forum OxO TOH rp<3
Started by @FRANKtheTritoposaur group

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Luz noticed that Gus was standing in between Willow and Hunter, and determined that they would probably sit that way too, if she didn't intervene. "Hey, Gus! Come sit by me!" She then gestured at the other two with her head and winked.

@FRANKtheTritoposaur group

Camilla had them put the popcorns that there were 1 popcorn per 2 people. Vee and gus shared, Hunter and Willow shared, Luz and Amity shared. Camilla bought 1 for herself.

@FRANKtheTritoposaur group

The lights really dimmed and the lady from Noovie told them to put on their glasses. Amity ate a little bit of popcorn and put on her glasses, careful to not get butter on the lenses.