After taking a few moments to reach each huddled group of civilians, ensuring they had enough food, water, and bedding and reassuring them all would be well soon, he left most of his guards to keep them safe. Killian wanted to give his people the best chance at surviving if this intruder was a true threat.
Throughout his seemingly eternal life, Killian had seen death time and time again. At this point, he considered them good friends if death had the capacity for one. War and the cruel nature of the Fae ran in tandem with one another, one feeding the other like a river to an ocean, sometimes peaceful, never-ending, impending, and never ever predictable. Killian and his younger brother, The Fae Lord of Sping Adriel had grown up in war. From a very young age, their parents had instilled a broad knowledge of the surrounding kingdoms and their extensive history, making sure the two flying boys knew their enemy and knew exactly what to expect from them at any given moment. Unfortunately, knowing and preventing war were very different, and very hard to do. Not that that was much of a problem for the pair. Killian and Adiel had been monsters on the battlefield, a little too eager to prove their worth as crown princes to fae thrones. It was the way of the fae, to be wild and ruthless, to tap into their ancestral instincts to lure, trick, and deceive. Killian had been more strategic out of the two, sapping every bit of information, using whatever means at his disposal from his enemies before making sure even their names were erased from history. Adriel was the trickster of the family, equally as beautiful, equally as deadly, but where Killian was willing to play a very long game of cat and mouse, Adiel had no patience when it came to bloodshed and was killed immediately. Never once had they apologized for the lives they took. If their opponents were unfortunate to come up against the two then they had messed up somewhere long, long ago. That was until they slipped up. It had seemingly been a minor detail. The odd jilt of a fellow soldier, the way he had stubbled before settling at the fire circle. They had thought him drunk on the spoils of their latest conquest. Killian should have known better, should have sensed a glamour or the off tinge of soured fruit in the air. As the eldest brother, he should have been ready. But the curse came softly, carried by the warmth of the fire and the promise of a new morning for their people. Not that it was at all deserved but they couldn't have cared less. They should have though, as the soldier muttered the last part of the curse and smoke curled into the sky, Killian should have known better when his brother slumped against him that mornings were a fleeting thing. He would soon understand when by the next, Adriel had seen his last in a very long time.
Those exact final moments of bitterness were what seeped into Killian's soul now as he wove past servants and soldiers, but he kept his composure steeled, at least for now. He spared a glance as another fae matched his stride. "Captain." Killian greeted. The male nodded, the best greeting anyone would get. "The condition of my men?" Killian continued, slowing his pace as they neared the private quarters of the palace.
"Critical but they'll survive. The satyr will not." The captain replied, lowering his gaze in silent respect. Killian did the same though the familiar thrum of revenge hummed in his blood. "Sybil will know a more appropriate vigil for them than I do." Killian was blunt, almost painfully so. He didn't believe in sparing feelings though he had no doubt the Saytre that was killed would impact Sybil and he did sympathize with the loss, despite not knowing the individual.
The Captain stopped a few paces from the door, silently passing Killian his sword though he did not need it. "They were delirious when we finally were able to bring them in. Covered in blood though not animal or Fae. It smelled off…but they seemed to tolerate it, or at least not die immediately from it." Killian nodded again as he accepted the blade.
"It's been a while since we've had a baobhan sith amongst our kind." He noted, keeping the sword beside him as he entered the dark study alone.
"If the rumors are true, then I apologize for the inadequate food, hreremus." Killian chuckled softly at seeing the vampire's stance and set the sword against the wall near the door. "you can put those away, I am not here to fight you. I have enough to worry about without a lost baobhan sith. Assuming you are lost…" Killian grabbed a chair and settled in comfortably as he took his time taking in every detail of his prisoner.
(according to quick Google searches:
Baobhan Sith -> vampire fae
Hreremus - old English for bat that also translates to rattle or flitter mouse)