(Cackles even more)
“‘Tis not. I am a creature of the night, Jackie. Also, my own skin color be a few shades darker than the rest of my kin, because I am one of the few to have ever felt the sun’s light and lived to speak of it,”De’Tearion mentioned.
He listened closely to her words. It was all intriguing, but what caught his attention the most was her ability to see hot and cold. Could she tell that his body temperature was naturally much higher than a human’s? Or was he mistaken on how her sight worked?
He then watched her, a bit surprised by her continued willingness to feed him. Unfortunately, she still seemed to misunderstand how he ate things. And, the smell and sound of her blood pouring out of her was quickly becoming too much to resist.
De’Tearion stood and moved over to Jackie, quiet as a ghost. Without warning, he grabbed her bleeding arm with a firm grip and started to gently hum a healing spell. His instincts screamed at him to stop, to take her arm and suck out all of the blood leaking from her wound, but he somehow managed to fight it.
Faint golden light spiraled from his fingers and covered Jackie’s wound, quickly sealing it until only a scar was left. De’Tearion then leaned down so he could whisper in her ear.
“Unless you have a death wish, I suggest you avoid cutting yourself near me again. I can only have fresh blood,”he forewarned, his voice intense but gentle.
De’Tearion grabbed the bottle with her blood, glanced at the empty second bottle, then sat down against the wall, facing away from Jackie to have some privacy. He opened his mouth, releasing his proboscis, and started to steadily suck down the blood that had gotten into the bottle.