forum One Fateful Night (gay, open)
Started by @ElderGod-yellowqueen

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(I know, my heart is kind of breaking for him…)

I'm never going to see Pete again or cuddle with him, or anything. I wonder if he's going to miss me? Or if Marlowe will take of Pete for me, she really does love that cat. Abner thought as he continued to wipe at his tears. Will anyone even realize that I'm gone? Well, maybe my friends will, and my boss, and of course those idiots who got me into this mess. But I mean, anyone care enough to try and find me? Will anyone even is able to find me? Will I even be safe? Or will I just always live on the run, avoiding either being killed or sold or something equally as bad or worse. I guess things could be worse? Actually no, I don't think so, this is as bad as it gets… "Just try to survive Abe, that's all you need to worry about now."


After finishing his drink, Nicandros showered in the bathroom, taking a long hot one, as a woman would. He slid just his underwear back on afterward. He didn't feel like dealing with clothes. He grabbed a couple of blankets from the small closet and got settled on the couch. You wouldn't think one would be able to sleep in this sort of situation but Nicandros had been in ones similar enough. He did finally fall asleep, with the TV still droning on in the background.


(okay, should we just timeskip to the next day, or would you prefer if Abner maybe tried to run, getting himself into some more trouble?))


((oof, dang it, I was asking you because I'm bad deciding, but I kind of want to try having him run?))

After about an hour or so, Abner got up out of the bed, and quickly began to dress. So let me make sure this plan is fool-proof. I'm still in my own world, so it wouldn't be too hard to run or something, and I doubt that there'll be any of those creatures who were after me earlier. I think that my apartment is only about ten minutes from here, so it shouldn't be too bad to try and get back, right? Once Abe was fully dressed, the man quickly tip-toed down the halls of the house to the front door, creaking it open, hoping to not wake Nic. Once the door was open, he quickly slipped out of the home, closing the door behind him before walking down the streets towards his apartment, just trying to appear as inconspicuous as possible. Just get home and you'll be safe, they couldn't possibly find where you live, right?


Nicandros didn't miss the human sneaking out of the safe house. He had lived long enough to know to sleep with one eye open as the expression goes. Part of him thought about just letting him go. The boy would be off his hands and he no longer had to worry bout him. But if the boy died, he would always be wondering, and it would weigh down his almost nonexistent conscience. After the door shut, he got up and pulled his clothes back on, taking his time. While part of him wanted to run after him and drag hi back screaming and crying he wouldn't. He wanted to see how far Abner could get.

After lacing his shoes on, he stepped out of the door. He drew his hood up and followed his nose. It wasn't hard to catch up to Abner. He followed at a distance that the human wouldn't notice him following. He wagered with himself, wondering how long it would take for some creature to jump him, now that probably half dark Fae creatures knew to look out for the human.

It took longer than Nicandros thought. It took nearly fifteen minutes. Perhaps the Fae were getting lazy. If it weren't the human they were taking, he would go have a talk with some people about shaping their goonies up. To the human eye, the goonie looked like a regular person, not that there was anyone around to see it take Abner. But to Nicandros, it was a beautiful, blonde-haired, muscular male Fae male that grabbed him. Turns out things were worse than he thought. He knew that male, might have had a fling with him years ago. And that male belonged to the Seelie Court. If the Seelie Queen heard about this, he was in deep shit.

Nicandros looked around before unsheathing his blade and turning into the dark alleyway. "Cornelious, if this is some lover's spat we're having, leave the poor boy out it. He has nothing to do with your feelings for me. Drop him and we can talk this through as lovers do."


Abner was so close to getting to his apartment building, he could even see it when he felt someone grab his arm roughly before beginning to drag him into a nearby alleyway. "What do you think you're doing!" The man yelled as he watched his glasses fall to the ground and crack as the man stepped on them. He began to struggle against him, trying to get out of the tight grip of his arms, before he felt a sharp blade press up against his neck, slightly cutting him a bit in seeming hopes to shut the human up.

"Can you just be quiet? You are being so annoying" Cornelious hissed into the human's ear, "Things will go a lot better for you if you do so." He was only trying to do his job. But he really didn't see why so many were interested in catching this human. Sure, you had Braxton, who pretty much just wanted to add this boy to his collection of humans, then there Titus, who pretty much was in love with money and wanted the boy to sell him, and then the rest wanted him dead, and well that made sense. He just didn't see why he was catching this human for his Queen, what would she want with a human who somehow was able to enter our would for at least only a few moments? I mean, it's really none of our business to take this human. It'll probably only cause more issues for us. He thought as he held the human in one arm as he began to open a passage back to his world.

Abner's eyes lit up a bit at hearing Nic's voice, but then they quickly faded when he felt the knife which had been removed from his throat so the other could do something, now placed back against his throat. Damnit, I am going to die…

"Nicandros, this is none of your business," Cornelius said as he turned to face the other, a taunting smirk on his face. "And I know you wouldn't sleep with some human to make me jealous, I know you wouldn't stoop that low." The man let out a hearty laugh, before turning his attention back to the passage, "Just let me do my job alright, dearest? I need to bring him back -which I can promise you that this human will be fine- then we can talk things out, hhhm?"


(I fucked up. I know I did. My ex just texted me and I'm responding. Shiiiiit)

Nicandros smirked. "I think you overestimate me a little it too much if you think I wouldn't sleep with a human. Unlike you, I don't think they're are disgusting and a waste of space. That is certainly something we need to work on with you, to be more open-minded. This is the twentieth century, we should be moving forward in all of this."

He tightened his grip on his blade. He watched Abner, thinking about how he could get the human out of this situation without harming him. "Funny how I don't believe you. It's as if you aren't the nicest person in who world, oh wait-" Nicandros drawled sarcastically. "Listen, this will all be easier if you let the kid go. Look at him, this scrawny little thing, no one would listen to him anyway. The most they would do would be to put him in one of those crazy hospitals."


((oof, don't do ittttt))

"And to think I had respect for you. You know I expected much better from you, that you would keep humans in their place, below us." He said shaking his head. "I can believe you would want a human lover when you have me," Cornelius mumbled a curse or two under his breath as he finally opened the passage.

"Look, that isn't any of my business. I was told to come to get this man, and I did my job. It wouldn't look good for me to come back empty-handed, especially with such an easy target as him." He said with a shrug, looking down at the man in his arms. "And again, you know it's not my decision to keep him or let him go. The queen requested that he be taken, so I'll take him, I don't see why, but that's not up to me Nic. Now, before I decide to turn you into the authorities, let us be." The man said as he took a step towards the open passageway.


(Too late. May or may not be giving him a second chance. Ooof. But its on my terms this time so if it gets bad I'll get myself out of there)

"Yes, well, I want him back. I don't care what the Queen wants, we both know I don't answer to either of them. I belong to no court. So I'm not going to let you leave with him. Now we can do this the easy way or the hard way, and we both know I am very skilled with my sword, in and out of bed." Nicandros winked at him, though his grip on his weapon never weakened. He was gearing up for a fight and boy did he love a good fight. He just hoped the human was smart enough to keep out of the way.

"And honey, we both know exactly why you can't have this anymore. Too many issues, plus you love for the Seelie Queen was greater than any love you may have had for me. So don't even try this whole jealous bit."


(Oof, well be careful?))

Cornelius rolled his eyes, before pushing the human into the passage and closing it behind Abner, making sure that the boy wouldn't get out. "That's cute Nic, oh so cute. But I'm not going to fight you over a human, if you want the boy, I suggest you retrieve him yourself." The Fae said as he entered the passage. Locking it behind him. He knew how much the other wanted to fight, but he wasn't about to give him the satisfaction of that. And besides, the man had a couple of injuries from a few tavern brawls that weren't healed quite right yet.

The second Abner entered the Elven world. He immediately began to panic, almost clawing at the wall that he had just been pushed through. How do I even get out of here? He thought as he heard footsteps approaching him. He slowly turned to face what looked like a human, but different, so much different than what humans normally looked like. He paled, and once more, passed out cold on the ground out of shock.


(Sorry. I've been really sick recently. I promise I wasn't not responding just because. I went to ER today and I'm feeling a little better. So once I grab my laptop I'll get started on that reply.)


Nicandros clenched his jaw. Cornelius was a pain in his ass. Sword raised, he followed them into the fae realm. He just hoped that Abner would hold his own until he would able to grab him. And he would save him. He knew better than to leave a human at the mercy of the Seelie Queen. While he may be the queen of the good side, she was a nasty woman. Nicandros would know, having been on the opposite side of her wrath several times. He would have gotten away with it had it not been for Cornelius.

He raised his nose up in the air and followed the stench of the human. It stood out the most among all the scents hanging in the air. Even more so than Cornelius. "I'm going to name this asshole bleed," Nicandros murmured to himself. How hard was it to give him the human? Shouldn't be that hard. Just let him and disappear. But no, Cornelius had to name things difficult.


The elf who had come to collect the human just shrugged, as though they were a little confused as to why he had panicked, After all, hasn't he been with that fool, Nicandros? He ought to know what we look like. He thought as he walked throughout the halls, carrying the limp human over one shoulder. The fae wasn't too sure why the queen had insisted on kidnapping this human once more, sure he had heard the rumors that he might be one of them, or partly since he was able to enter their world, or at least break through one of the barriers, but that just wasn't possible.No fae would ever well, let a half-breed like this be born, would they? As far as they were concerned, they doubted it, it seemed impossible to them. With a groan, they heaved the human into the chair that had been left for them, then tied the human down into it. He'll wake up soon, or at least ought to, then the others can handle him. They thought as they began to walk off, leaving Abner unconscious.