I have no idea what we could do, but I love my fantasy and romance.
I have no idea what we could do, but I love my fantasy and romance.
(I'd be interested?)
(I just have no idea what to do. I just want to rp XD)
(Do you have any ideas?)
(I have some plots?)
(Please share, I would love to hear :)
(Before i pull anything, you do you have a certain type of genre you prefer -aside from romance- like fantasy, historical, things like that?)
(fantasy, sol, like monarchy stuff with princes and princess. i haven't done too much but im willing to try)
((This is something that I think may work? ○○○○ Thin Line Between Love And Hate ○○○○
Muse A and Muse B's parents both thought it was simply a brilliant idea to unite their two kingdoms through the marriage of their children. With the two kingdoms already having a very good alliance, this seemed to be the perfect next step. But, this would only work if their newborn children were able to one day fall in love with each other. So, to ensure that this plan would work, every year for about six months Muse A would be brought to Muse B's palace to live there and to help their friendship grow. The only issue is that, they were not friends… at all. The two behaved at times as though they truly hated each other. Fights would at times ensue over the most foolish things, yet the two always seemed to resolve their conflicts. So, although both king and queens were concerned they were sure that the couple would figure things out. But as more time passes, the royal families begin to grow a bit more concerned. Nothing seemed to come from their relationship aside from arguments, yet, in all reality, that is far from the truth.
From there we can figure out where we'd like to take this?)
(Ooh, I love that.)
(Do you have a character preference? Or gender pairing preference?)
(I prefer writing as female but I don't mind. Nor do I mind gender pairing.)
(It doesn't bother me to write as female or male or anything, so idk)
(Well I might write as female as its my preferred rp gender. I don't mind when gender you want to write in.)
(ok, cool, do you want to me to make a template or do you prefer just jumping in?)
(Jumping in is good)
(Would you like me to start, or would you prefer for me to?)
(You can start :)
(Also, what is your character's name?)
Leo grumbled, not wanting to stay another second at the palace. Sadly it was time for him to go to his betrothed's home, and well as usual he was somewhat dreading it. "Mother, why must I go? She simply despises me." He said with a sigh, looking over at his mother who was sitting across from him in the limousine. She was tending to one of his younger siblings who was throwing some sort of temper tantrum at this point. Leo just sighed, shaking his head a little bit. His mother looked so weary and tired at this point, and well, he didn't want to upset his mother any more than what she already was. He turned to look over at his Father, but well, his father wouldn't be any better than his mother. He was speaking to his advisor and well, he wasn't one to deal with Leopold's "whining." So he just sighed, looking out of the window at the dreary terrain. He wasn't exactly looking forward to seeing the princess yet again. Although they had their moments of peace, it normally didn't last.
A few hours later the family was out of the palace, and almost immediately they were brought into the palace, and Leo was taken to their room. Their room… He thought with a groan as he watched some of the servants begin to set his things back into their place in the huge bedroom, thankfully, with separate beds. He was just so frustrated at this point, he didn't want to have to stay here without his parents or family, and with this princess who he doubted he would ever come to love, and he knew that she would never love him back, at least he figured that she wouldn't. He sat down on his bed, since the two never shared a bed, and closed his eyes, just wanting to go back home.
Eleanora was content trying on summery dresses she had purchased the other day at the markets when she was interrupted by Francois.
"Your highness. Your betrothed is here and is waiting in your room." He referred to their shared room instead of her actual room that she was currently in. The princess sighed and picked up a few belongings to take with her, knowing Francois was going to take her to see her 'beloved'.
They reached the room and threw open the door, looking at Leo lying on his bed with his eyes closed, asleep even.
"I was having a perfectly fine day before you showed up." Eleanora closed the door and placed her belongings on her bedside table. She landed on her bed and opened a book she had picked up to read.
Leopold simply wanted to rest his eyes, it had been a long journey and after listening to the complaints of his younger siblings the entire duration of the trip, he had a headache. Of course, the prince was no better than his siblings in the sense of always complaining over some of the most futile things, but of course he was not going to consider that at the moment. Why do my parents seem to think that this is the best course of action to bring our two nations together? After all, they were able to choose whoever they wished to marry, which is how my father became king, but this… This is not fair. It was not even that the prince had another in his life, but, he simply wished that he had been given the option to choose. To choose someone who he could actually agree with, but even still having some sort of choice would have been nice. After all, it wasn't as though he truly despised Eleanora, had it been under different circumstances he may have even tried to be her friend, but know that he was forced to one day be her husband caused him to simply but up a block in his head against her. Perhaps I should try to be kinder to her, it is not her fault that this is happening either.
As the few quiet moments he had in the room passed, he could hear footsteps approaching the bedroom, and made no attempts to make himself look a bit more presentable. I am not dressed inappropriately, I am simply resting, so it ought not be such a huge deal to this princess. But when she spoke to him, he just let out a sigh of annoyance, crossing his arms over his chest and sitting up to look over at her. "Of course, your majesty, only you are inconvenienced by this setup." And there went the niceties. "I apologize that my presence is so frustrating to you, but sadly I cannot leave this palace until the six months are over. I am surprised that you seem to forget that so easily."
Eleanora looked at him with her mouth slightly open, in the faintest of shock. This prince from where ever, she didn't bother studying open his kingdom, was a nuisance to her. He was such a smart alec and she couldnt believe her parents would want to arrange them together. Eleanora hated being told what to do and when it came to her future, she became irritable. She had always envisioned meeting her prince at a royal ball. He would be exotic and from a far away kingdom and she would be able to leave hers, with its dirty streets and ungrateful villagers. Not to mention her parents, who kept a strict eye on her, refraining her from doing much unless she was with a guard or someone who could protect her.
"I will let you know I have a wonderful memory thank you. I simply choose you keep you out of my mind so I can go about my day."
Leopold could not help but smile when he saw that he had successfully gotten under the princess' skin. His impish grin was reminiscent to one of his younger siblings, but he couldn't help it. After all, she had been somewhat rude to him first, so it was only fair that he defended himself from her 'verbal attacks', at least he viewed them as such. Leo swung his legs over his bed to sit more comfortably, and also get a better look at the princess. He was taken a bit aback by how much she had changed in the sixth months he had been gone. And soon began to realize that if he got anything out of whole deal between the two kingdoms, he would get a beautiful wife. Shame she cannot be agreeable as well, I at least can say that I was not the one who was rude right off the bat. He thought before trying to come up with a response to combat her words. It is not worth trying to be more impolite to her, perhaps an apology? That would throw her off, and make me look good too. "Alright, Eleanora, if that is how you truly feel, but I do apologize for being so hurtful right off the bat."
Eleanora scowled at the prince and turned her attention to her book. Eleanora wished she was good with words like the prince was, but all she could seem to do was shoot insults. Eleanora wondered if it was due to him having siblings to banter with. As an only child, Eleanora didn't have many friends growing up and grew to have a cold nature about her, when in reality, she was a bright girl who loved fashion, books and horses, her trusty stallion being her closest friend.
Eleanora looked up from her book for a short second to see the prince staring at her. His eyes met hers and she looked back down, embarrassed. If she didn't despise him, she might have agreed that he had attractive eyes that draw the attention to his face, which was rather handsome, Eleanora thought. But attractive or not, he's not for me. I don't want an arranged marriage or to marry for an alliance.
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