forum Our Fate [Farah Dowling x Saul Silva] Fate: The Winx Saga (O/O Closed)
Started by @emilyevewrites group

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saul seemed a bit confused until she jumped " easy far!" he said as he took a step back and gained his balance. he wrapped his arms around her "feel better smalls?"

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saul laughed as well, nuzzling farah " got anything you wanna do?"

@emilyevewrites group

Farah gasped softly. With the way she'd landed and how he caught her, her breasts were very close to his face. Her face flushed. She hadn't thought of that when she jumped into his arms. "We have to report to Rosalind," she murmured, running her fingers through his dark hair.

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saul leaned into her hand, careful with how he moved. farah was defanitly close to something else just the same and the right movements would put him in a bad place. " do we have to?"

@emilyevewrites group

Farah kissed him fervently, tightening her fingers in his hair. She liked the new risk associated with their relationship. The chance of being discovered, getting caught. It was fun and exciting. All Farah knew was that she loved Saul desperately, and she'd do just about anything in the world to be with him.

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saul's grip tightened a bit, moving to put farah against the wall " you enjoy this dont you? the risk?" he asked huskily

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saul chuckled, letting himself fal to her need, " ill let you have it but your working for it." he said an nipped at the hollow in her neck

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saul let her do as she pleased, continuing the love nips and kisses

@emilyevewrites group

Farah was two seconds away from ripping her top off when a light knock came at the door and Ben's voice drifted through. "Saul? Rosalind's ready for us. And do you know where Farah is?"

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saul sighed " give us a moment." he said and let farah down " sorry," he mumbled to her