy returning. He grabbed Eridan's arm and attempted to drag him along but failed due to his weak arms. He settled for Eridan's hand instead and pulled him towards a door to the left of them.

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Eridan quirked an eyebrow as he went along with the prince's eccentrics, chuckling softly. He allowed Church to lead him to the door, happily taking his hand. Had it been under any other circumstances he would've been hesitant to hold the hand of someone so high above him, but since it was just to lead him around he figured it was fine. Not to mention that he looked so happy, and Eridan would hate to be the one to take that away.


Church led him through the hallway beyond the door, passing several rooms on the way but not stopping. "These are all boring, they're mainly for dad and his knights. We can come back." The ceiling appeared about as high as the sky outside, the stone walls were lined with tapestries of various knights and kings with spoils of war and the bodies of slain monsters. If you paid attention, you could see repeating heroes, posing with different conquests.

He turned a corner and placed his free hand on the wood of a door. "This is my favourite part of the castle." He said, facing Eridan, badly hidden excitement in his eyes. He bounced a little of the balls of his feet and pushed the door open, leading Eridan out into the castle gardens.

Church dropped Eridan's hand to stretch and sort of wanted to grab it again but felt it would be awkward since he wasn't leading him anymore.

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Eridan strolled into the gardens behind the prince, looking around in amazement. He had never seen anything like it- there were so many colors, and the air felt soft and fresh against his skin. He smiled faintly. "Mm. I like it," he commented softly. He recognized a few of the plants, but only the far commoner ones. One of his younger sisters was fond of composing bouquets when she was younger and the often came home covered in dirt, flowers in hand, and a toothy grin on her face.

He felt a slight twinge of disappointment when Church pulled away, though he didn't give any indicator of it. He didn't dwell on it either, instead watching a honeybee whiz between flowers. It was small and fuzzy, and Eridan was standing just close enough to hear the soft buzz.


Church trotted further into the gardens, giving off the same energy as a puppy in a new house. He bounced along, pointing out his favourite plants, which ranged from tiny flowers to the biggest oak tree in the centre of the garden. Church stopped there and plopped down on the bench by the trunk, patting the seat next to him for Eridan to sit down.

"So," He said, "I think we should know a little more about each other than just our names, since we're going to spend so much time with each other." He turned slightly so he could face his new bodyguard.

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Eridan followed the prince through the twisting turns of the gardens, listening attentively as he talked about his preferences. He hadn't expected his first conversation with the royal to be a stroll through the flowers and an easy chat, but he found it nicer than he'd expected.

He took a seat next to Church, his armor clanking as he did so. Brushing it off with a small chuckle, he turned his attention back to the prince. "That sounds reasonable." He folded his hands professionally, keeping a straight posture. "I know a decent amount about you already, but I'd enjoy learning less technical things." His voice kept a fancy, almost uptight way of speech as he talked, both in his tone and his vocabulary.


"I've never really just talked to anyone my age before, what kind of things do you usually talk about with people?" Church admitted, swinging his feet like a child. He examined Eridan's face and armour, unsure of what to say. "Uh- I like your armour?" He guessed.

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Biting back a loud laugh, Eridan instead gave a low, amused chuckle. "Thank you." His stomach turned a bit as Church looked him over. He'd never had this much attention on him before, especially from someone so high above him. "I suppose we could start with your interests," he offered.

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(gentle bump if you're still interested in this?)