forum OxO with @Iwilladoptyou
Started by @Ewen_the_Eccentric

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Okay awesome! Yes, the roles were essentially the crazy sadistic person who lowkey kidnaps the other character and turns them into their… idk. Pet I guess. And the other role, the "pet", was just a smol soft unfortunate person who got dragged into this because the crazy person found them somehow intriguing.

@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

Well I would probably use a female, I cant think of insane male actually I can but he's supernatural a mad scientist sociopath. Soooooo I will probably use female. Unless you wanna use female.

Also a template could be nice but it's up to you


No I think female for your character would be brilliant. I love the idea of an insane lady. I play dudes better anyway.

My dude will prob be about twenty-ish years old so you can make your chic whatever age is suitable.


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@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

yandere( for A/b) psycopath. Chaotic evil. She dosent care about anyone else besides (a/b) Sociopathic as well whadya know. She lacks proper emotions. basically she would be normal until she saw a photo for them and that would make them insane.

@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

Chaotic evil 100%, shes insane obvi, has DID(disossitive personality disorder), paranoid, anexious, depressed, can be yandere sometimes as well but in a diff way then nyx. it isn't her sole focus. shes either I hate everyone and I love myself or I hate myself and love those close to me. loves murder. cant stand clamness, loves chaos. shes very complicated.

@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

hhhhh well- shes psycotic, very into bdsm….all of it….she loves hearing the screams of people in pain and punishment…she likes her whip. shes a b///h. insults you upon encounter wther she likes you or not is determined by your response, she hates when people say shes a good person and wants people o be afraid of her or hate her. her looks are in my profile

@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

spectra may have a whip but jackel is more skilled in words and manipulation. they both hurt.
jackel goes out seeking pain bc he hurts so badly internally she is numb and just wants to feel something, she does s//f h//m bc she just wants to feel, she hurts people bc shes sadistic. spectra may hur internally but never show it, enjoying physical pain and enjoying giving people all sorts of pain.