forum Oh, It's You Again // O/O // Closed
Started by @bubblegum

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"I'm not talking about Luka," The guard urged, lying, but doing so very convincingly. "We need him now, okay?"


"No!" Scipio stood up and quickly went to the corner, placing Bridge behind him protectively so he could fight.


Bridge quickly shifted so his knees were up against his chest again, watching the entire scene with wide, worried, eyes. He trusted Scipio, and Scipio thought they would take him to Luka. He didn't want to go with Luka.


"Y-You can't have him! Go away!" Scipio kept his legs in front of Bridge so the guards couldn't get to him.


"Yeah, well, we need him," The guard said, rolling his eyes and having some of the others call for backup. They were going to need it.


"No, you don't! You just think you do!" Scipio wouldn't move, watching quietly as backup arrived.


"We were told to get him, okay? Let us have him now and no one gets hurt. You can have him back soon," The guard urged.
Meanwhile, Bridge reached up to touch his arm. "You…you need to let them. They'll hurt you."


"I don't care. I'm not just going to let them take you." Scipio huffed, balling his hands into fists.


Bridge dropped his hand, knowing it was hopeless to try and convince him to just let Bridge go for a moment. The guards started to advance on Scipio, a couple skirting around the edges to get Bridge.


Scipio yelled at them in Italian, ready to punch someone if they got any closer. He noticed tazers on most of the guards.


“You could just hand him over now,” One guard said, still holding onto some hope as the others advanced, one in the back reaching out to grab Bridge.


"No." Scipio grabbed the guard trying to reach for Bridge and twisted his arm behind his back, pinning him to the wall.


While he was momentarily distracted, two other guards grabbed Scipio and tazed his arm, while a couple others shoved him aside and moved towards Bridge again.


"Agh!" Scipio bit one of the guards and wrenched his arm away from the other to free himself. He tackled one of the guards who was advancing towards Bridge.


Scipio's efforts were good, but not nearly good enough for the eleven guards that were there. They tazed him again - on his shoulders and neck, and about three more came for Bridge, pulling him up to his feet and leading him - rather forcefully - out of the cell.


"Bridge! Ah!" Scipio tried to keep fighting the guards, but he collapsed when they tazed his neck.


Bridge opened his mouth to say something, but stopped, instead pressing his lips together and following the other guards to what he could only assume was Luka.
((you can control him for this))


Luka was waiting for Bridge in a room similar to the one Dave typically questioned the boy in, although there was no table here. Just Bridge, Luka, and a chair.


The guards shut the door behind Bridge and walked off, leaving him standing in the doorway, looking up at Luka with worry that almost showed his fear.


"Hello, Bridge~" Luka said in a silky smooth, yet unnerving voice. It wasn't unlike how Scipio spoke to Bridge when he first arrived, but Scipio was more gentle now. At least to Bridge. "How many guards did they need to bring in to get you out of there?"


Luka nodded. "Scipio doesn't like you to leave. He's very… protective." He slowly walked towards Bridge.


"But the Scorpion needn't worry…" Luka smirked and leaned down closer to Bridge. "I won't hurt you… not badly, at least."


Bridge looked up at him with wide eyes, staying silent as Luka got closer to him. He had no idea what he would do.