forum one-on-one right now - dead bored atm so romance - closed
Started by @darling-velocipede group

people_alt 52 followers

@darling-velocipede group

hello! absolutely. character template:

gender and pronouns:

just go wild and i'll create my character based on who would be fun with yours! i'm thinking maybe they meet on a bus? it might be fun to just expand from there without planning

@darling-velocipede group

honestly? nothing in particular! i think it would be cool if they were both on the bus for reasons outside of just going to a shop, so maybe something that links up with where they're going? outside of that just a bit about friends, family, heritage, where they've lived, worked, studied etc.


name: Oz (Ozzy) Moore
gender and pronouns: Male, He/Him
sexuality: Bisexual, no preference
appearance: Oz is tall and skinny, more of a 6’2” twig than anything else. He’s pale, almost sickly so, with a Greek nose (crooked from multiple breaks) and sunken, dark circles under his eyes. Oz' hair is a faded black, no doubt from faded out dye, given that his (rather unkempt) eyebrows are his natural blond. His face has multiple piercings- tongue, nose bridge, eyebrow, and three nose rings (one per nostril and one septum), and Oz' ears are decked out in different piercings as well. Oz has a fair bit of acne (and a couple acne scars as well). His hair used to be buzzed, though right now it's in that awkward puffball stage as it grows out. His fashion screams 80's punk– his battle jacket (one of his most prized possessions) has had years of studs, patches, and buttons stuck onto it. Most of them are political, though he's got a couple band logos on there as well. He's got the bi-angles tattooed onto his rib cage (it's kind of shaky, but a friend did it for him).
personality: Oz is hotheaded, crass, impulsive, and easily defensive, but he’ll kill for his friends. He’s kind of like the uncle of the friend group- really should not be in charge under any circumstances, a little morally questionable, equally questionable taste in alcohol and clothes, but will drop everything to take care of someone in distress. As a general rule of thumb, he can’t stand authority, especially cops. He's much more partial to communities supporting themselves, rather than having a single group in charge. Despite all this, Oz really does try to make himself a friendly, approachable guy (even if he's a little standoffish at times).
background: Oz grew up in a fairly average "hick" town in Alabama. Straight, white, conservative, about as American as apple pie and baseball fields. He felt incredibly trapped. Intolerant family meant that Oz wasn't able to fully express himself, whether that be through relationships, or even just what he said. As soon as he was old enough, Oz scrounged up the money to get the hell out of dodge and move out. He now lives with a roommate and his pet cat (a rescued mongrel named Jello), working mainly as a cashier and trying to pursue music. He's pretty much ditched the Alabama drawl, instead picking up little vocal inflections and patterns from the people around him.
other: Oz is extremely afraid of both needles and cat claws (though he refuses to declaw his own cat)

(is he alright? sorry he took so long, i can definitely make some changes if needed!)


(are you good with the name oz/ozzy? this character has gone through so many iterations he's got a handful of names)

@darling-velocipede group

name: Stellatus Adrien, goes by Stella
gender and pronouns: AMAB male, he/him
sexuality: Gay, primarily attracted to masculine appearances.
appearance: With sandy blond hair, soft sky blue eyes, a penchant for jewelry, and a boatload of freckles, Stella could almost pass for the newest Disney princess. Standing at 5'7, he has a round frame and lightly tanned skin, and he's often a bit sunburnt. His curly hair ends just below his ears, showing off his small diamond studs. Despite being 17 (i forgot to have you put in an age for your character, goblin) he only just worked up the courage to get them pierced (he's not scared of needles, just infection). He often wears baggy jeans and a pastel sweatshirt over a patterned button up. He's perpetually pushing up his round, gold framed glasses that have a tendency to slip towards the end of his nose. The glasses are held together by scotch tape on one side, from a time they fell off his face, breaking, when he fell asleep at his desk one night.
personality: Stella is your stereotypical nerd– book-smart, scared of breaking rules, and desperately trying to get into a good college. He refuses to drink or be in the least wild, and has more than once let down a friend due to his strict adherence to his parent's standards. He wants to be a writer and carries a notebook with him everywhere, scrawling down poetry and prose, though he's so easily embarrassed he might consider burning the whole book before showing it to someone. Extremely poor in a crisis. An alright cook. Knows all the lyrics from Hamilton.
background: Growing up an only child in a tight knit family in Oregon, Stella really missed out on the kind of rebellion that characterizes many people's teen years THIS IS NOT DONE
(okay so! i keep falling asleep! this character is not done! i will finish him in the morning and then we can properly start. sorry if i'm cutting off earlier than expected, sleepy brain chemicals are just doing their thing)


(it's totally okay, dw! get your sleep! i really like him so far, lmao)
(also, i'm probably gonna have Oz be 18-ish so that he can actually move away from his parents, if that's alright. otherwise i need to modify his BG)