He nodded, pausing for a minute before roughly signing, "That sounds fun, I'd like that." Soren smiled, skating along a little more steadily as he focused on it. It was still difficult, but the longer he was on the ice, the easier it was getting.
Rowan gave him a beaming smile and a thumbs up to show her approval. She was happy with both his rough signing and his improvement in skating. She didn't want to distract him considering how well he was doing so she didn't sign back.
"Am I getting any better with my signing?" He asked, a tiny smile on his face. He knew it was still going to take a while for him to become completely smooth at signing, but he was sure he was getting better. Anything he could do to work on communicating better with Rowan, he would work on.
Rowan nodded with a bigger smile on his face. She appreciated how he was learning to sign for her even though he didn't really need to. It just made communication from her to him better as her hearing was fine.
A look of relief passed over his face and his smile grew, "I'm glad to hear that. Are you having fun? Or do you want to get out of here and get some hot chocolate?" Skating was fun, but he could slowly feel his fingers loose feeling from the cold.
Rowan hadn't realized how cold her hands were until Soren had brought up the idea of hot chocolate. She quickly nodded in response to both of his question lifting her hand to make the number 2 to indicate as such.
"Hot chocolate it is," He announced happily, pointing to the nearest exit from the rink, "I think they offer some here, but I know a coffee place fairly close by that has some too, that I personally think is the best hot chocolate offered in the city." Soren had been enjoying ice skating, but he knew he was going to enjoy getting the death blades off his feet much more.
Rowan began gliding towards the entrance Soren pointed to. She took a moment to sign over to him as she glided along, "Let's go to the coffee place. But I'll be the judge if its the best hot chocolate."
Soren laughed lightly and followed her along, if a little more wobbly than Rowan's glide across the ice. He had a fun time ice skating with her, and he wanted to spend much more time with her, but he was quite happy to be getting away from the rink for the timebeing.
Once off the ice Rowan used her hands to rub her arms attempting to warm them up. She couldn't keep the grin off of her face as she looked over at Soren. Skating had been fun, but right now she wanted to get warm.
"Well, if I can say anything about skating, it was really fun, and very educational," He joked, cracking her a small smile. Soren held out an arm for Rowan when they got off the ice, pointing to a nearby bench where a little boy was taking off his skates, "We can stop over there and get back into our boots if you want. That way we aren't wobbling around in these." He motioned to his skates and smiled, knowing that there was a red flush against his cheeks and nose from the chilly rink.
Rowan nodded and grabbed his arm before moving her hand to his hold his and making her way towards the bench. Her cheeks were almost completely red and was her nose, but despite that, a permanent smile was on her face. Her feet were also aching just slightly from wearing the skates, but that would be remedied soon enough.
Leading the way to the bench, Soren eagerly sat down, ready to get his skates off. Fumbling with the laces, he frowned, trying to get his fingers to work enough to undo the knots. "Next time, remind me to bring handwarmers," He said, looking over to Rowan with a tiny smile. Finally getting one of his skates off, he started on the other one.
Rowan gave him a playful look and smile with her thumbs up. She sat down on the bench working with her numbed fingers to undo the laces on her skates pausing ever so often to rub her hands together to try and gain some feeling back into them. It wasn't as effective as she wanted them to be, but it seemed to get the job done as she moved onto the other skate quite quickly. She let out a large puff of air in frustration not realizing how numb her fingers really were.