Norwood Academy is an elite school, nestled in a somewhat small town and known for being secretive, and for turning out respectable alumni. What is unknown to the general public, though, is that Norwood is no ordinary academy. Instead, Norwood is an academy that turns out the best spies in, arguably, the world.
Through a glitch in the system, Norwood's best student and worst student are both assigned a high stakes mission, and now it's too late to replace anyone. While the two definitely don't get along, both spies-in-training are going to have to figure out something, if they want to pull this off, and make it out alive.
Amidst bickering with each other, gambling, fake ID's, and discovering information about a mission that turns out to be way more complicated than they originally thought, the two struggle to keep one step ahead of the game, and ignore their developing feelings for each other. Who knew Vegas was so dangerous?
Outfit/Style(mission and civ):
Name: Rafaela Vasquez
Codename: Canary
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Pan
Appearance: Brown hair, to about her shoulder blades, which has an odd tendency to switch from wavy to extremely curly somehow. One of her eyes is a warm brown, and the other is a clear pretty blue. She's well aware that a feature as noticeable as that doesn't make for a great spy, but she doesn't seem to care all that much. Well tanned, half due to heritage and half thanks to spending time in the sun when she can. 5'7 and decently muscled, but more on the curvy side, covered in various scars. Has a tattoo of a sunflower behind her right ear, visible when her hair is pulled up.
Outfit/Style(mission and civ):
Casual: High-waisted jean shorts usually, black converse and cropped tops, paired with her cropped yellow leather jacket. Large hoop earrings and adores lipstick. Wears a silver charm bracelet she never removes.
Mission: Yellow ankle boots and skinny jean-like pants in black, specifically designed to be easy to move in. Her jacket, overtop a black tank top.
Personality: Laid-back and uncaring, though she definitely does enjoy anything dangerous. A thrill seeker. Slacker and more the class clown type, doesn't ever put that much effort into anything. She's wicked sharp when she applies herself though, but she never does. The insults and snide comments sent her way by teachers and her peers seem to just wash right over her. Doesn't give a shit about her own personal safety, and doesn't seem to be scared of anything.
Strengths: Supposedly, none at all. Ones that have shown themselves or will, are; Manipulative, and a good liar. Multilingual, and great with guns and close combat fighting. Need a distraction? She's got you. Has contacts in all sorts of places. Knows way to much about all sorts of things.
Weaknesses: Seemingly doesn't care. Easily distracted, can't sit still, and doesn't sleep enough. A gambler, though that might prove to be semi-useful. Secretive.
Fears: Small spaces, her past, and water.
Backstory: Refuses to talk about her life before she came to Norwood when she was sixteen. And oddly enough, she doesn't seem to exist before then, either. No records anywhere, stumping any and all officials who have looked into her. She very quickly became known as a horrible student, and there are bets placed on when she'll give up entirely.
Other: Smokes. Doesn't eat enough.