forum Outside (O/O closed, stalkers welcome :)
Started by @basil_

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“Hm..I usually like drawing architecture, landscape scenes. Um..I don’t draw people very well but I’ve been trying to practice.” She wished she had her notebook with her to show him.


Grayson nodded and glanced down at his watch. “What time should you be home?” He asked a bit nervously.


Grayson looked back up at her worriedly. “It’s 9:15,” he told her regretfully, not wanting to leave the park and go back home.


“If anyone’s going to get killed, it’s me.” Grayson replied quietly. “Also..I uh..don’t know how here..”


“I guess I do.” Grayson took his phone out of his pocket. “You want it?” He asked, turning his phone to her.


“Yes please.” She took out her own phone to copy the number, “So if you’re stuck and bored in your house some day, I’d be happy if you’d text me. I’d like to be your friend.”


“Really? I..I mean..yeah, that’d be nice,” he said quickly, putting his phone back when she was done getting his number.


“Okay,” Grayson nodded. “It’s my pleasure.” They began to walk back home, Grayson taking in his surroundings as they did.


Jasmine stuffed her phone back in her pocket, “Have you ever wanted to go to public school?” She finally spoke after a few minutes.


“I’ve never really thought about it. It’s never been an option,” he told her, shoving his hands in his sweatshirt pockets.


“Do you want me to tell you about it?” She offered, “We have a little time before we get back home, plus I can text you the rest now.” She wiggles her shoulders a little with excitement. It was nice to have someone else to talk to, and he was pretty cute—but they would just be friends. For now at least, she shoved the thought away, Friends.


Grayson laughed and nodded. “Sure, does it live up to the countless descriptions in books?” He asked, smiling over at her.


“Kind of..” she glanced over to him and smiled too, “The cliques aren’t as obvious and the bullies aren’t as outrageously cliche or common. But other than that it’s pretty much the same as the books.”


“Mm..maybe I’m glad I don’t have to go,” Grayson replied with a quiet laugh. “Doesn’t sound very nice.”


“People make friends that make the experience bearable, even enjoyable sometimes.” She took a turn towards their houses, “I don’t mind it so much..” she stared at the ground, remembering something not so pleasant. She rubbed her arm.


Grayson wasn’t sure if he should ask again. She didn’t look okay, but maybe she didn’t want to be bothered. “Are..are you sure you’re okay?” He asked again, his voice almost a whisper.


She shook her head, “I’m alright, it just reminded me of a bit of a problem at school with some girls. It’s fine, though.”