forum Operation: Cease and Desist (o/o Closed)
Started by @Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

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@Dayzed local_movies

Although Jen was angry, he did nothing to fight back, his hands simply grabbing onto Bane's arms in an effort to get him to loosen his grip a little. Jen was not used to being restrained like this and it made him feel a bit childish, embarrassment making his face flush a little. God. He should have never come back to this place. Even if it was to visit Artemy after all these years- it was clear that this had been a terrible decision, given the situation he was in now and putting the pieces together that if Jake was here, then this place had ties with Nexus. Nexus would never give Jake up, they'd fight tooth and nail for him, so there was no chance that Jake was here out of his own free will. Jake would never be free as long as Nexus was standing.

When Bane hushed Jen, he gritted his teeth a little, but still, said nothing. If he were in Bane's position, he wouldn't want the other person to make things harder for him.

At Bane's words, Jake's smile fell, his cheery nature turning dark. A protector? Jake nearly laughed at that, though his face was suddenly very angry at his words. Yeah, a protector- like the time he nearly tried to kill him.
Jake's eyes glared at Bane, as a distasteful look came onto his face, but something weighed him down, making the glare and expression fall just as quickly as it had come. Maybe he was tired? But the anger didn't last long as it was smothered by something else. A sort of sadness.
“Listen, Jules knocked him out. He won’t remember a thing when he wakes. It’s the curse of his ability, but hey, give the big guy a chance. You saw the bad and vulnerable side — try for the good one. He’ll make it.”

Jake groaned as he remembered Jax's words. Seriously. Fuck everyone here. He looked away from Bane as he spoke, not really saying anything.

As Jen was placed down, he stood by Bane, not taking the opportunity to go at Jake anymore when the could have had a chance to slip out of Bane's grasp. He was still angry, yes, but it seemed like the discipline he had been taught as a child took over, overpowering his anger. His eyes were trained on Jake the entire time, still looking murderous in a way.

Jen simply nodded at Bane's words. He would respect the man, Jen was merely a guest here and he had acted way out of line.
"I understand." Was all he said in return.

Alaska's arrival seemed to brighten Jake's mood a little it seemed. He snickered at the look on the other's face, his grey eyes looking him over as he went towards Jen. The guy was honestly so adorable, a few thoughts ran through Jake's mind, though, he'd save those for later. He'd have his fun.
At Alaska's name being yelled Jake stiffened.
Jen's face turned sour as Bane's action reminded him of a memory between him and Jake. They had been on a job and Jake had been eyeing someone while they sat in a cafe- that someone had turned out to be Marcus, who later on found out he could tolerate Jake and accepted him. Probably the biggest mistake he could have done. Jen had yelled Jake's name snapping him out of his trance. This scene didn't seem any different from that time, except it wasn't Jake and Jen anymore.

Jake stared Bane down as he redirected his attention back to him. Healed? Like hell he was getting healed.
"Don't bother, just throw me into my room, I'll deal with it" He said, dismissing Bane's words as he came close and crouched down. Jake rolled his eyes at Bane's words. Wrong. There was always a villain, and it so just happened to be Jake this time around.
Jake watched Alaksa lead Jen out, who shot him a dirty look as Alaska ushered him out. He looked back at Bane who grabbed his hand suddenly.
"Listen Bane." Jake started, a bite to his tone. "You may expect everyone to follow all the rules and bend to your whims, but I am not that type of person. I won't be going down to the infirmary. As I said before, I can deal with this myself" There was a bitter look on his face as he also stared down at the deep wound.

As Bane left he felt a slight rage bubbling up inside of him. Who did Bane think he was? Tears pricked at his eyes, not from the pain but because everything felt weird. "Don't fight me." The more Bane talked, the more he sounded like his father and it scared him as it equally made him want to hug him. It sounded like Bane cared, not giving him a choice to not get his wounds healed, but Jake knew better than that. If Jake was wounded he wouldn't be able to hold a sword properly and he would be useless. Tears fell down his cheeks as he gritted his teeth harshly, a furious look on his face. He acted just like his father.
Jake didn't allow Eris to simply take him down to the infirmary- he fought her the entire way there. He was not going down without a fight. Right now Jake was severely mistaking Bane for Aristide, the similarity of their two personalities and way they spoke blending together. His body screamed at him to fight back. He wanted to fight back. The rational part of Jake knew Bane was not Aristide, but it hurt a lot. It hurt to be talked to like that. It hurt in a way that felt familiar.

When Bane caught up, Jen turned to the side to eye the man as he ordered his friend to go get a file.
Once inside the detainment center, Jen looked around briefly, letting Bane lead him in. He sat down, a sort of surprise flashing across his face when Bane uncuffed him. Jen gave Bane a suspicious look but didn't say anything, simply rubbed at his wrists.
He watched as Bane sat across from him and started talking. Jen took in a sharp breath when Bane stopped.
"By the looks of it, it seems you have no idea what Jake is. I know how Nexus works. They would have sent his file over, every detail of his life on those papers and apparently, you guys haven't bothered to read it. But those papers are basically like a warning." Jen said calmly, his eyes staring into Bane's, not looking away. Jen was not nervous about this interaction, he had done this plenty of times and he had nothing to hide either.
"My intentions are still the same. I will end that man's life." His eyes were still, yet something seemed to waver when he said the last sentence. Even though those were his words, he would not kill Jake. Hurt him? More than likely, but kill him? Jen didn't have it in him to kill the last person who used to be part of his family. He still cared and he knew this. It irritated him greatly that even after having to attend their funerals, he cared about the piece of shit known as Jake.
"I know you're only doing your job" Jen continued. "I don't see you as my enemy. You haven't done anything to me yet and even if you did, I'm sure it wouldn't be on purpose. You do not seem like that type of man" Jen said shaking his head a little.
"I shouldn't have to be explaining Jake's situation to you because you should have already known. You've neglected to do your job by not reading those papers. How you all could be so careless is beyond me, but if you want an explanation I'll give it to you. You all deserve to know before anyone gets hurt." Jen said, an edge to his tone as if some part of him was worried for everyone's safety, or at the very least the ones more vulnerable to be targeted.
"Almost four years ago Jake killed a group of people except for one person. Those people were our friends- but you can't even call it that. We grew together so we were more family than anything else, or so I had thought." Jen swallowed harshly, his nails digging into the palm of his hands as spoke, though they were under the table out of view. "He killed them." Jen gritted his teeth, grinding them together as he tried to take control of his emotions.

Artemy watched Jax as he seemed unsure of what to do with him or say to him. He gave the man a soft smile.
"No need to be on edge. I'm not here to cause trouble unlike Jen and Jake" He said, his voice barely above a whisper.
When he saw the man known as Jules return, he looked up, his eyes landed on the man before shifting over to the new face. At Jules' request, Artemy pressed his lips together into a straight line, but he didn't seem to look displeased with his words. He just seemed a little uncertain and maybe a little nervous.
Artemy stood from the bed, shoving his hands into his pockets, his shoulders tensing as Aeron looked at him. He scanned the other's face before he gave Aeron a kind smile. Artemy looked back at Jules before looking away shyly down at the floor.
"Yeah, I don't mind helping. I'm not sure what you want me to do, but I like helping" Artemy was a little like Jen in the sense that he loved being of use to others, especially when it was in his ability to do so.
"I won't be scared, I promise" He spoke to Jules, but something about his words showed hesitance. Jules' words sounded like a warning, but Artemy was not one to quickly judge another person, no matter what they showed themselves to be like at first.

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

Bane rubbed his face. This will be a long talk. One he won’t enjoy, but it was necessary. Jen made more assumptions than truths. It was, frankly, annoying. “You say I didn’t read the files? You say I have no fucking clue what that man is? Jake is a broken record in need of desperate repair.” He scoffed, annoyed at Jen. He closed his eyes, taking deep, calculated breaths. Bane needed to calm down. “I don’t heed warnings. You will not end his life. That is giving up on a person — to end their life. Do you give up so quickly? Because you are.” He snarled, analyzing Jen’s character. The man resembled a deflated balloon underneath the angry chihuahua. He held Jen’s gaze, looking deep within the man. He had given up. Completely. But Jen had no strength to do the action. He was bluffing. Acting tough under a crumbling surface. Bane knew it too well. He had put on the same show. 

Shaking his head, Bane placed his hand on the table. He shifted in his seat, eyeing Jen like a hawk. He knew how to break his prey. “I am doing my job, yes. But I am not a man who hurts on purpose, not anymore. I’ve put it behind me.” Bane quirked an eyebrow. Using the leverage from his arms, he pushed off the table, standing up. “Neglected. To. Do. My. Job.” He dragged the words out slowly. “Do you know how ignorant you sound? Pretty damn ignorant. You can’t lay these accusations by my feet when you know nothing about me.” Bane huffed, pacing back and forth. He listened to Jen, irritated. “He murdered them — the group you called family. But you know, Jen. I already knew that much. I read the file.” He chuckled. “No one is going to get hurt. If they were, they would already be dead.” Bane paused. “You know why? Do you think I didn’t have it bad as a child? My father made me kill people who didn’t deserve it.” He sneered, getting closer to Jen. “But I reformed and now no one is in danger. So, if I can reform, then maybe I believe in him more than you fucking do.” He grabbed his chair, sitting down in it. 

Bane studied Jen, waiting for his air to change. “I was going to dish out a harsher punishment, but I see the path. You are going to be consulted by our therapist, conducting sessions with her.” He grabbed a pen from his jacket, twisting it in between his fingers. “And you will have personal lessons with me. Do I make myself clear?” He waited for Jen’s response. He had been blunt, and Bane found it the best way to break a person. To hear what they didn’t want to hear.

Jax turned to look at Artemy, catching the boy’s eyes. “It’s not that. I’m — a bit shaken.” He went silent, staring at his shoes. Jules had returned, Aeron trailing behind him. Aeron shied away from Artemy, cowering behind Jules. The boy’s pupils dilated, fear wafting from him. He didn’t return Artemy’s smile, his body tense and on guard. This kid had been through some shit. Jules sighed, nodding his head. “Please try to help open him up. I think interacting with a kid around his age would be beneficial. We don’t — have many teens or children here. At least not now.” He smiled, turning to face Aeron. “He’s well-trained—” He watched his words. “Coming from a harsh place. So maybe he can teach you some sword skills in return.” Aeron stood, slowly approaching Artemy. He regarded him with an air of curiosity, finally returning Artemy’s smile. Jules giggled. “I ask you to not be scared because he frightens easily.” He nodded his head, letting Artemy greet the boy. Jules gave the 15-year-old full reign.

The door to the infirmary opened, Eris shoving Jake inside. She left, grumbling about what a pain he’d been. Jax turned his head, eyes flurrying with worry. He rushed over to Jake, taking hold of the man’s arm. He pulled him into a hug, not minding the blood. Whatever Bane had planned. It ended horribly. Jules rushed over, grabbing Jake’s limp hand. He passed two glowing fingers over the wound, healing it. Jax’s hug kept Jake distracted, but Jules needed to see his face. “Jax, please let Jake go. I need to address the other wounds.” Jax obliged, backing out of his hug.

@Dayzed local_movies

"If you had read the files, we wouldn't be here right now." Jen snapped back. He nearly scoffed at the "Jake is broken" talk. Yeah. He was. Which is why he did the things he did. He was beyond repair at this point.
"Do you give up so quickly?" Jen had been seething at the first few words but when it came to that line, he froze. That seemed to strike a nerve inside of him. Jen opened his mouth to say something to that but simply gritted his teeth, unable to fire anything back. He swallowed harshly.
Jen listen to the rest of Bane's ranting without saying a word, until Bane revealed having read Jake's file. His eyes hardened at the man.
"Wrong." Jen said, his voice wavering just slightly but it was noticeable. "It's when you least expect it that they'll surprise you." He said, sounding hurt, his voice firm yet holding back emotion.
As Bane got close to Jen, he held his ground, but he wanted nothing more than to shrink away. He took Bane's words in. He didn't know much about the guy, but his words made him pause. Believe in Jake? There had been a time when had believed in Jake, but sometimes, you had to know when to stop.
"You say that…." Jen's eyes grew dark. "And yet you want to kill this person called Nataniel. How many chances will you give Jake, I wonder? What if he messes this up? What if he does do something you'll regret? What then? It'll be too fucking late." Jen hissed, tears pricking at his eyes, shaking slightly in the chair he was in, trying to restrain himself. And although Jen said this, he found himself drowning in guilt. It hurt him a lot to know that Jake could not be saved. These people believed in Jake to some degree, but how long had they known him? A few days? Weeks? Perhaps a couple of months? Maybe if it were a couple of months he might take their word for it.

Jen let out a frustrated sigh, placing his hands over his face. He didn't want to talk about this anymore. They wouldn't get it. And still….Jen's mouth pulled into a frown, trying not to break down. He put his hands down, this time, not looking at Bane.
"I'm going to ask you a question. And I want your honest answer." Jen said a little quietly. "Do you really believe Jake has it in him to change? Given his history?" He paused for a second before continuing. Jen was trying hard to fight the slight chance of hope Bane was giving him right now, but he knew if he did believe in Jake again, it would kill him. So he wanted to make sure. The pain would never go away- what Jake had done could never be erased, but if you weighed Jen's true feelings against his anger, one always won. But he hadn't acknowledged it this entire time.

Jen pressed his lips together at the order.
"Yes, I understand. You make yourself very clear." Jen replied, like it was rehearsed, because it was. It's how he replied to people in positions higher than him, he wouldn't have it any other way. Jen seemed a little confused now as Bane had challenged him. Was he making another mistake? Another one he couldn't come back from by abandoning Jake? The thought made him was to crawl into a hole and die.

Artemy listened to Jules' words and wondered what had happened to Aeron. He wondered how bad "harsh" was in this situation. Artemy blinked a few times at Aeron as he approached him and took him in. Artemy didn't know what to do, so he did the thing Jen always did when meeting strangers. He slowly stuck his hand out to shake Aeron's.
"Uhm, hello" Artemy spoke softly- his voice was always soft and quiet until something annoyed him. A dorky grin appeared on his face as Aeron returned his smile.
"It's very nice to meet you, my name's Artemy" He had noticed the type of clothes Aeron had worn and it had immediately caught his attention, but he didn't say anything. It excited him to know that someone shared his same fashion sense and it showed in the way Artemy's eyes lit up.

Jake gasped as he was shoved in, crashing to the ground with how hard he had been pushed. He hissed at Eris, rage in his eyes, though before Jake could do anything Jax surprised him with a hug. He froze. Jake was in shock as everything happened and didn't have time to process any of it as Jules also rushed over and healed him. The actions of everyone shook him to his core, panic building inside of him.
When Jules ordered Jax to move away Jake quickly hugged Jax back, grabbing fistfuls of Jax's clothes, not letting him go. His heart was beating so fast that he felt like he was going to die. His breath caught in his throat as everything threatened to be too much, but Jake was hugging someone. Maybe this would be a one-time thing, but he needed this right now. He really needed this. Jake's lips trembled as he buried his head into Jax's chest. He didn't want anyone to see him cry.

When Jake came in, Artemy's eyes had also shot to the door in time to see Jake shoved. His eyes grew as he saw the blood and then the way Jax rushed over to him. Artemy seemed very shocked to know that someone cared about Jake like that in such a short amount of time.

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

Bane sighed, taking a step back from Jen. He needed to cool off, getting fired from the interaction between Jen and him. Taking a deep breath, he brought himself back to reality. He tried to stop from snapping, however, his red eyes still bleed through. “Remember. We’re not here to fight over Jake. We’re here because you attack a recruit. It is my job to apprehend aggressors. Do you think I want to argue?” He walked to the one-way window, looking out at nothing. The only advantage was his close vicinity to Jen. But Bane stared at his reflection, staring at the three scars across his right eye. “Are you trying to say I’d murder my co-workers?” Bane turned to face Jen, his brows furrowed, and his mouth turned into a frown. A world of hurt shone through his eyes. Bane had been speaking about himself, not Jake. He shook his head, masking his confusion. Jen must have been talking about Jake. 

Bane leaned in closer, his jaw tightening. “Jen — Nathaniel murders for the joy of it. We have given him months, years, and any type of agreement to get him to stop. He won’t stop. Nathaniel refused to heal. He had guided him, but all he wants to do is take over the world and eradicate the human population.” He sighed. Bane knew Jen would use his words against him. “He is a demon. Something straight from hell. You’ve seen it. Jake is a human. Humans can be helped.” He backed off, grabbing his chair and bringing it closer to Jen. He sat closer to Jen, trying to form some bond. “Listen. We are not Nexus. We will not neglect a person until they snap. Jake, under great supervision and in a kind place, can heal. He’s human. Jake still has options left, but Nathaniel does not. I am not enforcing the execution order because I’m giving up on him. It’s protecting the population.” Bane paused. “The execution order is not to kill a man on sight. It is more like “death is an option once everything else has failed”. If Nathaniel willingly stood down and let us take him in, we’d help him. But if he continues to be a threat to the population, we have to kill him.” He ran over his teeth with his tongue. Both situations were messy. “Jake got in trouble and Amity saw an opportunity to take in a man and help him, similar if Nathaniel stood down. Nexus is not good. If we weren’t constrained to handing Jake over, we’d keep him.” Bane played with his beaded necklace. This was a long explanation. 

Bane looked up at Jen, holding his gaze for a minute. “Jake still has remorse. I can sense it, see it. Nathaniel doesn’t. With the remorse Jake still has, he has a better chance. And if he messes this up, it really depends on the mess up. We will still care for him. We do with all. It’s just he’d be under punishment or jailed.” His mouth was dry, begging him for water. But this wasn’t a time to get water. Instead, he cleared his throat. Jen got restless, Bane could tell. "I will always give you an honest answer.” Bane paused, waiting for Jen. “Would you believe, if I gave you my history, could I have really changed? Because many here didn’t believe in me. They wanted me out on the street, but one man believed in me enough. I healed, changed my ways, learned from my mistakes, and learned how to be a member of society. So, then again, does Jake deserve the same treatment? Because I did the exact same things out of fear.” Being stood hanging his head. “I can tell you’re Restless now. If you’re willing to accept the punishment, we can end the talk here. You will not be penalized or treated like trash. If you want to stay, you’ll still get a dorm, most likely with the kid you came with.” Bane held out his offer.

Aeron flinched, taking in Artemy’s figure and speech. He would never reveal the things that happened to him. Not the torture, abuse, and training of a child to become a soldier. The boy wasn’t looking forward to making new friends, but the nice man considered it helpful. Maybe he should give Artemy a chance, he was a human boy. Aeron stepped back when Artemy held out his hand. The hellhound didn’t understand, but held out his other hand, clasping it together against Artemy’s. Maybe everything would be okay. He didn’t speak often; the words catching on his tongue. However, this time, he’d give it a go. “My name is Aeron.” His accent was foreign, but easy to understand. Aeron attempted to smile softly, imitating Artemy to a degree.

Jax made a run to Jake. He gripped onto the man, hugging him. It wasn’t something he often did, but seeing the blood and treatment switched something into his mind. Jules had backed Jax up, getting ample time to heal the wound on Jake’s hand. He didn’t want to let go; he didn’t want Jules to break apart their hug. It was better safe than sorry. Jax tried to move away, Jake only clinging to him further. The man didn’t want the hug to dissipate. Jax doesn’t let it dissipate. He clung to Jake, the feeling of the other’s hands scrapping along his back. Jake grabbed fistfuls of Jax’s clothes while Jax laid his hands flat against Jake’s back. Jax coddled Jake, cradling the other’s head as he buried into his chest. It seemed ridiculous to give such a man a hug, but Jax couldn’t help himself. It felt right. “You’re safe.” He whispered.

@Dayzed local_movies

Jen gritted his teeth at Bane's reprimand. That's right. They weren't here to talk about that fucker. Jen's immediate reaction was to say 'sorry' when he did something wrong, but he knew that a sorry wasn't going to cut it. Not this time, and the many times he had gravely fucked up before.
Bane's question made Jen pale, he bolted from his seat to turn to him, eyes wide, but this time it wasn't anger that was there, but a bit of shame and embarrassment.
"No!" Jen cried out. That's not what he had meant at all. "I don't think you would- I haven't known you long enough, but you don't seem like someone who would do that." Jen said firmly. His eyes searched Bane's face. Jen didn't like accusing others unless he had hard proof that things were as they appeared to be.
As Bane leaned close, Jen shifted back a little, feeling his legs hit the seat of the chair he had been in, but he kept his eyes on the man. It was disrespectful to look away when someone was talking to you.
At the explanation Jen said nothing, knowing this as they had gone over it in the meeting, but Jen still wanted to know more information. The fact that the guy was a demon- even though they had gone over this, still made Jen frown. He didn't know that demons actually roamed the planet- he thought it was more of like a spirit thing, something you couldn't see. That did not seem to be the case. He swallowed. That was another can of worms he did not want to open, but he'd do it later regardless, he needed to focus on more pressing matters right now.
Seeing Bane move a chair towards him, he blinked, but let out a defeated breath as he took his seat once more.
Jen stared into Bane's eyes as if being able to read his mind. Obviously, he could not, but Jen was very good at telling when someone was a liar and what kind of intentions they had. Bane's seemed to be pure. Jen crossed his arms and leaned back into the chair.
"I see." He said, understanding a little more about Nathaniel's situation, though, some part of Jen, because he didn't have any history with him, felt for him. Nathaniel that was. It was like the opposite. Bane didn't know Jake well, so he thought he could be saved. Jen didn't know Nathaniel well either and wanted to offer a helping hand. But if a whole community of people had come to the decision that Nate needed to be killed, there was nothing Jen could do. That meant the guy had done some serious irreversible damage.
There was an unrecognizable emotion behind Jen's eyes as Bane kept talking. Helping Jake.
"Remorse?" Jen echoed Bane, though his whole demeanor gave off the impression that Jen would not budge.
"I guess I'll have to see that for myself." Jen said, now looking away to think for a second. There was one way to know if Jake held remorse for the things he did. It was a little fucked up, but Jen knew Jake from the inside out. He would make Jake show him if he truly wanted forgiveness.
Jen frowned but the more Bane talked the more confused he seemed to grow. Just jailed? A punishment? Still care for him? It all made Jen's head spin. This wasn't the way they did things at Nexus and doing things differently unsettled Jen a little, but something inside of Jen seemed to pull at him. Maybe if Jake had had this earlier on- no. All of them. If they had been here instead of Nexus, things could have been different. A slight anger bubbled up in Jen's chest, burning his throat a little. His anger was not at Jake anymore- though he would still not forgive him as easily, but at Nexus. Jen, even after all this time was blinded by Nexus and what they had done for him. They had taken Jen in and given him a family and he was greatly indebted to them, but times had changed. The past was long gone and it was time to start looking ahead instead of wallowing in misery all the time. Even though Jen knew this, it was very hard to get past it all, some part of him wanted to hold on to that anger and blame Jake instead of Nexus.

Jen seemed to have cooled down during the time Bane talked. But had this talk taken place soon after his friends had gotten killed, he would not have hesitated to slit Bane's throat for defending Jake. To even dare side with him.
"I don't know your story." Jen paused as Bane continued. "But." He paused again as if he didn't want to say it. A few seconds passed in silence, Jen was indeed being very stubborn right now. He did not want to accept the truth.
"No. I guess not." He said, talking about Jake deserving the same treatment as Bane would have had. Neither of them did, they had just gone through shitty situations.
The offer only deflated Jen a little. They were still willing to house him even after the scene he had made.
"I'll accept the punishment, but I have a small request before we do anything else. I want to see Jake. Right now. I won't do anything, I just want to see something. I'm sure you'll also be there to make sure I keep my word. If it's not possible, then another time." Jen said now standing up when Bane did, arms still crossed. Jen had a lot of things to reflect on and this would take time, he would still probably mess up, but…..he would try. He was hesitant to do so, but he'd think about it.
"And…." Jen cleared his throat, he hated when he messed up- it was unlike him. His face heated up somewhat at the mix of emotions he was feeling. "Thank you. For everything." Jen forced himself to look at Bane, feeling small at this moment. He always did when he messed up.

Artemy tilted his head to the side a little when Aeron took a step back at his action. Maybe it had been too much? Though, Aeron soon got the gist of it and held his. Artemy shook his hand slightly, then let go.
"I like your clothes" Artemy gestured to the tech wear Aeron wore. "Very stylish" Artemy gushed. "I love all the pockets!" He shoved his hands back into his own pockets, moving them around inside as if demonstrating. Artemy had picked that up from Jake who always had the need to demonstrate things with his hands, doing wild gestures at times.
"You also have very pretty eyes" Artemy commented, an air of curiosity to him now. "Like honey!" They looked just like his father's eyes- amber. And by father he meant Jen. Artemy beamed at Aeron as he looked him over again.

Jake shook slightly in Jax's arms and although he was crying, no sound came out of him. He didn't allow himself to freely cry and scream and let everything out. Only small sounds came from him now and again, but nothing more. There was a reason for this, but Jake would never say why.
Jake shut his eyes tightly at Jax's words. He was wrong. He wasn't safe, he'd never be safe and the thought alone seemed to break him down, his body going slightly limp like he was giving up.
And even though he knew this, he allowed himself to delude himself in this fantasy just for this moment. He laid his head against Jax's shoulder, a sudden wave of exhaustion hitting him. Not sleeping, waking up early, having to spend all his emotional energy……it felt like he was dying. And Jax felt so warm and comforting….maybe his mind was tricking him into a false sense of security before everything went to hell, but he would allow it. Even if this bit him in the ass, later on, he'd deal with it like he always did.

After a few seconds of calming down, Jake pulled away, his face flushed from crying, tears making his eyelashes stick together. He rubbed at them like a kid would when they got something in their eyes.
"I'm okay, I'm okay, false alarm everybody" Jake cracked a joke, not liking the way everything was silent. He gave a small laugh even though he still felt like crying. But he would not inconvenience Jax further, he'd cry on his own time. Jake craved to be held by someone but he would not ask for it. He wouldn't allow it.
"Thank you, love of my life~" Jake gave Jax a giant playful grin even though there was still blood on his face. Jake bounced back just as soon as his mood had gone down. Though, he was far from okay, his eyes looking more broken than they had before.

Artemy watched the whole interaction. He had only ever seen Jake allow himself to scream and cry with all of his soul put into it once in his lifetime, and that was when he had held Marcus' body in his arms on what had become a battlefield at the time. Jake had poured out all his raw emotions that day and then never again. His voice had gone hoarse as it went on for hours, and then some more, but that had been a while ago. He wasn't sure if he'd ever see that again- and he really hoped he wouldn't.

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

Bane paced, thinking about the situation. Jen was an aggressor, but was angered by Jake’s previous actions. Right. Both needed time to cool off and time away. It would not be beneficial for them to interact again today. He turned his attention back to Jen, his scent changing slightly. Regret. He didn’t have time to soothe Jen. He needed to straighten things out, explain their likeness, and get Jen a place to stay. Bane strode over to the window, staring at the scars populating his face. He received it because his eyes were odd — because he was soft. It pained him to peer upon them. He turned to face Jen, confusion rippling through the calm pond. What did Jen mean? Oh. A misunderstanding. “I see.” He turned away from his reflection. “Then it was a simple misunderstanding. But no, I would never hurt my family. Not after all we’ve gone through — at least not intentionally.” Bane held Jen’s gaze, his seriousness returning. 

Bane leaned closer to Jen, studying his face. He understood more, unlike the average human. His jaw became taut. Many thoughts drifted through his mind. He would find no disrespect here. Not from this man. He shouldn’t worry much. Bane didn’t think Jen had much to fear. He thought himself harmless. But he moved away, giving Jen space while he went on explaining their situations. Yes, demons existed. Many creatures existed. Nathaniel was one of those demons, one who didn’t stop — one that didn’t quit. Clairvoyants could see these creatures, mortals lacking the gene unable to see the dangers. It was why Blackwood existed — to protect the unknowing. But even then, the knowing needed protecting. These people were part of them. Bane would address it later, hoping it wouldn’t scare Jen. Now, they needed to focus on the task at hand. Discussing Jake and punishments. They needed to make a move on, but matters seemed to be delicate.

The hound dragged his chair over by Jen, sitting next to the man. He didn’t want to be demeaning, staring Jen down across a table. He wanted to be akin to a friend, sitting side by side. Bane didn’t know if it would work, but he had no other options. He needed to form a bond. He kept Jen’s stare, letting him analyze his character. Bane was anything but a liar. He never intentionally harmed — intentionally maimed. His intentions were always sincere. He crossed his legs, back ridged against the chair. Did the hound ever relax? His shoulders were tensed and drawn back, face stoic and cold. “There is not much we can do for a man who refuses our help. Even though I argue for Jake, it will be the same for him. If time doesn’t soften him up, and he continues his ways from the effects of that organization.” Bane hissed. He wasn’t a fan of Nexus by the files. “Then there is nothing more we can do. Of course, we can try, put a little faith.” He smiled, trying to be transparent with Jen. “Maybe we’ll soften you up, too. Help you see the bright side. It’s not all dark.” Bane rubbed the back of his neck. This would be a process.

Bane couldn’t deny his distaste for Nathaniel. But he also didn’t like Jake’s past actions, either. However, he could sympathize with one, but not the other. Nathaniel killed for sport. An endless reign of unresolved grief, revenge, and hatred. A reign the demon refused to end. Possibly, Jake could be different. Hopefully. Bane stared at his boots, sorrow shifting through his face. He thought of all Nathaniel killed. It was more than a group, more than one man could handle. When would the insanity end? He wasn’t sure. “Yes. Remorse. I can tell more than an average human.” Bane regarded Jen’s demeanor. It struck him as — unsure. “Maybe in the future.” He could set up a time for the two to meet, to talk. He would keep an eye, making sure neither tried to murder the other. Maybe some good could come from it. A helpful set of hands. He doubted anyone could stay among their ranks, but it would be great.

Blackwood did not neglect any agent. Young or old. Agent or outsider. Criminal or not, they were still people. They deserved some type of care, not torture. They were not Nexus. None of the agents would turn a poor soul away. Bane would not kick Jen out for his actions. It was wrong. Unlawful. No agent was left in the dark, commanded to act out of fear, or turned into weapons. They were their own people leading their lives. Blackwood would make sure Jen, Jake, and Artemy were healthy and alive. Nothing more, nothing less. Days off were common, and the shifts were manageable. Bane sensed the tension, turning to Jen. He placed his hand on Jen’s. “Calm.” He murmured. Jen needed to heal, and Bane would make sure he did. Dwelling on the past would do nothing but hurt him further. The people from Nexus needed to move on. Bane wondered if Nexus forced them to engage with the past. To remember.

Pulling his hand away, Bane nodded, looking at his hands. “You might with time. It is not for the faint of heart, but many could learn from it.” He let the room grow in silence, waiting for Jen to think about his options. Did Jake really deserve the harsh ridicule Bane could have received? Bane didn’t think so. “I don’t think anybody deserves that treatment. I’m glad they never went through with anything. I don’t know where I would be today.” He stood, stretching his legs. It had been a long session and his body needed exercise. He frowned at Jen’s request, still wary of the man. “Maybe some other time, but to be honest, I don’t fully trust you to be around him. You need time.” Bane flicked his head, gesturing for Jen to follow him, expecting nothing more than silence. The apology shocked him, making the hounds stop in his steps. He turned to face Jen, his face unreadable. “It is my duty.” He nodded before opening the door.

Aeron shied away, stepping away from Artemy. Would Artemy kill him? Hit him? Call him a bastard with no standing? He looked around, his eyes passing over the room, before landing on Artemy again. Would Artemy shame him for not being strong enough? Not being able to kill? Be an effective soldier? The questions swam around his head, shaking himself up. This was a bad idea. Why would he let himself trust Jules? He swallowed, biting his lower lip. Aeron stepped closer, taking his time with Artemy. He held out his hand, grasping Artemy’s hand loosely. His body shook, fear coursing through his veins. Many alarm bells rang in his head. Once Artemy shook his hand, Aeron freaked, pulling away harshly. He frowned, vibrating with fear. The distance grew between them; the hellhound breathing hard. What was that? Why did he let himself do it? His curiosity would kill him. 

Aeron stared Artemy down, his amber eyes growing dark. He growled at Artemy, almost like a fearful puppy. His hand reached down to the hilt of his sword, ear twitching. There was a personality under the fear. He stood his ground. Aeron wasn’t used to compliments, tilting his head. Liking something? Kindness was frowned upon, allowing soldiers to become soft and unwilling. But despite this teaching, he smiled, looking down at his clothing. Aeron’s hand drifted away from his sword, playing with the pockets of his pants. He didn’t see the point, but it made Artemy smile. So he tried it too. The pockets her deep, fitting the whole of his scarred hands. Aeron pulled them out, staring at Artemy. Blinking a few times, he stepped closer to Artemy, staring into his intricate eyes. He turned his head like a bird, curious by the string of compliments. “What’s honey?” The boy asked, confused by the comparison. 

Jax held Jake up, the man slipping from his arms. Never had he thought Jake would collapse in his arms, but here they were. It was new, and a little exciting. He placed his chin on Jake’s head, hushing him. It was like when his brother comforted him. His breathing slowed, rubbing his hands along Jake’s back soothingly. Jax didn’t blame Jake for silently crying. No one wanted to cry in public, and yet it was worse for Jax. He hid his emotions, drowning them out until in private. Many of his friends and family — Jules, Gwen, Val — helped him open up. He wanted Jake to be safe, ignoring the blood dripping on his jacket. He laid his left hand on Jake’s head, noticing Jake’s exhaustion. Jake should take a nap and so should Jax. He grew tired, the dark circles under his eyes amplifying. Heat was created between the boys, warming Jax up. The welcoming room had enveloped in silence, Jules waiting for Jax to pull away. While Jax was hesitant to let go, he knew Jules needed to heal Jake.

Jax rolled his eyes once Jake pulled away. Dramatic as ever, but covering up his tears. He hadn’t seen such a personality break — other than his own. At least Jake got the emotions out of his system, returning to his dumbass self. Jax knew he’d be fine for a short time. Jules shook his head, walking toward Jake. He put his hands on his face, healing the wound. “You are far from okay. You’re bleeding everywhere.” He murmured anxiously. Jax looked down at his clothes. Jake’s blood covered them. Clothes could be washed. Emotions were more fragile than fine fibers of cotton. He raised an eyebrow, suddenly unamused by his sudden playful nature. He liked the intensity, the rawness — not the artificial sweetener. “Love of your life? You’d wish.” He smirked as if he knew something. It wasn’t hard when a certain werewolf couldn’t keep her mouth shut. Eris complained about Alaska’s infatuation, making their job harder.

@Dayzed local_movies

Jen held Bane's gaze, seeming a little more nervous now that the previous feeling had passed. He watched Bane move closer to him, Jen stood still, allowing the other to analyze him. Jen wasn't sure what he was doing, but whatever it was, it seemed to be necessary for Bane.

Jen seemed more confused by Bane's action the more he watched the man. With the whole sitting beside him situation. It made his heart skip a beat- it felt as if they were equals in a way, but Jen couldn't explain the feeling it brought him. Like he was seen maybe?

Bane's words felt true and sincere. He could trust this man. He made some good points. If Jake decided to go down the wrong path then there was nothing more they could do. Jen just hoped Bane was right and what they were doing was worth it in the long run. Jen genuinely didn't want anyone to anyone to get hurt because they ignored his warnings and Jake went off the rails. He huffed. Here he was again, babysitting Jake, making sure he was kept in line. He knew this was Bane's job now, but Jen would also help with him. He listened to Jen when given a command, or at least used to, surely that had to count for something and Jake would still listen.

“Maybe we’ll soften you up, too. Help you see the bright side. It’s not all dark.” Jen blushed profusely at that. Did he really give off that bad of a vibe? Jen placed his hand to his face feeling the warmth rush to it. He had an uncertain look on his face now.
"Oh no, I'm not- I'm not like that….I don't…" He trailed off, not really being able to find anything to refute Bane's claims. Well. He was like that, wasn't he? He wondered when it had gotten so bad.

Jen knew Bane couldn't have been all human, but his words confirmed that and he stared at him, eyes a little wide now. He moved his head a little to see Bane's ears. Yeah. That made a lot of sense.
"Yes, the future…" Jen said, his hand moving onto the table, now playing with a worry stone that had been given to him long ago. He found that it helped him calm down when his nerves were all over the place, but right now, he simply used it just to have something to mess with.
He rubbed harshly at it when his emotions spiked a little, Bane's hand which covered his, making his eyes shoot up to see the man. So, it seemed he really could sense what he was feeling. It felt odd, for someone to read him like a book so openly. Everyone had always told him he was hard to read because of the way he presented himself but it didn't seem like that was the case here. In a way, it comforted him? He wasn't sure if that was the right way to put it, but felt like he didn't have to carry all the weight anymore.
"I'm calm-" Jen swallowed hard, trying to take control of his feelings. Bane felt like…a brother? It felt like it was something else, but it reminded Jen a lot of Vincent, his father who had been killed. He had been such a caring man. A little rough around the edges as he had also been a soldier for Nexus, but he took great care of Jen till the day he died.

Nexus did indeed use the past to mess with its members, but it was a little different for Jake in that sense. Jake hadn't been given the chance to mourn his friends- his family when he had killed them. Nexus wouldn't let him because of what had happened when Marcus had been killed. Jake had sunk into a deep depressive episode, not allowing him to do anything. It didn't matter how much they had hurt Jake at the time, he wouldn't fight back, it seemed like the world of hurt he was in on the inside was much larger than anything they could do to him on the outside.

"I'm glad they didn't either," Jen said soon after. Jen seemed to grow very fond of Bane in the small amount of time he had known him. He seemed so very well put together, it gave Jen a sense of security.

"That's understandable. Another time then" He nodded following after Bane. Although Bane's expression seemed unreadable, Jen knew exactly what that expression was. It was one he had worn for a very long time. Someone who felt responsible for everyone. Seeing that look on someone else, struck a cord in him.

(before you read this part I just want to share the song Artemy put on XDD

As Artemy watched Aeron question his intentions, he kept a kind smile on his face, his eyes soft and relaxed as he waited for Aeron to decide. Would he approach him?

Once Aeron did and Artemy shook his hand, he watched Aeron basically rip out of the handshake and bounce back, fear clear in his eyes. Artemy had also been startled and let out a small yelp at the action, stumbling back and nearly falling on his ass. He braced himself and blinked a couple of times, his eyes back on Aeron. Artemy seemed slightly confused, but maybe Aeron's actions had something to do with what Jules had told him.

At the growl Artemy gave a shaky smile, his eyes trailing down to see Aeron go for his sword. Oh no-
"W-wait, I'm not like- trying to taunt you or anything!" Artemy said, his voice a little more high-pitched than it was before.
Artemy let out a small sigh of relief when Aeron moved his hand away from the sword and into his pockets. Despite the initial scare, Artemy gave a sweet laugh at Aeron's actions.
At Aeron's dare to step closer to him Artemy gave a bright smile.
"Honey's like this really sweet liquid?" He questioned, unsure himself it seemed. "But it's a bit thicker than liquid, it tastes really good- many people love honey, me included!" Artemy exclaimed softly. "It's so good with milk and on toast!" Artemy nearly drooled at the thought of eating something sweet.

Because Aeron was still very hesitant to get closer to Artemy, he thought for a second, wondering what would ease the boy. He soon dug into his pockets taking out a small black notebook, but instead of being paper inside, it was filled with stickers. A lot of kids came to the arcade and sometimes Artemy had to break up a fight or two, some of them getting hurt. So he would pull out his stickers and give them one while telling them how well they had done, helping with wounds. It seemed to distract and calm them. Some thought it was silly but Artemy didn't care.
Artemy took the stickers off the pages one by one and stuck them on his face, filling his brown skin with cat stickers that had some words on them. He stuck them on his cheeks and forehead before he pocketed the notebook. Next, he pulled out his phone and tapped on it a few times. Artemy lowered the volume a little so it wouldn't startle the other. A sound of a catchy horn beat came out of the phone, it was a positive pop song that Jake used to annoy the living hell out of Jen back in the day and Artemy had loved it ever since, it was such a silly song, but it held a special place in Artemy's heart.

As the song continued, Artemy pulled out heart-shaped pink-tinted glasses and slid them on his face. He gave Aeron a wide grin before he started swaying to the beat, his feet bouncing slightly. Artemy didn't know if this would help, but he wanted Aeron to let go of some of the tension in his body. Artemy's brown dreadlocks which were tied up into a ponytail moved with him, they were thick and slightly puffy. He used a combination of moves Jake had taught him, mostly ones that didn't require a lot of movement since he didn't want to scare Aeron off.

In Jax's arms, Jake did feel safe, and it unsettled him a little. It was a feeling he did not trust, but it was so very welcomed. His body really needed that and he was grateful to Jax for his support. If Jax had wanted to he could have easily put Jake to sleep with his gentle touch and the way he soothed him. Jake had snuggled up against him a little more, staying there for a few more seconds instead of listening to his mind which wanted him to move away. This did not come often and Jake wanted to enjoy the nice feeling.

Once his eyes weren't blurry from the tears, he looked at Jax who rolled his eyes at him. He loved it when others did that, it was like a playful type of disappointment which meant Jake was being ridiculous again.

When Jules made the move to go to Jake and heal his face, Jake nearly flinched at the touch, but held still, not really fighting anymore. If they wanted to heal them that badly…..then he guessed it was fine. It was a new type of care and worry that was given to him that made him feel slightly embarrassed. He was used to attention, but not in this way. He eyed Jules and his anxiousness.
"It's no big deal, I've gotten into a fight to the death more than once or twice" He grinned at Jules, seeming to open up more to the guy.

Jake snickered at Jax's words, though his knowing smirk seemed to ignite Jake's curiosity.

The once silent room had soon been interrupted by Artemy's music which made Jake look over at the figure dancing, trying to coax another boy his age to loosen up a little.
A huge mischievous smile appeared on Jake's face as he turned to Jax.
"Do you dance Jax?" Jake asked, but before the other could give him an answer Jake took his hands and started to move along with the beat of the song, waiting for Jax to follow suit. Jake's moves were surprisingly smooth and well choreographed, as if he had experience, although seeming a little more provocative than Artemy's version which was more pure and childlike.

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

Bane crossed his arms, perching his feet on the desk as he sat beside Jen. He wasn’t here to scare Jen or bang against the desk. He was here to create a bond and help him understand the situation at hand. Bane didn’t want Jen to feel lesser but on the same level as him. For the moment, at least. He would never lie to a man. Lies made no good and destroyed relationships rather than strengthening them. He could never save a man who continued down the wrong path, but he could try to guide him down the right one. Bane hoped it would be worth it in the end, possibly save these kids from a disgusting organization. Wouldn’t that be a dream? He didn’t want Jen to work too hard. After all, he wasn’t an official agent. However, he considered an offer. “I’m not sure if you want to work again, but instead of working with the field operatives, how would you feel sticking with security? You’d still be trained, but it’s less dangerous.” He paused. “To a degree. If you ever want to work full-time, you’re welcome here.” Bane nodded his head. Plus, if Jen wanted to monitor Jake, then security would make the most sense.

Not that Jen gave off a bad vibe, per se. It was he struck Bane as — obstinate. Obstinate because of past trauma and torture. Bane wanted to help, and let Jen see some originations were pure and not shitty places for training children to do their job. Until 18, teens need a specialist or sentry to look after them. “It’s alright. I get it. It’s hard to accept the past, and its grim effects, but I will do my best to help.” He pursed his lips, watching Jen’s face phase from denial to realization. He’d seen this before — opening many clairvoyants’ eyes served the same experience. This was no different. “You will heal. Hopefully, you all will heal with better treatment.” Blackwood would take care of them. They will care for them and give them all they could need. Security was tight, limiting risk. A fresh set of hands would be gracious. Something they haven’t seen in a while. Many of their personnel were murdered, and finding new trainees proved difficult. So, Jen’s, Jake’s, and Artemy’s contributions would be welcomed.

Bane didn’t have a drop of human DNA in his veins. He was part demon but wasn’t about to tell Jen that. He didn’t want another hating him. His ears were pointy, canines sharp. He resembled a wolf in features but wasn’t a werewolf. His sense was of an animal, smelling the chemical accompanying each emotion. It helped him greatly. "Great things await in the future." Bane smiled at Jen, noticing him playing with a small stone. A powerful wave of ​​epinephrine hit him. Stress. Bane placed his hand upon Jen’s, stroking his thumb over the back of Jen’s hand. “You don’t seem calm. So take deep breaths. You need to relax your body. There is nothing to worry about.” Bane didn’t want Jen stressing himself out. He wanted him to feel at home, to feel welcome. “I am gracious to everything they have done for me. I will never regret following Jules home.” He smiled. It was tender.

Nodding his head, Bane stood up, strutting toward the door. “I’m sure you understand my concerns. Even if you claim you won’t do anything, one can never be too cautious. After all, I did just witness you trying to kill Jake. That’s why we’re here.” He took a deep breath. “But at another time, I’ll let you see him.” He let Jen out the door of the interrogation room, backing to the main landing of the detainment center. It was eerie, even putting Bane on edge. The hound ushered Jen toward the door, getting the two of them out of detainment. “Now, I think I’ll start with the basics. A trip to the armory and schedules. He have our night shift, afternoon, and rudimentary schedules.” While he yapped, he lead Jen out of the security wing, heading toward the armory upstairs. “While we prefer training with swords, you can choose to specialize in any weapon. The first part of a recruit’s training is learning how to use the fundamental weapon. After, one can choose a specialized weapon. Knowing how to use both could save your life. I want to commence training the earliest I can.” He climbed up the straits from the first floor to the second floor. Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad.

Aeron ripped his hand out of Artemy’s handshake, hissing at him. His ears twitched, a snarl coming to his face. His face turned pale, the boy backing closer to Jules. This created an enormous distance between the teens. He held Artemy’s gaze, blinking rapidly as he backed into Jules. Jules shook his head, turning his head to look at Aeron. The hound had grabbed a throwing knife from his belt, ready to chuck it at Artemy’s heart. Before the knife could leave his fingers, Jules gripped Aeron’s wrist, pressing a pressure point. The hound dropped the weapon, the shadowy blade clanging to the wooden floor. Jules sighed, letting go of Aeron’s wrist. “We do not solve our problems by killing.” Aeron glared at Jules, his body trembling. “That’s what they said — fight every battle and harm without give.” He muttered. Jules shook his head, picking up the knife before Aeron could retrieve it, tending back to Jake. Aeron had not thought things through.

Aeron huffed, turning away from Jules. He rekindled the eye contact with Artemy, his pupils dilated, and face taut. He pulled his shoulders back, hand drifting down to his sword, passing all other weapons. At Artemy’s plead, the boy relaxed his face. His eyes darted to the other figures in the room, then down to his own hand. He pushed his bottom lip out with his tongue. Aeron pulled his hand away, shoving them into his pockets. His pulse pounded against his throat, making it uncomfortable to swallow. Time drew on, slowing. He was trapped, forever suspended in a vast bubble. Gritting his teeth, Aeron drew closer to Artemy. His steps were methodical, each drawn out as he grew closer and closer. Could Artemy kill him? The boy seemed earnest when he declared he wasn’t a threat. It could be a ploy. A way to rid of a coward.

Aeron pushed the limit, stepping closer to Artemy. The gap between the boys left 2 feet of breathing space. Artemy’s bright smile set off warning bells in his head. Could it be malicious, or could it be pure? A whine came from Aeron’s throat, anticipation gathering in his throat. He gazed into Artemy’s eyes, flinching as if the older boy would strike him. But he didn’t. He continued to talk about the honey. A sweet liquid? Aeron didn’t know what sweet meant. How was he supposed to define a sweet liquid? His brows furrowed, questions burning his throat. “What is sweet? And milk — and toast?” He tilted his head. When the sticker book came out, he stepped back. What was that thing? Definitely not harmful, but strange. Aeron closed the gap, pawing at the stickers Artemy stuck on his face. He never felt something so peculiar.

Brushing his fingers over the puffy stickers, a small purr of approval came from him. He liked how the stickers felt against his fingers. Aeron marveled over the stickers, unaware of Artemy pulling out his phone. Once the pop song started, Aeron jumped in the air. He landed on his feet, rubbing his ears, while a small wince came from him. So he was trying to hurt him with his — weird human inventions. He stared daggers at Artemy, suddenly confused by the glasses. What the fuck were those? The song was an auditory attack, and the boy's movements were foolish. With it, Aeron’s body tensed further, doing the opposite of what Artemy wished. Not wanting to scare Aeron off? He was doing a better job with the stickers. He desired the sticker book, but it required proximity to the phone. Shit. He crept closer, whining as the song hurt his ears. Eventually, he made a mad dash for Artemy’s pocket, taking out the book. Aeron retreated, going to sit on a bed. He cracked open the book, swinging his legs as he gazed at the strange shapes. He didn’t know what half these things were, nor could he read.

Jax pressed Jake against his body, enjoying the warmth. He didn’t seem like the type of man to soothe and put someone to sleep, but in Jake’s case, his touch did the opposite of his looks. He stroked Jake’s hair, treating him like a sibling or child. Exhaustion came over Jax, his body taxed from the lack of sleep. Time had flown by, edging close to the boy’s break time. Happiness washed over him, too. He needed uninterrupted sleep. As if he’d get it. Jax let Jake go, letting the blood soak into his jacket. Yeah, he’d need to clean it, but didn’t mind the other’s blood embedding itself into the fibers of the leather. He rolled his eyes at Jake, huffing from the man’s actions. Even he didn’t bounce back so quickly. It might have something to do with Jake’s past, the mask. Jax didn’t want to dive into it, letting Jules do his job.

Jules rushed toward Jake, placing his hands on the boy’s face. He treated him like a child, nursing his wounds until they disappeared. “Yes, it is a big deal. I don’t care if you’ve stepped foot on death’s door. These lacerations need to be healed, minor or not.” He sighed, letting Jake go. All wounds were healed, leaving the stained blood on Jake’s hands. Jules turned to look at Aeron, shaking his head. That boy would get himself in trouble. Jax raised his eyebrow at Jake, ignoring the music coming from Artemy’s phone. “Dance? I don’t dance —” Before Jax could finish his sentence, Jake whisked him away. Oh, did he hate it! A yelp came from his throat, Jake moving him to the beat of the song. He tried to pull away, frowning at Jake’s ministrations. This would be hell.

@Dayzed local_movies

Jen stared at Bane blankly for a second, blinking a couple of times.

"Oh uhm," A smile exposed his teeth a little, as he looked at the table, his eyes a little brighter than when he had come in. Jen hadn't worked for years- or well, at least not in the way he wanted to. He had gone off and started working at a coffee shop, slowly becoming the manager of the place in a single year, the previous manager retired, leaving things to Jen as he saw him as a trustworthy individual. And while he loved that job and was good at it, he wanted something more. Maybe not following in his father's footsteps and killing till he died, but something more tame, yet just as thrilling. It wasn't that Jen liked the excitement of it all, if anything, danger really made his stomach drop, but being of use and helping out with things that were direly needed really made him feel productive and in a strange way needed?
Nexus had made him feel needed, even though they weren't the kindest at times. It felt good to be relied on, Jen didn't know anything else.

He fidgetted with the stone in his hand, trying to hide his excitement, but it was apparent, he never could hide that side of him well.
"If you'll have me- I don't want to be an inconvenience or hold any of you guys down" Jen's leg bounced a little, like a golden retriever wagging its tail, but Jen was no puppy, he just acted like one at times. It had been more noticeable when he had been a teenager, his bright bubbly nature overtaking him at times.
"Actually" Jen looked over at Bane again. "Could I? I don't really have anything else to do. I could go back to the place I've been these past few years, but there's not exactly anything there for me, not anymore." He said, a weak smile on his face now. His mother- or well, Vincent's wife, had been really kind to him and fled with him so he wouldn't be alone, but she had passed away just last year leaving Jen to hold up the fort. It was quite lonely now.

"And thank you, again, you guys are….a lot different than Nexus" Jen said laughing a little, though he was only stating the obvious.

Jen's body seemed to relax a little at the touch, his eyes softening at the kindness. Unlike Jake, Jen would not discriminate against others simply for how they were, or for a simple slip-up. If it was physically out of the other person's control, Jen would not hold it against them. He didn't swing that way. He believed in treating everyone fairly, no matter who it may be. Except for Jake. Jake had a lot of explaining to do and an apology to give Jen. If that could even begin to mend their relationship. Only time would tell.
He took in small shaky breaths, but they were very uneven, though eventually, steadied out.
Jen watched Bane smile, making him also give a smile in return. Jen loved seeing others laugh and smile, it was pretty mushy of him, but it made him feel happy.

Jen rubbed the back of his head, dipping his head a little, his shoulders also tensing a bit when he realized what he was in there for. He had completely forgotten, with all Bane's talking. How that had happened? He didn't know, but it was nice to talk to someone else and put everything out there. It helped him see things and straighten things out in his mind. Also helped him realize some things, which he wasn't too happy about.
"I don't mind. I knew it was a long shot from the beginning but I still had to ask." He followed after the other. Jen's eyes wandered around the detention center, curiosity overtaking him more so than anything else.
Jen nodded at Bane's words, taking a mental note of it all. Jen did well with schedules- in fact, he found he could literally not function without one.
"I can do that. A sword sounds…." Jen trailed off, thinking for a second. "Like a challenge." He said firmly. "Though, I would not be opposed to learning if it is needed." He walked alongside Bane as he went on about the agency and things he should know. Jen's heart swelled at being able to talk to someone like this again, it filled him with excitement to the brim. Not just as friends- well, he didn't know if Bane wanted to be his friend yet, though it seemed like it. But also as coworkers. Jen basically melted at the idea of getting into this line of work again but for the better this time.

Artemy watched the other hold the throwing knife, freezing immediately. He also seemed to pale at that. Oh, this was bad- Artemy watched as Jules apprehended Aeron. Would he actually have killed him? He suddenly felt sick at the thought. Would he have killed him as Jake did his brother? Artemy had forgiven Jake for that, he could never hate Jake even with what he did, but it still made him feel a little ill at the thought.
Artemy watched as Aeron came towards him and almost tripped on his feet trying to back away, now a little afraid of the other. At this point Artemy was sort of backed against the wall, eyes watching Aeron fearfully. When there was no more room to move Artemy's breath hitched in his throat.
"U-uhm…" Artemy looked over at Jake and Jax, then back at Aeron. "It's like a taste- it's very pleasant," He said softly. Artemy didn't know how to answer the other questions, he would just have to find out for himself.
When Aeron had closed the gap, Artemy had squeezed his eyes shut as he saw Aeron's hand reach for him. He swallowed harshly but slowly opened his eyes when he saw that Aeron was only interested in the stickers on his face.
Artemy seemed to relax a little at that when there was no immediate danger. It brightened him up again, his mind registering it as "friend!!!".
When Artemy had started the song and Aeron jumped back, Artemy's eyes widened, stopping in his tracks when he started to dance. He watched the way Aeron tensed, then looked down at his phone, but before he could do anything, Aeron came at him and attacked his pocket, swiping his sticker book.
"Ah! Wait-" Artemy said, taking a step to try and get it back, but stopped as he watched Aeron flip through it.

After the song played for another second, Artemy shut it off and pocketed it, walking over to Aeron and sitting next to him.
"Those are cats in blob shapes" He spoke, now also staring down at the book even though he had seen it a thousand times. He pointed to one on the bottom.
"That one says 'Clickety Clackety I Roll to Attackety'" Artemy snickered, it was his favorite, which was why it hadn't been used yet. It was a cat with a dnd dice in its paws. Another had a cat that looked like it was a strawberry, with little leaves sticking out from the bottom.
Artemy kept pointing at some of his favorites and telling Aeron what they said, excitement filling his voice.

Jake seemed very content at this moment. He liked the small touches, it was an addicting feeling whether it was sexual or soothing like it was now.
When he pulled away he saw the mess he had made on Jax's clothes.
"Ah- I'm also, sorry about that-" He said now looking a little guilty, though, didn't get much of a chance to dwell on that feeling when Jules came over. Although it was subtle, Jake leaned into Jules' touch a little, like a cat rubbing against someone's hand, though it wasn't very noticeable. Again, physical touch was everything to Jake. He grinned at Jules when he pulled away and spoke about it being a big deal. Jake huffed.
"No one's made this big of a fuss before…" Jake muttered a little stubbornly, though, strangely, he didn't seem to hate it this time around.

It didn't take long for Jake's mind to move away from Jules' worry and turn to tormenting Jax. Jake laughed when Jax tried to free himself, but Jake's grip tightened a bit, not letting the man get away. He spun him around slightly, hoping that Jax wouldn't trip on his feet, though snickering at the thought. This went on for a while, pulling Jax closer, then moving away. Jake seemed really upbeat, laughing at this moment as he guided Jax around.
It was only when the song stopped that Jake finally let Jax go, though he was tempted to hug the other again. Full of bubbly feelings, he was sure was going to explode out of him. The kindness everyone showed him gave him a small bit of hope, though his mind immediately tried smothering it. Jake couldn't shake it though, these people seemed to care and they waved their stupid positivity and hope in front of him like catnip. It was hard to resist.

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

Bane passed a glance at Jen, eyeing the man’s smile. His proposal had struck something in Jen. More long-time agents would ease the pressure placed upon the shoulders of senior officers. Jen would have many options to make. Starting a job here was harder than keeping one. What weapon will you use? Who will be your mentor? What field will you choose? What schedule would you prefer? A lot of personalization to choose from. Bane would have to give Jen all his options. Bane chuckled, taking a deep breath. Security was a busy place, but not to face danger. They were circulating criminals, interrogations and investigations, and so on. Some members went on missions, others stayed behind. It depended on a person’s love for thrills. Bane went on missions quite a lot. He was the best fighter they had. If he could get Jen on board, he’d be safe under Bane’s supervision. The hound didn’t let any of his agents fall.

A powerful wave of dopamine hit him, noting Jen’s excitement. He made an excellent decision by putting out the offer. “An inconvenience? Oh, never. We do this all the time. New recruits come in all the time. My agents can operate without me starting over their shoulders.” He chuckled under his breath, muttering inconvenience while shaking his head. Bane wouldn’t let his excitement show, but Jen pouncing at the offer made tingles fill his stomach. He loved training new people. It made him happy. “Only if you want to. Do you really want to go back to strenuous work? Sure, your job right now doesn’t fill your needs.” Unfortunately, he had to ask Jen these questions. He wanted the man to be sure. “Once you leave a quaint life behind, you can never go back. It would be too dangerous.” Oh, Bane hated these warnings, but he couldn’t ignore Jen frothing at the mouth. Few people were thrilled to take on such work. Many recruits hate the work at first, but it got easier once time moved on.

Bane waved off Jen’s show of gratitude. “No need to thank me. We treat people with respect. Not like a soldier to do one’s bidding. That is not right.” He grasped Jen’s hand, making sure he calmed. Bane’s hand was bigger than Jen’s, his hand sheltering the others. He was glad to bring solemn to a man who need it most. He would never treat another badly for common mistakes or slip-ups. It happened all the time, human or not. He waited for Jen’s breaths to even out, noticing the other’s calm demeanor. Did he just have a sweet moment with someone other than Jules? Yes. “Don’t be ashamed of your actions. I understand now. But each action comes with a consequence, and I’d say your consequence has been light.” Bane led Jen out the door, escorting him out of the detention center. The hair on the back of his neck stood, signaling the hound’s discontentment. Once outside the center, Bane relaxed.

The hound walked Jen through the halls, guiding him out of the security wing. Excitement bubbled in his chest. Finally, someone sensible in his division. “Well, which schedule would you like? The rudimentary schedule is from 6 to 12. There is a break from 12 to 5. Then the rest of the shift takes you from 5 to midnight. The afternoon schedule run from midday to 5, filling for those on the rudimentary schedule’s rest. And the night shift is from midnight to 6.” He grinned, guiding Jen up the stairs. “Swords are not too difficult, but it will be your base training. I will be your mentor — obviously. Anyway, after your base training, you can choose specialized weapon training. There are many. Let me show you!” Bane ushered Jen up the stairs, leading him toward a room with an emblem made of weaponry. He pushed open the wooden door, stepping into a large room. Weapons lined the walls, and the floors were made of dark tile. A safe was embedded in the wall to the left of the two. There were weapons sitting on tables in the middle of the room, seemingly recently fixed. Tools were strewn about, a workstation pushed off to the right. A small man with forearm crutches smiled, hobbling over to the table of mended weapons. He placed down a sickle. This man was Laz.

Bane dipped his head, smiling. “Hello, Laz.” Laz nodded his head in Bane’s direction, reaching up to take off his safety goggles. Brown hair spilled in his face, and brown eyes were the color of cocoa beans. “Hello to you too, Bane.” He hobbled over to a furnace, closing it before embers sparked everywhere. “Help yourself.” Bane looked over at Jen, smiling mischievously. “Weapons wise, we have swords, rapiers, bows, staffs, daggers, throwing knives, throwing darts, and sickles. So you can choose from any of those — for now.” He waited for Jen.

Aeron swung his legs, flipping through the book of stickers. Oh boy, was he glad he snatched it. The raised platforms were wonderful over his fingers, releasing a pleased squeal from him. He didn’t even notice the music shutting off or Artemy’s desperate plea to get it back. These were stickers they were talking about. Stickers! The boy transfixed on the funny shapes and words, not noticing Artemy sitting next to him. Had he stolen? Yes. Did he know it was wrong? No. He wanted to feel and stare at the funny stickers all over Artemy’s face. So stealing the book seemed logical. Once Artemy started talking, Aeron grinned, scooting closer to Artemy. He liked the stickers too. Great excitement flared in his chest, a tail manifesting. It thumped against the bed, Aeron having no control over it. “I like that one too.” The boy’s voice was rough, almost shot. What had happened to his kid?

Aeron leaned in closer, laying his head against Artemy’s shoulder. His brown hair flopped over, the kid closing his eyes. The sticker book slowly fell out of his hands, almost clattering to the floor. The hound jerked awake, catching the sticker book in time. He exhausted everything he had, which was strange for a hellhound. The Earth’s day and night cycle affected him. He whined, leaning into Artemy again, snuggling against the other, searching for warmth. Small tears fell from his eyes, wetting his lashes. A small hiccough came from him before Aeron went completely silent, the boy falling asleep against Artemy. He nestled into Artemy’s jacket, his tail demanifesting. Aeron fell inch by inch as he descended into a deeper sleep. It was peaceful. The world was peaceful.

Jax shook his head, dismissing Jake’s worry. “It can be washed. It doesn’t matter. All that matter is you’re healed.” He smiled, shrugging. He didn’t mind a little blood. Especially from his friend. Jules had barged in, placing his hands all over Jack’s face. He supported the man, smiling from the pressure. This was a new beginning. The wound healed quick, sealing up wondrously. “Well, that means no one care before. I care now, so you shall take my care. I might explode if you didn’t.” He backed away, letting the boys rekindle their conversations. Jax’s expression read it all. Don’t you dare. Well, Jake dared, trapping him in a vigorous dance. Oh, did Jax hate it. His ears grew red, trying to escape from Jake’s ministrations. At one point, he gave in, letting Jake sway and swing him. Oh, it was torture, but Jax couldn’t complain. It made Jake happy. Once let go off, he brushed himself off, shaking his head. Though his face read disappointment, it wasn’t true.

The infirmary’s glass doors open, a tall, tan man stepping inside. He had a light patches all over his skin, pitch black hair with a white streak. This man was Alaska. He looks for Jules, finding the witch in an instant. “Hey Jules, can I—” He glanced over at Jake. His face threatened, ears tingling. Oh, not the hot one again. Act natural. It totally wasn’t like he was going on a date with him tomorrow. “I get the stuff for - uh - my tea…” He faltered, cursing to himself internally. Of course, he would mess up. “To help me - uh - sleep.” He needed to get out of here. Jules nodded his head, walking over to the cabinet. He fetched a few leaves, giving Alaska the plans. The werewolf dipped his head, staring at Jake for a moment. Then he bolted out of the infirmary, his face completely red and body out of control. While the brief exchange continued, Jax passed a glance between Artemy and Aeron. Thoughts stirred around his head, memories coming back to him. There he was sitting in the infirmary — 12 and wounded. His brother sat down next to him, wrapping his arms around his little brother. Jax shook, tears coming to his eyes. He had fallen asleep against his brother, taken to a warm bed. Why did he have to leave? Why did Dominic have to go? Tears rolled down Jax’s face, the man turning away. They stained his fragile skin, cries of pain echoing in his head.

@Dayzed local_movies

Jen blushed slightly at Bane muttering inconvenience under his breath, though a small grateful smile made its way onto his face instead of embarrassment or shame.

Bane's questions didn't faze Jen in the slightest, it didn't matter what he threw at him, there was nothing that would convince him not to work here. This had been a dream of his for a very long time. He had thought nothing like this would happen ever again, but here he was.
Jen stared at Bane almost like someone who had a strong fondness for someone else did. There was an amused smile on his lips as he went on. When Bane finished he shook his head.
"You're not going to offer me a job here, then try to get me to back off. It doesn't work like that. When I make a decision, I'm pretty confident in them" He said, though his smile did falter a little at admitting that. He had made some pretty rotten choices in his life all the while being confident that he had been right the entire time. It took a lot for him to see that he had been wrong and part of him still regretted those mistakes. Though, he supposed he should really leave the past behind him and only take the lessons he had learned with him into the future.
"I don't have much, the only one in my life right now is Artemy," He said, and although this seemed like a sad statement, it wasn't to Jen, his expression unchanging from the excitement of the offer.
Jen tilted his head knowingly at Bane's dismissal of his thanks.
"Either way, I am grateful," Jen said, a passive smile on his face now as he looked down at Bane's hand on his. Jen couldn't think of the last time someone had been like this with him. It had been a while.

He looked back up at Bane with the words that came out of him. He gave Bane a sort of nervous smile, which didn't mean he was anxious at all, just wishing he had thought things through before he had done them.

As they walked, Bane shot question after question at Jen but he took all the information in, thinking about his options.
"The rudimentary schedule is what I think would fit me best. I'm used to getting up early in the morning, so that shouldn't be a problem. I'm not used to taking such long breaks between work, so if any day you guys find yourself short on the midday shift, I could also fill then. I know you all work differently than Nexus and a break is a must, but I won't bite off more than I can chew. I will have to decline the midnight schedule however, I am not fond of sleepless nights." He informed Bane. Jen was a bit of a workaholic and very notorious for working and worrying himself to death, but he had gotten better at that in the past few years. It had been tough to let go of filling his days to the brim with work in the beginning. He felt anxious whenever he wasn't doing something and part of that had to do with how Nexus had conditioned Jen- how they had made him feel. It's not that Jen felt useless, he knew he wasn't, but he liked to feel useful, it was almost an addicting feeling for him. Taking on tough jobs was his specialty, and so was carrying heavy responsibilities.

Jen walked slightly behind Bane when they got to the stairs bit, looking up at him as he spoke. Jen wasn't a fan of training because of how hard Nexus would push them, sometimes until they gave out. That being a good indicator that they had "tried their hardest" according to them. It always filled him with dread when those days came, but he had confidence that Bane would be different. This whole experience was already very different, so maybe the training would be too, though, he also did not expect Bane to go easy on him either.
He knew this was his punishment, but he couldn't help but feel a sort of excitement overcome him when Bane said he would be his mentor. Jen followed Bane and quickly climbed the stairs as he was ushered.

Inside the room Bane had brought him in, Jen's eyes widened a little, looking around. A sort of awe-stricken look on his face now.

He redirected his attention to a man who Bane addressed. Jen gave a small nod to the other man in the room.
"Nice to meet you, I'm Glynn." He said, introducing himself before Bane caught his attention again, a rather mischievous smile on the man's face now. Jen gave a small concerned laugh, though bordering on playful, a cheerful grin lighting up his face. His eyes moved to scan the weapons on the table. Immediately his eyes were drawn to the staffs, his eyes softened at the memory of swinging something similar around in his earlier years. Jen was pretty skillful with long weapons, though he had never tried using one outside of training. It had been strictly for training purposes, only using it a total of once in an emergency.
"I like the long ones- the staffs." Jen moved to look around a little, his eyes landing on something that looked close to what he had used before. He picked it up, it was a double-bladed staff, with sharp blades on both ends. He stepped away from Bane, giving himself room and making sure no one was in the way before spinning it once. He grasped it firmly again holding it in a way that showed he knew how to handle one, the end of one side pointing downwards now, the long stick part centered with his arm. He smiled at the familiarness. He did the action quite effortlessly and briskly, it seemed like his hands still remembered what to do.

As Artemy talked he leaned a little closer to Aeron trying to get a better look at all the stickers and giggling with him when Aeron mentioned he liked some of the ones he did too.
Artemy continued to talk before he felt something thumping behind them, he peaked over Aeron's shoulder and saw the tail excitedly wagging around. The action made Artemy let out a soft laugh, a huge grin on his face as he turned to Aeron once more.
He noted the raspiness on Aeron's voice. Some warm soup would do him some good, Artemy noted. He'd have Jen make the pozole he always made him during the winter, it was always really tasty and rich in flavors. Hopefully, they had all the ingredients here, if not, Artemy and Jen would have to go out and buy some.
Artemy tensed a little when he felt Aeron lean on him, though it was subtle, not expecting it. He watched as Aeron's cat-like reflexes caught the book before it fell. He slowly slipped the book away from his hands and set it aside, letting Aeron lean against him. Artemy turned slightly towards him so he could lean on his chest and rest. He very gently wrapped his arms around Aeron, holding him close to his body.
Artemy lifted a part of his shirt to dry Aeron's tears before continuing to cradle him. Aeron's weight on him fell on Artemy as he pulled Aeron slightly closer to him, a small warm smile showed on his face as he held the boy.

Jake gave a humming noise at Jax's reassurance that the blood was no big deal.
At Jules' words, Jake restrained a startled laugh that almost left him, though, couldn't hold it in for very long as he let it out, though, it seemed more polite at the words directed to him.

Jake had seemed to pick up on the warning glare Jax had shot him but gleefully carried on with his plans. Jake didn't remember when the last time he had done something like this with someone else had been. Everyone left at Nexus either hated him to the point they wanted him dead or were so serious with their work that it nearly killed him. How they hadn't managed to snuff out his playful nature was beyond them.

He eyed Jax's disappointed look, but Jake didn't care. He felt happy- alive even at this moment. It was such an intense feeling it almost made him cry again. Jake's eyes moved from Jax to Alaska when he came in, taking the other in when he talked with Jules. He watched as the other struggled to get anything out. A small knowing smile was now being directed at Alaska from Jake.

When Alaska paused to stare at him, Jake took the opportunity to make a jerking-off motion with his hand near his face while pushing against the inside of his cheek with his tongue when his hand moved towards him, causing it to look like he had something in his mouth that was being pushed in and out, though, of course, there was nothing there.

Jake laughed loudly when Alaska bolted out of the room. It was fun to tease others, especially when they acted like Alaska- flustered. He hadn't noticed Jax staring at Artemy and Aeron as one squished the other into a hug, holding Aeron in his arms.

After slightly gushing about Alaska, Jake turned to Jax again who had turned away from him. Jake arched an eyebrow before he walked a little closer to the man, seeking out his face which was purposely almost hidden in a way.

When Jake saw Jax crying he paused, his cat-like eyes wide now at seeing the tears come from the strong man. That's right. No one was always that composed all the time. Sometimes Jake had to remind himself that the people he worked with were humans and not machines that could keep going on for forever. He caught himself surprised many times when Jen cried, though it was rare, wondering how someone like him could break under the stress or pain. He was supposed to be unbreakable and Jake had held that belief, Nexus' influence raised Jen high and made everyone around him hold him to those same standards.

"What's wrong?" Jake spoke, his question sounding a bit innocent, a softness there that seemed to come naturally in response to these situations. Jake moved to stand in front of Jax, his eyes trying to catch Jax's who at the moment wasn't looking at him.

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

Bane smiled, struggling. “Hey, some people don’t want the commitment after hearing all that. I can offer a job, but you’d have to stay here, stick around.” He stretched his shoulders, a pop coming from him. “If you think so, then you’re now a recruit.” He giggled, officially making Jen part of their family. It felt good to give someone a job and expand their numbers. Amity would want to hear about this. “Artemy can stay too. I don’t care where he belongs or who he belongs to.” He grumbled. This would start Bane’s plan to steal a few people from Nexus. Lesser numbers for them, more numbers for them. A smile crossed his face, and he sprang to his feet. Oh, this would be grand. If he could send a shock through Nexus, the hound would be happy. “I will make sure you all are well-trained and safe. Don’t worry.” Bane herded Jen out, a plan brewing in his head.

They walked together, Bane thinking about how he would train Artemy, Aeron, and Jen. Why was he taking on three people? Eh, why not? “Sounds good. As long as you can get up with no one coming to get you, you will do well. Now, the breaks. We suggest you take them for your own health, but I might let you work overtime. I can’t promise it, though.” He checked the points off on his fingers, smirking like a fool. “Alright, you should easily fit in here. Congrats on the job.” Bane recognized a workaholic when he saw one. His boyfriend was the same. If he had to scold Jen to rest his body — oh, it wouldn’t be fun. They never understood a break, taking a lot of energy to get them to sleep. Jen wouldn’t be useless around here. It was impossible. Training here wasn’t harsh. They didn’t push their agents overboard, nor did they let them pass out. If a recruit wanted to tap out, a mentor had to let them.

Once inside the room, Bane looked around at the weapons. There were many for Jen to choose from. Laz smiled, nodding his head. “Nice to meet you, too.” He hobbled off into another room, swinging his crutches at a fast pace. Bane clicked his tongue, catching Jen’s attention. He waited for Jen to choose a weapon, swaying his body side by side. He raised an eyebrow once Jen landed his eyes on the staffs. Apparently, it triggered something in the other, Bane noting it in his head. A staff, huh? He could work with it. Here, staffs were used as full weapons, being effective against demons. He smiled. “You can have it. It will be your specialized weapon, using it in battles and wars. You are now an owner of a staff.” Bane stepped back, letting Jen play with the staff. He raised an eyebrow. So the kid knew how to use one. Made his job easier. “It’s time for you to take a break. We’ll reconvene later. I’ll show you to your dorm. You better take good care of the weapon.” Bane called out to Laz, saying thank you, before leading Jen out of the room.

Aeron’s body slowly shut down, making his limbs heavy. He whined, watching the stickers as Artemy pointed to them. He squished his face against the other’s arm, struggling to stay awake. “I love the kitties.” He rasped. His voice strained, making it sound like a whisper. The book nearly fell out of Aeron’s hands, and he scrambled to catch it. Another whine came from him, disappointed he almost dropped the wonderful stickers. Exhaustion took over the kid, his eyes flickering as he tried to keep them open. His grip on the book was weak, allowing Artemy to take it without a fight. Aeron nestled into Artemy’s chest, his breathing slowing. Finally, he got peace. A kid shrouded in immense fear, finding peace in sleep. The pressure of warmth pressed against the hound, letting him know how warm Artemy’s body was. Very warm. Small tears fell from his eyes, overwhelmed by the new senses and treatment. 

Aeron snuggled against Artemy, using him as a pillow. He wrapped his small, scarred hands around Artemy’s waist. The boy had little weight on him. His clothes fell over his slight frame. One would see his ribs if he took off his shirt. Jules and Bane had found Aeron a few days ago, trying their best with the boy. He needed socialization. Jules noticed this, smiling. He walked over to Artemy. “Hey, so it’s about break time for those on the base schedule. Why don’t you take Aeron to your dorm to sleep for a while? You’ll be staying with the guy you came in with. It’s dorm number 38, which is on the same floor as Jax’s. Why don’t you have him take you there?” He ran his fingers through Aeron’s hair, the small boy adjusting himself. He was glad to see Aeron trust another person. It had been a rough few days, especially with his fear of other agents. It led to some problems with training. 

Jax waved off Jake, turning away from him. This man was an idiot, but unfortunately. He was his idiot. Laughing at others’ kind words? Unheard of. He glared at Jake, shaking his head. He didn’t want to dance; he hated dancing. All he wanted was for Jake to stop. No — he didn’t want Jake to stop — he wanted another hug. He had been dealing with the grief of his brother and the hug was wonderful. Jax didn’t even realize he needed it. Disappointment may have glimmered in his eyes, but something did as well. He was glad to be let go, turning his head to stare at the two teen boys. No. It reminded him of painful memories. Too painful. All he wanted was his family back, his brother back. He didn’t want the memories or pain that come with it. It was too much. Jax turned his face away, hiding it from those in the room. Small tears wetted his eyes, rolling down his cheeks. This wasn’t a place to cry. No. It showed weakness. 

Jax shook his head, turning away from Jake’s attempts to catch his face. It didn’t matter to him. Jake didn’t need his problems. He didn’t need his grief. He struggled to catch a powerful breath, biting his tongue. “It’s nothing.” He muttered, voice shaking. He shoved his hands in his pockets, desperate to get away from Jake. Jax started toward the infirmary doors, hoping to make it out before Jake. He wanted the safety of his dorm. The safety to cry. He wanted his fiancée to comfort him, to crumble in her arms. To fall to his knees while she supported him with her soft words and comforting smile. But he didn’t have that right now. He had Jake. Jake could do that for him. No. It wasn’t the same. However, he needed comfort. 

Alaska walked up to Jules, asking for his herbs. A grand smile consumed his face. He always asked for them around break time, the only window to ask for his medicines. The werewolf panned over to stare at Jake, his mind wandering to strange thoughts. A tingling came to his face, ears, and cheeks, turning red. Was he really into this man? Unfortunately. He had to be so handsome. Alaska wanted to get his hands on Jake right this moment but restrained himself. This wasn’t an appropriate time or place. Turning his head, he gathered the herbs from Jules, peering at Jake again. Oh. He was -. He wanted - maybe later if they developed a relationship. Oh, that would be new. Overwhelmed and body struggling to compensate, Alaska bolted out of the room. He didn’t want Jake to see the effect he had upon him. Jake would notice during the date.

@Dayzed local_movies

"I wouldn't mind sticking around," Jen said softly, a happy yet shy smile on his face now. When Bane announced he was a recruit now, it felt strangely comforting. He would start at the lower ranks and wouldn't have any power here when he began but it was nice. Jen also wasn't planning on climbing the ranks. While he was good at taking on a lot of things at once, he knew he shouldn't revert back to the Nexus mindset. If they wanted to promote him because they thought he could do it, he might consider it, but otherwise, he was alright where he was going to be beginning at.

Jen gave a small satisfied huff at Bane's mention of stealing Artemy from Nexus. It was what it sounded like to him and he couldn't help but feel slightly amused by that. Artemy would be in good hands here, he couldn't have asked for a better place to look after him.
"Thank you…" Jen sort of mumbled, feeling relief at the other's words. He was the type of person who apologized and thanked people a lot. Bane would have to get used to that.

Jen eagerly nodded at Bane when he said he might let him work overtime. Though the guy was right, maybe he should take his breaks when given to him.
He gushed at Bane's words, thanking him again for welcoming him to Blackwood.

Jen had stood close to Bane when they had entered, wondering if it was alright for him to even touch any of the weapons. When he was given the green light to do so, Jen took the weapon he had been eyeing from the beginning, testing it out in his hands.

When he was done messing with it, he looked at Bane who announced it was his now. Jen seemed very content with his words, looking over the different parts of the staff.

"I will," Jen said, also giving his thanks to the man who had allowed them in there, though, his voice wasn't as strong as Bane's when he spoke. He followed the man out of the room once more, taking the weapon with him and making small talk with Bane as they walked. Jen seemed to like to talk a lot, or maybe it was just that he felt comfortable with this new person.

When Jules came over Artemy had been humming a slow song to Aeron as he slept, switching to lyrics sometimes.
"Don't you tread on me, I could hardly sleep so I don't- and I can hardly speak so I won't…." He whispered, though stopped when he saw Jules. He looked up at the other, tears pooled in his eyes now as well. Artemy had never seen someone like Aeron before and it made his heart hurt a lot. When Artemy had hugged Aeron he quickly picked up on how tiny and thin he was. The way Aeron acted also shook Artemy to his core.
Artemy still had the stickers on his face, but they didn't match his emotions anymore. He listened to Jules and nodded, the action making tears fall. He scooped Aeron's legs up and positioned him in the best way he could as he carried him. Aeron was so light, making Artemy shake a little from the overwhelming emotions that took him over, his heart sinking in his chest. How badly had this kid been treated? Where exactly did he come from? Why had he been treated like this? What had he done wrong? He was just a kid…!

Jake watched as Jax avoided him, the man finally turned to walk away after giving him a "It's nothing." Jake stood there, a dark expression on his face as he watched Jax walk to the door. Something like irritation on his face.

Before Jax could reach for the handle, Jake stormed over to the guy who thought he was escaping. He grabbed Jax's arm and jerked him back roughly, forcing the other to turn to him.

"Stop that." Jake said firmly, hurt reflecting in his eyes even though he had a serious expression on his face now. It was rare to get Jake in a serious mood. It just never happened. He swallowed harshly, unsure of what to say.
"I know we may not know each other well, but you didn't hesitate when you helped me." He paused, letting go of Jax's arm now. "So let me help you too." He said softly, searching Jax's face for an indication of what was wrong.

Jake didn't know what was wrong with Jax, just that he had started to look sad before tearing up. Course, Jax didn't have to say anything to Jake. Maybe it was none of his business, but Jake wouldn't let him get out of this so easily. If there was something he had been taught by Jen, it was you never turned your back on someone who was in pain. Jake hadn't exactly put his words into actions for a long time now, that was until this moment. Jen's return and Jax's protection triggered him to unfreeze from the previous heartless state that Nexus had tried instilling in him.

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Bane smiled, patting Jen on the back. “I’m glad you are willing after the incident. We need extra hands around here. We would be happy to have you and fulfill all your needs.” He dipped his head. His gait was heavy, although his footsteps didn’t make a sound. Many things hung off his belt, clanking against his leg as he walked. Once Jen finished his 6–8 months of training, he’d become a junior sentry. He hoped Jen had good interrogation, investigation, and apprehension skills, but if not, he could teach the guy. Once Jen stuck around for many years, he’d be moved to senior sentry. Bane believed he could do it. If Alaska or Eris ever stepped down, Jen might have the skills to replace them. Maybe he just favored the man — he was pretty complaisant with Bane’s commands and recommendations. Possibly he could do a training session with Jen and the boy that followed along. He still needed a mentor too, and Bane loved a challenge. 

Bane wanted to steal Artemy from Nexus. The kid deserved better. After all, a 15-year-old shouldn’t be trained ruthlessly. A teen wasn’t even allowed to go on a mission without an adult case officer. Specialists were in charge of teens and adults. These agents were most trusted to lead others through a case. Artemy would never be put in danger. Not here. Blackwood would never risk the well-being of a child. A child isn’t even allowed to train until 13. “Of course. We will look you and the kid after. Neither will be unnecessarily harmed. Don’t worry, Jen. There are still things you have to do to get up to code, but we’ll cover it after break.” He shook his head at Jen’s excitement at overtime. Oh, this poor man was a workaholic. He hoped Jen got better soon. Jen and Jules would get along well. Jules loved to work overtime, Bane having to beg him to go to bed. Would Bane have to do the same to Jen? He hopped not. He usually left that side of him for his soon-to-be fiancé. Either way, Blackwood welcomed Jen. 

Bane pushed open the door to the armory, letting Jen pop inside. He followed Jen inside, glancing around the heavily protected room. Jen seemed eager to check the weapons, so Bane nodded his head, letting Jen do so. The man excitedly picked up a staff, one Bane noticed he’d been eyeing for a while. As far as Bane could tell, Jen had experience with staff, making his job easier. He might start combat right away. He wouldn’t go too vigorously, but would test him. “You can have it. You can take it with you because it is collapsible.” He smiled. “I know you will. Let’s go get Artemy, then I can take you to your dorm.” Bane left the room, chatting with Jen on their way to the infirmary. He preferred talking to Jen. It was a new person who got him. A person who didn’t anger him. It was rare with recruits, but Jen was different. He reminded him of Jules, making them bound to become good friends. Bane had led Jen to the infirmary doors, nodding to them. “You can go in. I’ll wait out.” He leaned against the wall.

Jules smiled, listening to the song as Artemy soothed Aeron. Aeron didn’t trust anyone other than Bane and him. This was new, and he was glad. Aeron needed a child his age, and he had quickly bonded with Artemy. He stared at Artemy, his expression turning to sympathy. Artemy’s eyes pooled with tears. He grew closer to Artemy, placing a hand on the other’s back. He rubbed Artemy’s back, trying to soothe the boy. “It’ll be alright, kiddo. Aeron is in wonderful hands now. Don’t worry yourself sick.” He stepped back once Artemy stood, scooping Aeron’s legs into his arms. Jules’ stomach pooled with turning guilt. He didn’t know how to soothe Artemy, not wanting to be in the way of him and Aeron. However, not soothing him killed something within Jules. He knew where Aeron came from. Hell. Hellhounds were treated horribly. Starved, beaten, and trained until they grew too tired to carry on. It hurt him.

Aeron snuggled against Artemy, clinging to him. He was 40 pounds lighter than he should be. The boy was 5’8, his body horribly thin. He would be in excellent hands with Artemy and Artemy’s guardian. They wouldn’t let the boy out of their sight for a while. Aeron whimpered in his sleep, a small nightmare plaguing his mind. It didn’t last long, but he twitched a lot.

Jax bit his lip. He didn’t have the strength to tell Jake, but the man had him by the arm. It was so trivial, but it made him break down. Tears streamed down his face, and a whimper came from his throat. He’d never shown this much emotion in front of anyone — well, other than Jules. “Jake.” He whispered, struggling to get the words out around the lump in his throat. “I - I need some time to myself. I can’t grapple like this.” He peered over at Jake, his eyes dull and red. Grief obscured his blue irises, his jaw quivering. His face had gone pale, his body shivering within Jake’s hold. “I don’t think you can help me. It’s not as simple.” Jax’s voice had a grit behind it. It was strange. “I can’t do this right now. Please, please let me go reflect in solitude. You can come to talk to me later.” He took a shaky breath. “W - Why don’t you go chase after Alaska? He’d be happy to see you.” Jax wanted to escape from this. 

Jax jerked his head away from Jake. “I’m sorry.” He whimpered. “I’m sorry I’m so difficult.” He bolted out of the infirmary, running past Bane. The hound bit his lip, not questioning it. He knew Jax struggled and need time alone. Jax ran up the stairs and through the conjoining hallway between the main building and the dorms. Once he entered the dorm building, he hurried up the stairs to dorms 31-40. He ran to dorm 34, entered it, and slammed the door. He entered his room, shutting the door and slumping against it. Jax burst into tears, grappling with the death of his brother.

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Jen nodded at Bane's words that Artemy would be safe. He knew they would take care of them, but Jen didn't care about himself so much as he did Artemy. If he had to put someone first, it would be that kid. As long as Artemy was well, he didn't care what happened to him. This didn't mean that Jen would jump headfirst into danger either. He knew Artemy needed him and needed to take care of himself too, but if ever came a day where these people had to make the tough decision of choosing between Jen and Artemy, he would push Artemy towards them and stay behind.
"I believe you" He smiled, it wasn't hard for Jen to trust people, but never had his trust come so fast with someone else. Sure, they had gotten off on the wrong foot when they first met, but Jen knew no one acted like that just to act that way. There was always a motivation behind the actions.

Once they left the armory, Jen had excitedly been talking to Bane about his experience with cars. He offered to be a sort of mechanic for them if they ever needed one. It was a hobby for Jen, working with machines and figuring out how to fix them. He had built small gadgets in his lifetime, but they had just been for fun, never really pitching them as ideas to Nexus. He hadn't wanted that kind of attention with everything else on his plate.
Stopping at the infirmary doors Jen paused before he went in. His excitement bubbled down when he realized that he probably wouldn't be able to talk to Bane like this for a long while. They had so many things to get taken care of. Go back for Artemy's things in the city, go over the schedules, talk about the dress code, and how training would work, among other things. He also imagined Bane was a busy guy. He shook the thoughts from his head. There was no reason to be getting so upset or disappointed over this.
"Right.." Jen said as he opened the doors and went in. The first thing he saw was Jake grabbing onto someone else he had seen at the meeting as they were close to the door.

Jake watched Jax's tears run down his face, his eyes growing a little. At Jax's words Jake slowly let go of him, not really knowing what to say to that. The guy pleaded with him to be let go and Jake's hand shook a little, before he shoved it into his pocket to hide the shaking.
"Yeah, right, uhm, sorry…" Jake took a step back from Jax. Jake's shoulders were tense as Jax talked to him, a lot of things running through his mind. He looked down at the floor, a sort of dark yet sad look to him. Why was he trying to be like Jen again? It didn't fit him. Jake didn't take care of others. That wasn't his forte. Even now he was still chasing after that. A place to fit in.
Jake snapped his attention back up at Jax at his last words.
"You're not dif-" Jake didn't get to finish as Jax bolted out of the room. Jake gritted his teeth, grinding them a little as he bite back his words.

Jen's eyes immediately hardened at the sight of Jake, pausing as Jax ran past him. He crossed his arms at Jake, who seemed to stop breathing at the sight of the other.

Jen took one step towards Jake and Jake took a step back, a shaky smile on his face.
"Heeeyyyyy, they let you out so soon?" He said jokingly. This was not the time to joke around. Jen made his way over to Jake with the same menacing look on his face, which made Jake let out a startled sound as he tried getting away from him, but Jen grabbed Jake's arm before he could get away, the soft fabric of the arm warmers getting squeezed as Jen tightened his grip, it wasn't enough to hurt, but with Jake's unhealthy habits, it was bound to hurt.
Tear's pricked at Jake's eyes at the action, a small pained sound coming from him.
"Fuck! Okay, okay you can let go now!!" Jake hissed and Jen did. Jen simply shook his head, a glare on his face.
"Stop doing that." Was all Jen said before he moved past him and to Artemy who was carrying a small boy. Jen paused again. What was going on here? Who was this kid?

Artemy welcomed the soft touch from Jules, but unfortunately, the action made him shake even more. Feeling comfort from someone else when he was in this state always made Artemy cry even more. Not because it was a negative thing but because he knew people would always be there for him, but right now he was wondering if anyone had ever been there for Aeron before coming here.

When Aeron struggled a little in Artemy's grasp, he held him tighter to his body, sort of squishing the kid into a hug the best he could as he still carried him. Artemy had had bad dreams before, and he knew they were not fun. He would usually bother Jen when that happened and he couldn't go back to sleep.

Artemy's eyes landed on Jen when he came in and watched him interact with Jake, wondering what was going on. Jen soon came over to him and Artemy walked up to him.
"H-he's hurt…." Artemy said softly, tears kept streaming down his face. He had tried to stop them, but he felt like no matter how hard he tried, it just wouldn't, not right now.
Jen gave a sad look to Artemy. He pulled out a large handkerchief he had gotten years ago from someone he had fought, it had been used to help with a wound that had been inflicted on Jen at the time. He had washed it, and now, took it everywhere he went.
Jen softly dabbed Artemy's cheeks, wiping the tears away. He turned to Jules finally.
"What's going on? Who's the kid?" He questioned, curious as to why it was pulling such a reaction from Artemy.

Jake watched Jen talked to Jules, looking at Artemy. He wanted to go over and say hi, but he knew Jen would not like that one bit. Not right now. He shoved his hands into his pockets and walked over to the infirmary doors, stepping out.
As soon as he did all the blood drained from his face as he saw Bane, jumping at seeing the man just standing there. Oh hell no. Jake quickly backed away from Bane, eyeing him in case he came for his throat again, then made a mad dash down the hall when he felt like he had put enough distance between them, previously walking backward to keep his eyes on the man before turning around and running.

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Jules tried his hardest to soothe Artemy, but it didn’t seem to help. The boy just shivered more, and he stepped back, contemplating what he did wrong. Had he pushed a limit? Was Artemy not used to the gentle touch? What could it be? He had been unsure, watching Aeron twitch in Artemy’s arms. No one had cared about Aeron back in his old home. He had been alone, isolated. It was twisted. Jules knew this. The boy didn’t understand he had been abandoned. It irked the witch, making him bite his tongue. How could he comfort Artemy? He turned his head to Jen, figuring Artemy’s guardian would do a better job than him. Jules watched Jen’s every move, fearing he might hurt Aeron or disturb him, but it never came to fruition. Aeron would be safe around him, and Jules relaxed, his shoulder slumping. Did he think Jen was malicious? No, but not being cautious got people hurt. He wanted to trust Jen with the kid.

Jules bit the inside of his bottom lip, turning to Jen. He kept Aeron in the corner of his eye. How was he going to explain the kid’s situation? As truthfully as he could. He didn’t want him to be cast out for his hellish whereabouts. “This is Aeron. We took him in a week ago after being abandoned.” He paused, taking a deep breath. “He’s a hellhound like Bane, born to become a molded and brainwashed soldier. They are beaten and starved. I can only guess he didn’t perform well, so they got rid of him.” He stared Jen in the eyes, worried he might reject Aeron. “He bonded with Artemy. Aeron is really thin for his height and age. The kid doesn’t know what’s going on right now. He’s terrified, so Artemy is his only friend.” Jules stepped back from Jen, holding his breath. He fidgeted with his hands, waiting for the other’s answer. It killed him to wait.

Jules looked at his feet. “I told Artemy to take Aeron with him — so he can have proper rest and be with someone other than Bane and I. It would be a pleasant change for the kiddo.” Aeron’s future could be bright, however, it depended on the surrounding people. Aeron whimpered, moving to cling onto Artemy further. The boy’s dreams were laced with pain and fear, making him nestle into the safest thing close to him. That would be Artemy. Jules took a deep breath. “Please don’t reject him. His life hasn’t been easy. I don’t want to make it harder.” Hellhounds were resilient creatures. Either way, Aeron would survive all challenges thrown at him. Looking up at Artemy and then passing a glance toward Jen, the witch smiled. “I’m sure both of you would improve his quality of life greatly. I won’t push anything upon you, though. I just want Aeron to sleep in a warm bed at this moment.” Jules tapped his fingers together.

Outside the infirmary, Bane kept watch, looking for dangers. Well, he found one. Jake stepped out of the infirmary, Jake’s eyes landing on him. He looked at Jake in return, opening his mouth to speak. However, the man bolted before the hound could get a word in. Strange. Jake still jumped at the sight of him. The hound wouldn’t hurt him, not after that one time. His greatest enemies were double-sided scotch tape and school glue. They were too sticky for his poor fingers. He spent hours removing them. Bane tilted his head at Jake’s ministrations, rolling his eyes at the odd behavior. “I’m not going to hurt you.” He called after the man, watching him bolt down the hall and out of the medical wing. Seriously, what was his problem? If Bane wanted to kill him, he would have been dead long ago. He didn’t question it, instead keeping watch for Jen and Artemy to appear.

@Dayzed local_movies

It's not that Artemy wasn't used to the gentle touch given by others when they tried to soothe him, he just tended to cry more when someone showed him affection, it was a soft gesture and made him feel safe enough to show his emotions in full without needing to hold back.

Jen nodded at the name that was given to the face of the new boy. He paused at the word "abandoned", turning to look at Aeron for a small moment. His eyes softened a little.
Though, at Jules' next bit, he froze. Hellhound? As in like, from hell? Those were real? He had thought it to just be a story- but then again, up until now he didn't know that people like these had existed. Wait- that also meant hell was real, so then that also meant- Jen let out a small shaky gasp at the thought.

Jen was Christian and believed in a higher power, but he wasn't one who held radical views on the matter. He held the simple belief of treating everyone equally and showing kindness among other things. His faith had saved him a few times when he had been backed into a corner and thought of giving up. He had to believe that someone was looking out for him, whether that be God or something else. He needed to pull his strength from somewhere and the thought was a comforting one to him. He wasn't alone and he would never be alone- even though there were times when it felt like no one was there.

As Jules spoke, Jen's eyes were on the kid, eyeing his ears and the shape they were. It made sense. Bane's were also like that, but never had he thought the man to be from hell itself. It didn't seem like that at all.
Beaten and starved….

Looking closer at Aeron Jen started to notice small things about him, like how small he looked and how his clothes fit very loosely. The kid looked very tired. A kid. From hell. Jen's eyes looked…conflicted. Not sure what to think of this situation.

"It does seem like Aeron has taken a liking to Artemy…"He trailed off. Artemy internally panicked at Jen's hesitance. Why was he thinking about this? There was nothing to think about!

Jen turned back to Jules when he mentioned to take care of Aeron. Jen gave Jules a disapproving look, but hadn't said anything yet, waiting for the other to finish.
When Jules pleaded with him Jen crossed his arms.
"Listen Jules-" Jen started. "I know you mean well, but-"
"No!" Artemy nearly cried at Jen, who snapped his attention to Artemy. "You always said that we should help others and not judge them no matter what! Why does it matter where he's from?" Artemy sobbed. "If I had come from an unpleasant place would you have left me too?" His heart breaking at what Jen's answer would be.
Jen gritted his teeth at Artemy's cry. He took a step closer to Artemy, who now had a look of anger on his face as he held on tightly to Aeron. Jen looked tiredly at Artemy. Everything about this conflicted with his beliefs, but what use were those beliefs if they discriminated against those who were suffering greatly? If he couldn't help those in need and treat them with kindness what really was he believing in?
"Allow me to hold him?" Jen asked Artemy who swallowed nervously at that. No. He didn't want to. "Please?" Jen pushed a little, to which Artemy loosened his hold on Aeron. He gave Jen a sort of death glare as a warning, something he had picked up from Jake when he got angry. It seemed to be effective so Artemy did it too.
Jen reached for Aeron and carried him, propping his head on his shoulder and holding him like you would a newborn, Jen also, treating him as delicately as one. He scowled at how light the kid felt, slight irritation sparking in his heart at the thought of someone treating another person like this. The displeasure flashed across his face momentarily before he looked over to Jules once more.

"Thank you for explaining the situation to me," Jen spoke. "I'll take him with me and do my best," He said holding the boy close to his body. He could feel the slow breathing of the other and did nothing but break his heart at how he had been abandoned.
"I don't know the first thing about caring for a- er, hellhound, so your guidance would be very much appreciated if you have any information I should know about them" He gave a small side smile to Jules. If Bane was a hellhound and he was a pretty decent guy, who was to say this kid wasn't also like that? Why not give him a chance? A tiny bit of guilt pulled at him for attempting to reject Aeron. He had never done that before- not in a long while, and it even surprised him at how he had made a decision so quickly. His eyes seemed to sadden at his thoughts. He really had fallen a bit hard this time around huh? Attacking Jake out of anger, rejecting someone who clearly needed help- among other things. He needed to pull himself together.
"Does that mean he's coming with us?" Artemy's eyes were wide and hopeful. Jen huffed at him and shook his head, laughing a little.
"Yes, we're taking him with us" Jen replied. Artemy beamed at that, finally rubbing at his eyes as he had previously been staring at Jen like a hawk as he handled Aeron.

It didn't take long for Jen to emerge out of the infirmary with Aeron in his arms and Artemy trailing after him. Jen now looked at Bane curiously at the newfound information about the other, eyeing him slightly but when he found nothing distrusting about the other he gave a small disapproving sound towards himself as if scolding his actions.

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Jules kept his eyes on Jen, hoping he wouldn’t harm Aeron. The boy had been through so much pain; he didn’t deserve more. Aeron had been abandoned, yes — but abandoned here on Earth, a realm he didn’t know, from a hellish land. A hellhound who didn’t want their child, especially if that child didn’t live up to standard, could easily let Earth take care of it. Jules stared at Jen, biting his inner cheek. He’d seen this before. It wouldn’t end well. Not now. If only he’d left out the detail — if only he didn’t say Aeron was a hellhound. Maybe then Jen would have accepted him. After all, Jules had similar beliefs and still accepted the young hound — same with Bane. He would never bat an eye at a person in need — even if half demon. He had to break his own bias to help Bane, and once realizing hellhounds could do good once taught, he let himself help those who didn’t want to kill. Help the ones abandoned because they weren’t good enough. It broke Jules’ heart to watch the kid get rejected again.

Jules stayed silent, watching Jen like a hawk. He watched Jen check Aeron out, studying the boy’s ears. They were slender and pointy, like Bane’s. The man was making connections, and he didn’t know if he liked it. He took in deep breaths, giving Jen the benefit of the doubt. Bane may have been from hell, but Jules taught him everything he knows. Hellhound were fast learners, and it didn’t take Bane long to catch on. He didn’t think it would take Aeron long, either, but some scolding and explanations would have to be used for the kid to learn. Each hound was starved by demons, getting the scraps despite doing the bulk of the work. They were used as soldier to fight every war. When one grew soft, they beat them. When one screwed up on training, they beat them. So one, so forth. Bane had taught Jules these things. “Yes. I have never seen him cling to someone within the week. He’s mostly hid away or froze in fear.” Jules’ voice grew weak. He couldn’t bear this further.

It was true, Jules needed help to take care of Aeron. Both Bane and he were excruciatingly busy. But the way Jen looked at him — it killed his soul. Was he taking in the boy so badly? He needed help, and Jules always wanted a child. Bane took well to the boy, too. They could adopt Aeron in the future, but right now wasn’t an optimal time. “No. I will not listen. Aeron deserves a lot more —” He bit his tongue, letting Artemy butt in. The kid made a good point, and he hoped Jen would listen. If Jen believed in helping others, he wouldn’t reject Aeron. Not after this information. Jules held his breath, hoping Artemy’s cry would shock Jen into considering Aeron as a person in need and not a demon from hell. Once Aeron was transferred from Artemy to Jen, he clung to Jen, burring his head into the man’s neck. He whimpered, his body shaking from the nightmare going on through his head. 

Jules nodded his head. “You’re welcome. You don’t need to take care of him 24/7, he’s my responsibility. I’m just — overwhelmed and unable to spare the time. Aeron needs someone else in his life.” He grew silent, watching Jen cradle Aeron. “Caring for a hellhound isn’t as tough. He can’t eat garlic or onions. Chocolate it out of the cards for him, and he’s lactose intolerant. Aeron doesn’t know what he is doing. He doesn’t know what he does is wrong. He had no morals, no formal teaching. Just trained to fight.” He sighed, guilt pooling in his chest for making Jen take him. “Bane can answer questions you may have. He’s been through this before. Just be wary of Aeron’s fear.” He smiled at Jen, seeing him off to let Aeron rest. He could only hope Jen would keep his word, put aside his bias and helped Aeron along with Jules and Bane.

Bane looked down at Jen and Artemy, eyeing Aeron in Jen’s arms. He smiled once his eyes landed on the young hound, moving to brush his fingers through Aeron’s scruffy hair. The smile broke into an enormous grin, leading to the three out of the infirmary wing. He moved into the main room, walking up the stairs to the second floor. He took the three through the conjoining hall into the dorm building. Once inside the dorms, Bane led the three up the stairs to dorms 31-40. They were 4 rooms down from Jax and his friends. While Jax had run into his dorm and slammed the door, they could hear no cries of pain. He led them to dorm 38, opening the door for the three. He leaned against the doorway, smiling. “I have things to complete, but please settle yourselves.” He closed the door, walking off.

@Dayzed local_movies

Jen's eyes wandered from Jules to Artemy as they both stared him down, though, held their gazes calmly, unshaken. It's not that Jen didn't have a heart, but he had to approach this carefully- he was new to all of this and when presented with this situation, he didn't exactly know how to act. It very much conflicted with his beliefs and he didn't know if he should be the one taking care of Aeron, surely there were people more suitable?
But Jen had seen the people working here and they all seemed very busy. Jen didn't believe himself to be that great at taking care of others, but he did try his best.
Jen's eyes were neutral as Jules spoke, still watching the kid who clung to Artemy. He opened his mouth to say something back to Jules' words, that he would not accept this, but was quickly interrupted by Artemy.

As Jen held the kid, he seemed to stir a lot in his sleep. Jen had seen something similar before- it was usually a huge indicator of severe trauma. He placed his hand on Aeron's back and gently rubbed him to soothe the boy, starting to hum a little- the same thing Artemy had been doing before, he had gotten the soft songs from Jen, picking them up as a child, even now.

While Jen had tried to refuse taking in Aeron at first, the way Aeron hung onto him and tried to find comfort made Jen's heart melt a little. Jen had always wanted kids too- he planned to marry in the future and build his own home, and Aeron only made him long for that even more. Jen loved kids, they were always so bright and full of laughter- and even when they held their tantrums, there was a sort of charm to that, a small human trying to find their way in the world and doing their best to get the attention of someone to help them. A warm smile replaced Jen's skeptical face as he held the kid.

Jen shook his head at Jules. Jen had decided. He would take care of the kid.
"He's my responsibility now too. I'll be more than happy to take care of him 24/7. I'm not even sure you'll be getting him back" Jen said jokingly, swaying Aeron a little, something you would do to calm a baby.
Artemy whined at Jules saying Aeron couldn't eat chocolate.
"But chocolate cake!" He protested. Jen shushed Artemy who just bitterly pouted at this appalling information.
Jen watched Jules as he spoke, already thinking about what kinds of foods he could make for this kid.
"I'll ask Bane then," He said, his expression turning a little more serious at the mention that Bane had been through this same situation before too.

Once out he watched Bane affectionately touch Aeron's hair. Jen watched Bane's grin, certain teeth looking a little more animalistic than human. Jen hummed a little at that, making note.
As Bane led them to the room they would be staying in, Artemy kept his distance from Bane, still a little frightened by the tall man. He had been scary during the meeting and he wasn't sure if he should try to interact with him, though, Jen seemed perfectly content with him.
"Thank you," Jen said again, watching Bane walk off.
Opening the door and walking in Jen took the place in, eyes immediately looking for a bed to set Aeron down in. Artemy followed Jen wanting to see what he was doing.
Jen gently set Aeron in one of the beds and took his shoes off, also slipping off his jacket that was starting to fall off. He set the shoes by the bed and pulled the blanket up over Aeron. Jen held onto the jacket, looking for a place to hang it.
"Can I sleep too?" Artemy asked, to which Jen nodded. Artemy started to get into the same bed as Aeron but didn't get very far as Jen hissed at him.
"No, let him sleep comfortably. When he wakes up you can ask if you can stay with him when he sleeps again, but for now, you take the other bed." Jen said placing his hand on his hips like a mother would as they scolded their child.
Artemy nearly started crying at that.
"But he's lonely! What if he wakes up and there's no one there for him to see?? He'll also get cold!" Artemy said nodding his head as if he was making any sense. Jen rolled his eyes. Artemy could be just as dramatic as Jake and it showed.
"He'll live Artemy, now time for you to sleep too," He said walking over to him and ushering him to one of the other beds.

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

Aeron slept contently for a few hours, the nightmare rushing away. He shivered, the warmth of Artemy and Jen escaping from him. Once covered with the blanket, he snuggled under it, pulling it up over his nose. The boy sprawled out, his brown hair flopping in his face. Aeron was still getting used to Earth’s sleep-wake cycle, making his sleep habits unhealthy. He didn’t like sleeping, but Jules and Bane insisted, saying it would make him feel good. But Bane always complained about how he gained nothing from sleep, so why should he? Aeron woke, stretching his limbs. A small groan came from his throat as he looked around. This was a new room. Not in his room. This put him on edge, his shoulders tensing. Glancing over at Artemy, the boy laid his head on Aeron’s new bed. What did it matter? Artemy was here! Rubbing his sleepy eyes, Aeron removed the covers off himself, slipping out of the bed. He wanted to explore the new dorm. 

The bedroom door had been left open, allowing Aeron to peer into the other open bedroom. Both were plain, letting the residents decorate as they pleased. He shuffled out of the room, glancing down the foyer. There was the door to the right and an entrance to the sitting room and kitchen to the left. Aeron wandered out into the hallway, sniffing the air. He was curious what the strange smell could be. He wandered down the hall, some of his ribs showing through his shirt. His hip bones were slightly exposed. The kitchen came into view, looking like one in an apartment. Jen stood there, cooking who knows what. Upon seeing Jen, Aeron froze in his steps, a whimper coming from him. He couldn’t mess up — this man could hit him or kick him. His body shook uncontrollably, eyes darting around the room, looking for hiding spaces. It was open. Shit. Tears gathered in his eyes as he dragged himself into the kitchen. He gulped large breaths, trying to stay quiet around Jen.

Aeron watched Jen cook, tilting his head. Curiosity always took over the best of him, even if fear controlled his actions. Another whimper came from him, and he looked away. This was a stupid idea. But he would look away. It was interesting to watch. He weaseled his way next to Jen, curious about the stove. He turned on a burner, grinning once a flame sparked. Aeron could work with this. He placed his hand above the flame, stealing its energy and adding it to his own flames. Though before Jen could scream at him, he turned off the burner, putting his own flames out, and shrank away. This was too risky, so he stood behind Jen, waiting for a beating that would never come. The boy’s stomach growled, and he frowned, looking away from Jen and the stove. His shoulders tensed, uncomfortable level growing until tears dripped down his face. Aeron bit his bottom lip to keep noise from escaping him before turning to slink back to his room.

@Dayzed local_movies

During those few hours, Jen had gone out to buy a few things to make dinner with. He had a few things already planned for tomorrow and the upcoming days. He had offered to take Artemy to go get his things as well while Aeron slept but he had refused, so once again, Jen was left with bringing the things for him.
Artemy lived with a few people in the old apartment that used to belong to Jen and his friends. He had instantly recognized Vixen who ran to him and gave him a hug. Kohen had stood awkwardly, watching Jen, he wasn't the hugging type, but he had missed Jen. There were other new faces there too, but Jen didn't recognize them.

Artemy had closed his eyes just for a second, but that had been enough for him to slip into darkness, sleeping in a sitting position, hunched over on the bed. Jen had brought over a chair since he wouldn't allow Artemy to sleep with the kid. Trying to give him some space.

Jen had been in the kitchen standing over a medium-sized pot, stirring some sort of soup. The liquid was a red color as he added a few spices to it, though didn't make it too hot since Artemy didn't really like spicy things. A few things floated inside the liquid, it was a mixture of different sea creatures, crab, fish, octopus, clams, mussels, shrimp- you name it. There were also a few vegetables and herbs in there too. Things like cilantro, parsley, corn, and tomatoes visible. Jen had left out the garlic and onions since it wasn't something Aeron could eat. He would have to use something else to give it more flavor, and alter it a little.
Aeron had been so quiet when he came into the kitchen that Jen hadn't noticed that the small boy was up, his back turned to him as he focused on adjusting the heat to the soup. It wasn't until Aeron got close to him and turned on one of the burners that Jen nearly jumped out of his skin. He watched the kid place his hand over the fire- Jen about nearly screeched at the boy, but the cry was caught in his throat as he watched him with a terrified expression. When Jen saw that it did nothing to the boy, Jen nearly buckled, almost falling to his knees from the scare. Right. Hellhound.

Jen took a few deep breaths, his body shaky. This kid was going to kill him. From a heart attack. He turned to Aeron who started crying. Jen's eyes softened at the boy. He moved to grab a small bowl, pouring some of the finished soup in the dish, adding just a few things so Aeron could start off with small portions. If he wanted more, Jen would serve him seconds.
"Wait-" Jen called to Aeron who had turned to go. "I made something, you can have some" Jen walked over to the table and set the bowl down along with a spoon he had brought for it. Jen would have gone over to Aeron to comfort him, but he wasn't sure how trusting he would be of Jen.

Jake had been walking back to his room, a bored look on his face, hands shoved into his pockets, something he had picked up from the person he had been with previously. All Jake wanted right now was a nap- preferably a dirt nap, but that was out of the question. He didn't know how long he had till he had to get up again, but he was not going to get back up after he went to sleep. Bane and Jax could suck his dick for all he cared. Jake grumbled all the way to his room, pausing when he saw something on the floor by one of the rooms down in his hall. It looked green? And small? Jake walked over to it, crouching down to investigate, only to find out it was herbs. Jake stuck his tongue out at the thought of tea. Jen liked tea, and sometimes would force Jake to drink some when he had been sick. He was such a worried mother, it gave Jake chills now that he thought back on it. How someone could double as a mother and a ruthless killer? Was beyond him.
Jake was about to leave when something hit him. Wait. Herbs? He eyed the door, remembering Alaska walking into the infirmary and Jules handing him something similar. Well. It wouldn't hurt to knock right? If he was wrong he'd just walk away. And if he was right? A small grin spread on his face. Jake adjusted himself before knocking. He took a step back and waited for someone to answer- if they ever did.

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

Aeron turned back, staring at Jen. Tears populated his eyes, fear making his small body shake. He feared Jen would scream or hit him, but the man offered food. Aeron liked food; he wanted food. His stomach demanded it, and he listened to his stomach. He turned to move toward Jen, being wary of getting too close to him. A whimper came from him, stalking over to the table with the bowl of food. Aeron didn’t sit down or go for it but stood there staring. What if Jen had poisoned it? Or would hit him for being so selfish? What if this is a test? He didn’t like tests. He always failed them and got hurt. It was how he earned the scars on his chest. His father didn’t like when he failed tests either. Aeron moved closer to Jen, taking in the other’s scent. He smelled like food, spices, and other stuff. He got closer to Jen, looking up at him. “You won’t hurt me?” He questioned, tugging at Jen’s arm like a little kid. His voice was strained.

Aeron whimpered, suddenly clinging to Jen. He rested his head on Jen’s shoulder, remembering the warmth from the dream. Tears streamed down his face, a whine coming from him. “You won’t hurt me.” He murmured, almost sure of it. He pulled away, tears still falling down his face. Aeron moved to climb into the chair, sitting on his knees. He didn’t know how to use these strange utensils, instead grabbing bits of meat with his fingers. He looked at it curiously, taking a deep breath. There was no poison in the scent, only spice. Aeron ate the piece of seafood, a smile coming to his face. It was new and exciting. He looked up at Jen, tilting his head. “Why is it contained in a circle with another circle conjoined to a stick piercing it?” This confused the boy, his mind not comprehending a simple spoon and bowl. He looked down at the bits floating in the soap. This was an interesting concoction. 

The hound pursed his lips, once again looking up at Jen. “And why is the food floating in a liquid? Don’t you drain the liquid out? Papa used to say you squished it out with your hands — but then he’d get blood everywhere. But it was okay. Alpha didn’t mind. He said Papa could get rid of the stress of having a useless son.” Aeron frowned, looking at the food. “Papa never came back. He told me we were going hunting, then disappeared. He said if I caught something good, then maybe he’d want me again. Something about me being a useless soldier.” A small whimper came from his chest, and Aeron sank into his seat. “Papa said eating was selfish —” Aeron drew away from the food. “It took away from training and letting the higher demons eat. He said if I couldn’t conform to rules, he would kill me.” He teared up, putting his head in his arms. “Before Papa disappeared, he said no one would want a brat like me.” Tears streamed down his face and he started to sob. 

Someone answered the door. It was the other werewolf commonly seen with Alaska — Eris. She had finished buttoning up her jacket, staring at Jake. “How did you—?” She shook her head, turning to call for Alaska. “Alaska! Your strange boyfriend is here. Now, I’m leaving.” She looked at Jake. “Bring your ass inside.” She pushed past Jake, closing the door behind her once he stepped inside. Alaska appeared from the kitchen, walking down the hall. He paused, staring at Jake, his heart beating quickly. “H - hey… what brings you around? Uh — you want to sit down or - uh - have some lunch?” He stuttered, tripping over his words. His body flushed, face growing a deep red. Oh, this was so embarrassing. “Or maybe just - uh - talk about things, you know—” Speak Alaska! Speak Was it always so hard to speak with a pretty boy standing in front of you? Oh, shit. “Maybe talk about the - er - date?” He offered, face growing redder as he remembered Jake’s obscene gesture.

@Dayzed local_movies

Jen looked down at Aeron when he came close, blinking surprised at the sudden closeness. He gave Aeron a warm smile and shook his head.
"I'm not going to hurt you. I promise." He said gently, patting Aeron's head and resting his hand on him. Jen's eyes widened a little as Aeron hugged him, Jen also hugged him back, his body relaxing against Aeron's, completely letting his guard down around him.
One thing about Jen was he never let his guard down, around anyone. Artemy was the only exception- and maybe Aeron now too. He patted Aeron's back as if in approval of his actions.
Jen let Aeron pull away, though wanted to so badly hold the kid again and comfort him. But he needed to eat.
When Aeron went to sit down, Jen followed him and sat beside him, watching the kid curiously as well. He acted like any other kid- sure he seemed a little broken, trauma did that- but otherwise? He couldn't tell the difference between a human kid and this hellhound. Aside from the physical differences of course.

"The big circle is a bowl," Jen said, reaching out to tap the bowl, then grabbing the spoon. "This one is a spoon and you use it to drink the red liquid- the soup" Jen explained. "The bowl keeps the liquid from getting everywhere since we want to also eat that" Jen mused at the kid's curiosity.
"Since it is soup, we don't drain it, we eat it too. It might seem a little bit odd since you're not used to it, but back in my country, we have different types of soups that we eat." Jen spoke, leaving out the small detail that the reason was sometimes, that's all they had- other days, nothing at all.

Jen's face turned a little more serious at Aeron's next words, though held a sadness to him.
"Eating is not selfish. Every living thing needs to eat…" Jen said softly. "By eating, you make your body happy. Your body helps you do a lot of things and we should thank it for it. We do that by eating and taking care of it" He smiled, though it seemed like Jen's heart was breaking at Aeron's words.
"Nothing's going to kill you. You have Jules right? And Bane? I'm sure they'll protect you. You also have Artemy and me now. And we're not papa, are we? You're not in that place anymore, this place is a little more different" Jen tried explaining but fell short. "You won't get hurt because of the rules. Some rules are important, yes, but here it's nothing like it was back in your home." He said, now watching as Aeron broke down and cried. He couldn't possibly believe they treated children like these in that place- well. It was hell after all. But even if Aeron wasn't human, he certainly still had feelings and got hurt.

Jen slowly got up and made his way over to Aeron. He hesitated, wondering if this was a bad move, but gently picked the child up from the chair, sitting down himself and putting Aeron on his lap. His movement were light, not making harsh movements as to not alarm the kid.

His arms wrapped around the kid, hugging him tightly for a minute before releasing him.
"Well, I want you. You're very sweet. You're not a brat, if anything, you might be a bit of a blessing" Jen said, laughing softly at his words. A blessing from hell huh? How peculiar.

"As long as you're here, you'll always be wanted. No one will leave your side unless you want them to." Jen reassured Aeron.
"Now, how about we try eating a little?" Jen said, grabbing the spoon once more and bringing the bit of liquid to Aeron's mouth, waiting to see if he would try it. If he didn't want to, Jen wouldn't pressure him, but he did want him to have just a little bit. He needed to start somewhere.

Jake gave a sly grin to Eris when she questioned him.
"I have my ways," He said smoothly, though, it seemed his ways were finding leaf pieces on the ground and only figuring things out at the last minute. Jake's eyes widened when Eris called him Alaska's boyfriend.
"Oh, no, we're not-" But Jake was silenced as he was ordered to go inside. He did so, stepping in and watching as Eris closed the door. He stood there awkwardly for a few seconds, before making his way deeper into the room, looking around.

His eyes moved to the hallway when he saw Alaska pause. A huge grin replaced his neutral expression from before. It looked like he was up to something- as always. He walked over to Alaska, now standing in front of him. Lunch….
"Yeah, I could have lunch, what's on the menu? You?" Jake snickered as he made eye contact with Alaska. Jake was very bold when he wanted something, he didn't hold back.

To be truthful Jake wasn't that hungry, maybe a coffee would do but other than that….Jake's eyes trailed down to Alaska's pants. He hummed approvingly. His eyes looked up at Alaska again at the "talk about things" part.
"You want to talk?" Jake questioned. "About the date?" He arched an eyebrow. The stupid smile was still on his face. "You know, we could be doing other things instead of talking and eating, right?" Jake stepped closer to Alaska, almost forcing him to back up because of how close he had gotten.

"Ever had someone jerk you off before? Or even suck you off?" Jake asked, his vocabulary definitely was something. It was very vulgar and Jen hated that about Jake. "Maybe you're pent up? I could help with that" Jake said making the same jerking-off motion, but nowhere to his mouth this time, the action done on its own.
Jake hadn't done anything yet and was waiting for Alaska to say something. If he didn't want to, he'd let it go, but by the looks of it, it seemed that Alaska was just as into him as Jake was into Alaska.

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

Aeron pulled more seafood chunks from the bowl, shoving them in his mouth as he listened to Jen. They didn’t have these fancy contraptions in hell, at least for those of his stature. He turned to Jen, a smile growing on his face. He placed his hands above the bowl, little drops of juice running off of them. Aeron licked his fingers clean, staring at the bowl. “So, we use the spoon thingy to eat the — er — soup? Couldn’t we just use our hands to tip the bowl into our mouths? It seems easier.” A puzzled look crossed his face, his brows furrowing. “So soup is supposed to be a liquid with chunks? That’s strange.” He looked at Jen, curiosity in his eyes. “What’s a country? Is it like a pack? I used to live in a pack!” His smile grew wider until it drooped once he remembered his father — and his father’s words. Aeron’s appetite vanished, guilt pooling n his chest. He didn’t let Jen eat first. He’d been selfish.

The boy shook his head, whimpering. “No, no, no! I didn’t let you have food first. It was selfish. I shouldn’t be making my body happy when I’m eating before my superior.” He stared at his hands, turning away from Jen. “I don’t deserve to take care of it. I need to be punished for my wrongdoings. At least Papa would say so.” He played with his hands, tears pooling in his eyes. He screwed everything up. Papa said he was a fuck-up. He swiped at the tears rolling down his cheeks. It only made Aeron cry more. “I — I… I have them, but I shouldn’t be protected. Papa said —” He paused, tears falling quicker. “N - no … you’re not Papa. But he might come back. H - He -” Aeron trailed off, burying his head in his arms, practically sobbing. Tears soaked into his skin, making it shiny. Whimpered came from his throat, filling the silence with whines of pain and uncertainty.

Aeron didn’t fight with Jen. He let the man pick him up, trying to cling to him. Once sitting in Jen’s lap, he laid his head on Jen’s shoulder, whimpering and sobbing upon it. His tears soaked into Jen’s shirt, hands wrapping around Jen’s chest. Even when let go, he didn’t move, nestling into the man further. “Are you sure?” He muttered. “I’m good for nothing. I’m no blessing. I’m a demon.” Another whine came from behind him. Well, yes, he was half demon — but he didn’t mean it like that. Aeron sniffled, lifting his head up. Dark circles populated under his eyes. He seemed tired. “They won’t?” He took a deep breath, turning to look at the bowl. “O - okay.” He sipped the liquid off the spoon, tasting the liquid. It was tangy but delicious. “I like it. It’s very tangy.” A small smile cracked at the corner of his mouth. His nose, cheeks, and eyes were red from the tears, but Aeron seemed to recover fast.

Alaska froze in the hall, staring at Jake. His ears grew red, his face following suit. Butterflies fluttered around his stomach, moving up from his stomach to his throat. They nestled in his voice box, making it hard to speak. “M - me? Uh - um — I - You… “He took a deep breath, pulling on the collar of his shirt. A small shiver went through his body, the butterflies’ barley budging. “I mean…” Alaska followed Jake’s eyes, the werewolf’s face growing a deep red. Oh — he meant. “Yes. It would be helpful, don’t you think?” He paused. “O - other things? I mean, I guess, but I feel having a meal and talking could bring us closer.” Jake nearly came nose to nose with him, Alaska taking a step back into a wall. Oh, shit. He shifted his weight as Jake asked him questions, face tingling. “N - no. No one has done those things to me. I - er - haven’t done anything other than make out with another.” He placed his hands over his face. Pent-up? He didn’t know about that one. “I - er - I - I…” He didn’t know what to say, embarrassment taking over him. “Maybe—” Alaska squeaked.

@Dayzed local_movies

Jen gave a weak laugh at Aeron's intellect. He picked things up quickly.
"Well, yes, you can also tip the bowl if you'd like- it's just a matter of preference" Jen smiled at him. "You don't have to use the spoon if you don't want to." It was nice to give other choices- whatever made things more comfortable for the other.
"I guess you could say a country is kind of like a pack, yes" Jen watched Aeron as he spoke. His comparisons and takes were quite something and Jen seemed to really enjoy that.
As quickly as Aeron's smile had fallen, Jen had followed suit, his eyes widening a little at the boy's cries. It sickened him that he should put the adults first when he should be the one prioritized.

It was then that Jen had gotten up to comfort Aeron. He let the boy talk and get everything out of his system before Jen said anything. He placed a hand on Aeron's cheek, wiping the tears away and turning him to look at him. There was a very worried look on his face and Jen himself seemed on the edge of tears.
"You're not selfish. I intentionally let you eat first. I put you first. You also need to put yourself first too. As the adult it is my job to take care of you, you eat first, you go to bed first, you get everything first." Jen said but knew that it would take more than a few words for Aeron to not think in such a way.
"You deserve to take care of it." Jen said, refuting Aeron's comment. "You've done nothing wrong, why should you be punished? I'm sorry that the people in your life have convinced you to think this way. I'm sorry that they've done nothing but hurt you, I apologize on behalf of them even though they should be the ones doing that. But know that from here on out you will learn a lot of new things and punishing you will not be included in those things when you 'mess up'. Everyone makes mistakes, the important thing is that you learn from them, however, those rules you were taught prior? You can forget about them, they don't exist here" Jen grabbed a bit of his shirt's sleeve and finished drying Aeron's tears. Jen had showered and changed during the time Aeron had slept, running errands and making dinner. He had a brown block sweatshirt with regular blue jeans on now.

"If your father comes back, and you don't want to go back with him, I'll keep you safe. We'll all keep you safe. You have the choice of staying or leaving if you want, though, we would be very sad if you left" Jen said, a sad smile now on his face.

"Maybe you may not believe it, but I believe it. You're good for something. You're someone who I have a feeling, is going to make my life a bit brighter" He let Aeron nestle into him as he talked. "So you're a demon, what's wrong with that? You are the farthest thing from a demon I've ever seen and that's a good thing. You maybe be a hellhound, but that doesn't mean you should be treated poorly." Jen said, seeming like he was scolding Aeron, but it wasn't like that. He wanted Aeron to know that his words were true, and there was no room for anyone to make assumptions or interpret his words wrong.

"They won't." Jen replied to Aeron, trying to affirm the kid as much as he could. The more he heard it and saw that others were serious about this too, the sooner Aeron would find it in his heart to accept it as the truth as well.
Jen looked down at Aeron's face after he took a sip of the soup. He wiped Aeron's nose, using his sleeve again, pinching it a little and pulling away to clean him up a little. Then used his other sleeve which was still clean to dab his eyes dry, not being too rough with him so it wouldn't burn later.
"I'm glad you like it. From here on out I'll make you breakfast lunch and dinner. I also bought some snacks for you to try" He gave Aeron a warm smile. "We'll start off with eating little by little and taking things slowly, then build up, or else your stomach will get upset, and we don't want you to get sick or feel bad" Jen spoke, he didn't exactly treat children as….children. In a way. He knew kids could be smart, more than they let on, so he laid everything out on the table, explaining what they were going to do and why they were going to do it. If Aeron had any questions Jen would answer. It was his job as the parent- er, adult, to make the kid feel safe. And if he was unsure of anything, Jen would stop and ask if there was anything they could compromise on.
As time went on, Jen kept giving Aeron spoonfuls of the soup, sometimes scooping up small chunks to feed him.

"Just make out huh?" Jake questioned, smiling like an idiot. Once Alaska hit the wall, there was nowhere for him to go, and Jake pressed his body against Alaska's, cupping his face with his hands.
"Then would you like to make out?" He said, humming a little. He wouldn't push Alaska too far, teasing him was fun, but the poor guy looked like he was melting.

"I'd be more than happy to take care of you though if you'd like me to" Jake stared up at Alaska, searching his eyes for an answer. "If not, I can settle for talking" Jake gave Alaka a few choices. He wouldn't force himself on the other. That's not how he did things- people who did that to others irritated the living hell out of him, and Jake had buried a few of them in his lifetime- well. "A few" was an understatement, he had basically made it his living.