I’m craving something gay and something super fluffy, and probably with some fantasy. I’ve got a cute(?) idea, but I wanna know if someone else has any(or better ideas/suggestions). Template-wise, it’s up to whoever joins.
My main idea was for there to be character A, growing up in what was trying to be a perfect village. You do what your told, the men take on more labouring jobs and can(and most likely will) become a soldier or guard. The woman are just raised to be perfect wives. No other ideas have been introduced(save for a few books that might have fairytales in them.) A doesn’t want to be a part of this, and is focused on their dreams of becoming a witch and practicing magic(and of course no one approves). B would be a witch, somewhere close to where A is. They’ve grown up here, practicing magic and keeping the peace(idk). A decided then, that if no one will let them become a witch, they’ll just try and get there on their own(so they would need to run away from their village). So, of course, through chance, while A is running away they come across the path of B. After realizing they’ve heard about B in a folklore book(though horribly inaccurate), and begs for B to teach them. And … yeah. I don’t have a preference for who is A or B, so that’s up to who joins.
Uh, basic rules. Please use proper spelling, grammar, punctuation etc. and please try and be active. Let me know if you are going to be inactive for a period of time etc. and if you have any questions(cuz I hope I got my idea across well enough).
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(gay as in wlw or mlm? I'm interested I just want to know which character to throw up)
Well, first, thank you for your interest. Second, it’s up to whatever you prefer, so you can decide(I am leaning a bit more towards mxm tho). Also, which character would you like to be(A or B)?
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Okay! Well then I choose Alex.
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Do you have a template you'd prefer me to use? If not I can either shoot you a link oooorrrr use one of my own
(Here’s my kid. I love your boy by the way, much yes. I can start up on a starter now, if we’re ready.)
Name: Bell Williams
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Pansexual
Species: 100% human
Role: A
Appearance: Bell is pretty tall for his age, and only slightly muscular because of his training. He could look intimidating, but there’s just something missing in his … aura, that throws it off. His complexion was probably a lot lighter, but has slowly worked itself into a tan and has become sprinkled with freckles. His hair is a very pale brown, cut very short, but nice and fluffy like a bunny. His eyes are somewhat of a yellow-green, and glisten very brightly in the sun.
Personality: Bell probably has no clue what he’s doing most of the time, but whatever it is, he just believe in himself. He protects his dreams and makes sure he can accomplish everything he can, and will do anything to guarantee that. Think of him like a scary looking bunny, and that’s pretty much what he is.
Likes: Sweet things(anything with a lot of sugar), gardening, magic, witches, witch hats
Dislikes: His father, the village, cold water, killing things
Backstory: Bell was just raised in the described village, told he was going to become a soldier. If he was lucky, he’d become a guard for some distant noble. He’d get married to one of the other village girls, picked by his parents of course. So, his whole life was planned out for him. When he was a lot younger, he liked reading quite a bit, and had become interested in the witch folklore books. Eventually he was set on becoming a witch or at least getting to meet one. Once it became more certain, he would never get approval from his parents- he took his life into his own hands.
Other: Bell made a makeshift witch hat, pulled from tons of random clothes and oddly referenced from the pictures in his books. He also preserved flowers to put on it. Though he doesn’t think it looks quite right, he’s proud of it.
Bell’s cheek still felt like it stung from when his father had slapped him not too long ago. His eyes were probably still red too, from his crying over his life. He’d be fine soon, but this would be hard to look back on.
It probably wasn’t the best idea to head out here with no plan or backup, and to just be very under-prepared. Nonetheless, he just had to believe that he’d made the right choice and that he’d eventually get where he needed, and wanted, to be.
At the time, it seemed like a good idea to leave without a torch. This way he couldn’t be found easily since it would be dark and the light wouldn’t give himself away. Though, now he wished for a little more light since the trees blocked more moonlight than he originally thought they would. He couldn’t go to look at his map now either, not that he trusted it was that accurate anyways.
He stumbled blindly through the woods, and a twig snapped under his foot. At the noise, his heart raced even faster. He had no idea where he was now, and if someone or something found him now … there’d be no going back.
In his attempt to regain his footing and calm himself down, since there didn’t seem to be anything out here that was dangerous, he smacked face-first into a tree branch.
After that, with now both his cheeks, his nose, his forehead, and his back burning, his just let himself stay on the forest ground.
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There was howling and barking as the wolves patrolled the forest,picking up on your scent and alerting Alex, who was back up in the woods,even deeper into it. He was supposed to be the feared King of The Beasts. The story goes that the king of the village wouldn't pay what was owed when Alex drove out the wolves for good, so he sent them all back to rampage and kill everyone in the village, before he disappeared in the chaos,and the wolves left soon after. That was not true of course. But the story was interesting and his mother made sure to keep the tale alive so the village would keep it's hatred for her son. Alex upon hearing the concerned cries, on the back of his favourite cougar Cyra, rode off in a hurry, and found the boy on the ground. He hopped off, adorned in a sheep skin shawl, pants, a long sleeved shirt and a pair of boots. "Are you okay?" He asked, dropping down next to the boy,big blue eyes sparkling in the moonlight. The wolves all came and lied around the two in a protective circle,eyes mostly focused upon Bell, and what harm he could cause Alex.
Bell blinked, his mind still trying to register what was happening.
He sat up quickly, nearly causing him to blackout, “Uh, I- I’m o-okay …”
So much for trying to calm down now. Nothing could stop him from feeling regret and wanting to take this all back. He was surrounding by wolves and there was this other person there who was probably going to eat him for dinner now.
He immediately jumped to all the worst case scenarios, before wondering who this person was. He’d heard about this before … maybe … what was it again?
Not being able to look through his books or understand where he was or see in front of him(mainly due to his own bad thinking) did not help.
“Who … who are you?” He tried to stop his voice from becoming a squeak.
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"O-oh uhm hi. I'm Alex." He looked over at two of the wolves and nodded for them to come over. The two helped him up onto his feet. "Just lean on Mika and walk. I don't think you're okay enough to ride,wouldn't want you to fall off. If you can remember,what's your name?" He asked gently, before leaning down and whispering to another wolf. It nodded and ran off into the forest. Alex walked off,and the pack split apart and ran off, save for the two holding up Bell and the Cougar. "Morro help Mika to keep him up. We don't want him passing out until we get to the cave."
“I-I don’t think I fell that hard. Um … I’m Bell.”
It was nice that this guy- Alex rather, was offering him help. But could he really be trusted? Bell was also way too scared to touch the wolves, or whatever they might be.
It wasn’t like Bell would survive out here for that long, since not even his training could help him if it wasn’t baked into his mind like it should have been.
“Where … where are we going?” His heart beat even faster as the end of his sentence faded into more of a whisper. Truth be told, Bell did wish he could disappear right there. Though running away from this guy might not be a good idea.
Bell pushed himself up, using his knee as leverage. The blood rush would make it a bit disorienting, but he’d be fine.
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Nonetheless a wolf nudged their way under each of your arms for you to balance on. "To my home. I'll cook you rabbit over the spit fire and you can rest from your journey." His voice was quite a bit more feminine though he tried to get it to drop, and his breasts were sort of obvious beneath the shawl. He pulled it tighter and they began to walk again.
Bell was now on the edge of shaking in fear, since he was so close next to the animals.
The main part of it was the word rabbit. One, because that meant the poor creature was for sure killed here. Then second, because his mother used to call him that. He was a rabbit.
Of course, Alex here, wouldn’t know that. But there were a lot of what-ifs? What is he did know? What if that was a code for ‘I’m going to eat you’?
However, with no other choices left, he let himself be brought along. This only presented more worst case scenarios though. Bell’s only hope was that this person knew something about the magic and witches in his books.
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Eventually they reaches the cave. There before him was some fish. "No rabbit? That's alright." He then muttered a small spell, and there was a flash of light. Suddenly they were scaled, deboned, gutted,and cut into nice little strips. He began to build up a fire as the wolves helped you to sit on the ground, and then they curled up next to you, Mika putting her head in your lap. "Give her some head scritches for her good work, she loves them."
(Sorry, I fell asleep before I could respond!)
Bell’s lit up at the sight of magic, though he excitement was still easily overpowered by his fear.
He swallowed before doing what Alex said, since there was no point in trying to refuse this guy.
Among his mix of pleasant and unpleasant emotions, he was also glad there wasn’t rabbit, and that he didn’t need to watch someone gut a fish either.
This could be an opportunity to ask Alex something … but it would be kind of awkward now. He could wait until later, but then, would Bell just leave in the morning? He was probably way off track now, so it probably wouldn’t be worth it though.
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Mika's tongue dolled out as she nuzzled into his hand, giving off small happy whimpers as she tries to lick his face. "Mika stop that! Look he's already scared half to death. Give him some time to adapt. I promise they won't hurt you." He got up and began to start a fire, getting out an iron skillet from a raggedy satchel, and he began to cook up the fish. He then pulled out a sleeping bag, and rolled it out next to Bell. "Here, so you don't have to sleep on the ground. Sorry that I don't have any pillows, but the wolf pups keep tearing them up. I bet Mika would let you use her as a pillow. She's soft and warm but, it not that's okay too." He nodded as he used a stick to move around the fish a bit, to really get it cooking. (Mika- prounounced like Mee-ka.)
By now, at the very least, Bell’s hands shook. He nodded to Alex and let him do whatever he was doing.
Though, Bell didn’t think that he’d be able to sleep now. He should’ve thought that through more … just sleeping out here alone like he had originally planned. Even though it could be safer with someone else … a stranger who probably lived here was probably not a top choice.
He’d have to check his map in the morning, but Bell was also still skeptical about leaving.
Clearly, Alex knew magic, so he could be some sort of ray of hope to Bell. Bell was also out here for someone else though, so he needed to decide between leaving or staying.
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(I'm confused. Is Alex not that someone else?)
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