forum One on One?
Started by Deleted user

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"as have I….oh my stars…Frozenstar" she looked at him in slight horror. last she'd seen him was the day before, looking strong and healthy save for some weight loss. she hadn't realized how bad it truly was. "here, I brought some prey, eat." she nudged him gently to lay down. She lay next to him and started to gently lick him. "It's bad isn't it?" she asked

Deleted user

Frozenstar laid down beside her slowly, letting out a breath from the effort. He shook his head, "I'll take it back to my Clanmates," he said greatfully, nuzzling her. After a moment, he nodded, "It's pretty bad," he agreed tiredly, "Even with TunnelClan's help, we had a kit die today," he admitted, his voice cracking slightly. He felt responsible. Had he done something for StarClan to punish his Clan so harshly.


(nope sorry its me, I didn't see that you answered sorry!)
"You are no good to your clan if you aren't strong, right now they need a strong leader to get them through this, and you did nothing wrong." She nudged the prey to him, trying to get him to eat it. "She licked his ear encouragingly, how could he ever tell him that her clan wouldn't help them? She let out a frustrated sigh and went to the edge of the rock, needing to think through her options while he ate please Starclan, I need your guidence

Deleted user

Frozenstar wanted to eat, oh StarClan he wanted to, but he couldn't. Not before his Clan. He turned and saw the worry on Moonfeather's face and frowned, "What's wrong?" He murmured, nudging her snoot gently


" what's wrong is that you won't eat, how do you expect your clan to stay strong and healthy if you aren't?" She snarled angrily. She sighed and turned to him "I'm sorry, it's just that…spottedstar made an announcement when I came back last night that nightclan will not be helping in the prey epidemic that you clan is facing." She looked down at her paws, ashamed and angry at her clan. "I'll try to help in any way I can, maybe get some of my clan mates to help too, but if we get caught…it won't be good." She nudged the prey towards him "eat." She instructed

Deleted user

Frozenstar finally relented, taking a couple bites of a squirrel before he felt full. He pushed the rest away, feeling his stomach churn, "Moonfeather, if your leader says not to- ah" he stood, swaying and leapt across the river, barely making it before the squirrel came right back up. The leader shuddered, returning to the rock and laying back down, exhausted


She looked away as Frozenstar leapt away, feeling helpless "I don't care what spottedstar will do, I'd much rather be a rouge knowing I help a clan survive then stand by and do nothing because my clan says no." She layed down next to him

Deleted user

Frozenstar looked at her, leaning over and nuzzling her lovingly, "You'll never be a rougue" he murmured, "You always have a place in StoneClan" he smiled


She looked at him with genuine gratitude and love, nuzzling him back "thank you, but I don't think that my siblings would let me go so easily." She smiled at the thought of her brother and sister. "They'd love you, I'm sure of it." She slowly licked his chin

Deleted user

Frozenstar smiled and closed his eyes, just enjoying being close to her. That reminded him of what he needed to do. The tom opened his eyes again, "Er, Moonfeather, what we're doing is amazing, and I wouldn't trade it for the world…" he paused, "But I want to make sure it isn't just a fling… for either of us." He smiled softly, "So, Moonfeather, will you be my mate?"

Oof so cRiNgY but necessary //


No I love this!!!!! This is the good type of cringe//
She stopped licking him and looked seriously into his eyes, "I would never take advantage of you like that Frozenstar, you're a fool if you think I would. You're the first tom I've actually loved, truly and honestly." The humor returned to her eyes as she nuzzled his side and purred "of course I'll be your mate." She smiled at him, playfully flicking his ear as she rolled into her back. "How are we going to tell our clans?" She asked, worry sneaking I to her voice

Deleted user

I know, but I still visibly cringed XD//

Frozenstar frowned and shifted so his paw was laid over the top of her, holding her close to him, "I'm not sure we can" he admitted, "At least not now, while StoneClan is so weak"


She nodded gravely, then flicked his ear again "I'm telling my siblings so they understand why I'm helping you and your clan." She decided. She rolled back onto her four paws and curled closer to him, and started to slowly lick him, noticing the mats and tangles in his fur.

Deleted user

Merry Chrysler!//

Frozenstar began to purr, "Alright" he decided, "As long as their trustworthy" he closed his eyes enjoying the gentle rhythm if her tongue


To you as well!!!//
She started to nip down on the mats that wouldnt untangle, accidently biting Frozenstar in the process "sorry," she said, ears flattened in concentration. When she was satisfied, she takes her claw through his fur to make sure she didn't miss any thing else. "They're very trustworthy, except when it comes to who atre he last mouse, then they're a bunch of cheats." She smiled at the memory of her and her siblings fighting ovee pray. She layed back down and breathed in his scent. "Do you think Starclan is starving youclan because of us?" She asked softly hoping he didn't hear her so she didn't have to face the truth

Deleted user

Frozenstar winced from the bite, but didn't say anything. He thought about her question for awhile, then shook his head, "No" he decided, "We're right. I can feel it" he nuzzled her, "They wouldn't be punishing us


She nuzzled him back and started to purr "come on, get up. we're training." she got up and waited for him to stand "If you can't eat, then we'll train. Maybe that'll get you hungry."

Deleted user

Frozenstar purred in amusement and stood, shaking out his pelt, "Alright. Sure" he smiled, crouching slightly


She had forgotten how big Frozenstar was, even without his normal muscle mass, he was huge compared to her. Ears flattening in determination she stretched and readied her attack "remember, no claws or teeth," she smiled mischievously and pounced, quick as a whip, she pawed near his face

Deleted user

Frozenstar dodged it, his movements a bit sluggish from lack of nutrition. He butted her gently in the shoulder, not wanting to hurt her, but it was enough to cause her to stumble. Using that to his advantage, the tom swiped her paws out from under her and stood over the she-cat, a smug smile on his muzzle


"ah" she yelped in surprise "ok….that was good I must admit. wipe the smile off your face, the battle is still not yet won." She smiled up at him, licked him on the chin and rolled to her left so that she was on top of him now. Smiling like a kit, she laughed "surrender now…or else" she looked down at the tom

Deleted user

Frozenstar batted at her face playfully, pouting, "Or else what?" He challenged, a teasing glint in his Amber eyes. His tail swished back and forth as he looked up at her. Of course he could easily flip her over, but he was curious


She crouched down on top of him "Or else, I don't come back, you'll have to find another cat to stalk. And I can tell you right now, not many she-cats will put up wiht your charm, good looks and affection the way I do. " she smiled playfully and flicked his ears

Deleted user

Frozenstar feigned shock, "Oh no! However shall I live without you" he wrapped his paws around her neck and stretched up, licking her nose slightly, "Fine, I surrender, if only to keep you around"


"huh, that was easier than I thought." she smiled and leaned into him, feeling his heartbeat against his chest. "still not hungry?" She began to purr and lick his chest