forum Ocean blue eyes looking in mine. I feel like I might sink and drown and die
Started by @emilyevewrites group

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@emilyevewrites group

Farah let out a barely audibly scoff under her breath. She was getting tired of his little hand gestures. They were almost dismissive, or attempting to smooth over a topic he didn’t want to divulge too much about. It was beginning to irritate her.

On a whim, the fairy refilled her glass to the brim and steadily drank its contents as she waited for him to explain himself. His answer was both what she expected and completely surprising. Freelance work? Unethical freelance work? She could only think of two things that could be. And one option unsettled her more than the other.

She just about sighed with relief as he accepted her help. She wasn’t sure he was going to. Gently, she reached out and placed her fingers over his. Then, Farah’s eyes lit up silver-blue before she closed the to focus. Her face was blank, relaxed, and almost calm as she continued her earlier magic of sealing his wound.

As she began to reinforce the healing process, Farah called on another aspect of her magic — pain manipulation. Without hesitating, she drew his pain away and accepted it as her own. Almost immediately, her face contorted with discomfort and agony, though it wasn’t as strong as how Kieryn had felt it. The more she took away from him, the more she used her magic to dull its effects on her own body so that neither of them would feel a thing.

But what Farah didn’t realize was that as she worked with her eyes closed, she was slowly leaning towards Kieryn with each passing second. When she finished, opened her eyes and realized how accidentally close she’d gotten to his face, a soft pink blush appeared on her cheeks. The headmistress withdrew her hand and quickly stood up straight again. “Does that feel any better?” she asked, smoothing her dress absently. She needed another damn drink.


It was just as strange to have someone else work their magic on him as it had been to be attacked by it. Keiryn didn’t know whether or not he liked it. But, it was taking his pain away, so he couldn’t complain too much. He shouldn’t complain, since she was the one helping him with the fucked wound in his side. Keiryn knew a thank you was in order - or many thanks. For saving his life, for healing him as such and for taking his pain away. The fairy was too kind. Way too kind. It was almost insufferable the more he thought about it. How could someone be so kind?

Maybe it just wasn’t in his nature. At least, not anymore. Long ago it might have been, when his world hadn’t been tipped on his head, when he didn’t know the full extent of his magic, the darkness that called to him because of it. When he hadn’t experienced everything in his childhood. But there was no changing who he was. Not anymore. The events that had transpired couldn’t ge changed and Keiryn wasn’t about to apologise for the man that it had made him.

When he finally realised how close Farah was, when he opened his eyes that he didn’t realise that he had been closed, he blinked twice. Once to fully comprehend it all, and another to take it in. From this distance, Keiryn noticed her blush, and it was almost funny to the point he was tempted to comment on it. But he didn’t. Farah had helped him and he could put aside the jokes for at least the next few minutes until he decided to crack one. Or pull out the sarcasm, that was steadily building in the back of his throat.

The removal of her hand had Keiryn realising how cold it had been now that the others warmth wasn’t there. A distance thought called for him to reach out and take it and place it back down but he didn’t. Farah was moving before he could even do so. He shifted, taking in the lesser pain and nodded, “Yes, it does. Uh- thank you.” He cleared his own throat, sitting upright more.

@emilyevewrites group

Farah studied Kieryn as he adjusted to the pain being gone. Her eyes were locked on him intently as he cleared his throat and sat more upright. Though she paused and gave him a once-over again. “That’s the first time you said that,” she remarked quietly before walking back around her desk and seating herself again. Her face was still warm, and she willed the embarrassing blush to go away.

Her fingers moved deftly to refill her glass with gin, and she spared a glance at Kieryn. “I don’t know why I’m even asking, but would you like another?” she asked. Normally, she didn’t have this much alcohol, especially during the day. But if there was any day appropriate for day drinking, it was this one.

“Let’s recap,” she remarked with her brown eyes fixed on Kieryn. “In your unethical profession, Griffin reached out to you and asked you to come to Cloud Tower. Once you got there, you were attacked and wounded within an inch of your life. Somehow, you made your way here and don’t remember anything before stepping through the gates of Alfea. Tell me,” she murmured, sipping from her drink leisurely, “did I miss anything?”


Keiryn resisted the urge to roll his eyes. Yes, it was the first time he had said his thanks, and he was certain there might not be another from him anytime soon, so the headmistress should revel in it while she could. There was no time for such comments because Farah was already pouring herself another drink and offering him one more, too. Of course, he wasn't going to be one to refuse, and so he nodded, watching as Farah refilled his glass. The moment it was in front of him he took it in hand. This time, however, he didn't down the contents in one go, he took a sip instead, slow and steady, before sitting back in the seat with the glass in both hands.

"No, you didn't." That pretty much covered the basics. Keiryn had a feeling he knew what Griffin had been wanting to talk to him about and it really wasn't that big of a deal, all things considered. It would have only been a small… pest control issue. Farah didn't need to know that. Now he wouldn't know if he would have been correct or not about his assumption since Griffin was missing and Cloud Tower was in who knows whose hands. It could be life or death there. Children might be dead, fuck Griffin might be dead, he didn't know or want to think about it.

He took another sip of his drink, "Someone has it out for us witches," He started, "Or, they have it out for everyone and this is just the start. Either way, we would have to go and investigate to find out." But he was in no fit state to do that and he wasn't going to let Farah go without him. That was his friend that had been attacked, his old school, too. If anyone was finding out what happened it would be him.

@emilyevewrites group

It was interesting to watch his drinking strategy change now that the pain had significantly lessened. Farah, however, was beginning to drink a bit more than she likely should’ve. The buzz of the alcohol was steadily turning into an “underwater” feeling in her mind. She couldn’t describe it, but it felt so good. So she poured and drank another.

Farah watched the emotions play out across his face. She could tell he was thinking about the attack, and she felt a twinge of sympathy for him. “If you’re worried about Griffin, please know that I am too,” Farah said softly. “But I would know if anything truly wrong had happened to her. I would be able to feel it. And if I wasn’t sure she could handle herself, I’d already be on my way to Cloud Tower.” Hopefully, her words would ease his worries.

“Unless you’re planning on miraculously healing yourself from the inside out in a matter of minutes, that’s not something that can happen right now,” Farah countered. Her fingers moved of their own accord as they poured her yet another drink. “And I won’t be leaving Alfea until I’m sure my school is safe from whatever attacker may be out there.” Though she was determined, her words were just starting to slur together from the end of one to the beginning of another.


Clearly alcohol hit Farah quickly. It also seemed that she was getting more and more into the drinks now she able to do so and wasn’t worrying about Keiryn dying or in pain. He didn’t know whether or not that was a good thing. He supposed good, but Keiryn hoped that she didn’t get too drunk. What time was it? Middle of the day? Later? They should stop drinking. He was only on his third and slowing now that the pain was easing but the headmistress seemingly had no plan of slowing down now she had just begun. Well, he wasn’t going to stop her, there was only so much that he could do and she was her own woman.

“I doubt whoever attacked Cloud Tower won’t be coming for Alfea anytime soon,” He said, taking another swig of his drink, “They have only just attacked the witches, it would be far too soon to attack again. They need to regain their strength, regroup.” It would be too much for them. At least that was what Keiryn was hoping for. If they wanted to attack again so quickly they wouldn’t be in any state. At least Farah was aware. They would have some time to prepare if there was to be an attack but…

The rest of his drink was drained a moment later. Keiryn sighed, leaning forwards to place the glass on the table. He was worried, that much was obvious. He would always be worried about Griffin, about his old school. As much as he didn’t want to admit it he loved that place. The memories were shit but he had learnt a lot and there was nothing he could currently do to protect it. Keiryn wanted to do more, and was disappointed in himself for being attacked and not being able to do more.

@emilyevewrites group

While Farah had an extremely high tolerance for alcohol, she also knew that putting down drinks the way she was now wouldn’t help. It would only cause her to get more drunk faster, then sober up sooner too. But she didn’t really care about that at the moment. This was why she rarely drank without Saul and Ben. While Saul was similar to her and would challenge her to drinking games, Ben monitored both of them and knew when it was time to stop.

Farah pursed her thin lips at his words. “I’m not sure about that. We have no idea what we’re dealing with, and they seem to have rather clear targets in mind.” She gripped the armrest of her chair tightly with her free hand — the one not holding her drink. “I fill not let myself or my school fall, should the time of an attack come.”

When Kieryn’s glass hit her desk empty, Farah leaned forward to refill it again, this time not asking if he desired it or not. Her eyes glanced up at him and noticed the distant but saddened expression on his face. “What are you thinking about?” she asked gently while sitting up in her own chair.


Keiryn watched as Farah refilled his drink. He wasn’t one to deny alcohol in any sense, never had been, but the pain was lessening and wasn’t as much of a bother any more and there really wasn’t any need to keep drinking. At least in that sense. When the glass was full once more he took the glass in hand however didn’t take a sip, instead favouring to gently swirling the gin in the glass gently, frowning down at the cup as if it had wronged him.

The witch new that Farah was one of, if not the strongest fairy of their time. He knew that she would no doubt go to the ends of the world for her students in order to protect them and her school. Her determination to make sure everyone would be okay was admirable. As much as Keiryn wasn’t exactly fond of fairies, he could admit that much about the headmistress. Keiryn decided not to continue that line of conversation. They didn’t know what was going to happen, but the main priority was figuring that out.

“Griffin,” He responded instead, finally lifting his ocean blue gaze back to Farah, “She’s strong, can hold her own, talented. But whoever this mystery attacker is… I’m worried that the element of surprise they had might have allowed something terrible to happen to her.”

@emilyevewrites group

Farah's eyes observed the way he still accepted the glass but didn't drink from it. "Lost your thirst?" she asked smoothly, tilting her head slightly and arching her eyebrows. She was beginning to loosen up, thanks to the alcohol, but a part of her still remained coiled up and ready to spring. The part that didn't trust anyone but Saul and Ben and was waiting for an attack from some unseen and terrible thing.

She inhaled and lifted her chin slightly at the mention yet again of Griffin. "I know she is," she confirmed softly. "And I've worried the same thing since you told me about all that's happened. But the only thing we can do now is wait. It will be to dangerous to attempt to take back Cloud Tower now. We need a plan and figure out what exactly it is that we're fighting against."

Her posture had straightened, and her grip on her glass unconsciously tightened. The instincts of the soldier she used to be pushed to the front of her mind. She had to breathe deeply to push them down.


Keiryn frowned at the other, eyes narrowing a little. And as if it were a challenge, he downed the glass in a few seconds. The alcohol burned slightly down his throat, but he didn’t care. He hadn’t been planning on drinking so much, only enough to take the edge off the pain, and since Farah had taken most of it away regardless, he didn’t need anymore. The witch didn’t place his glass back on the desk. For once, he had a little restraint. Considering he was speaking with Farah about a horrible attack on Cloud Tower, now wasn’t the time to be getting drunk.

He once again ignore that comment and instead focused on Griffin and Cloud Tower, “And how, exactly, are we going to form a plan if we don’t go to the school itself?” He asked, tilting his head to one side, “We need to be there, or at least get Griffin out, in order to understand what we’re fighting. Staying here isn’t going to do anyone any good.”

Hiding away wasn’t going to help, and that was certainly what it seemed to be right now. Keiryn needed something, anything. Needed to go out and find out what happened, had to make sure Griffin was okay, had to make sure the students were okay. Care and compassion weren’t his strong suits, at least he didn’t show it often, but this had hit a nerve.

@emilyevewrites group

Farah watched him swallow the drink quickly, knowing that the effects of the alcohol should be wearing on both of them more and more with each passing minute. Though it was odd that she found herself not caring. There had been too many things recently, one after the other stacking up, and now this. Farah just wanted to be done. At least for a moment. Then, she could resume her normal workload. But she noticed the way he didn't set his glass back on the desk so that she would be unable to refill it. Interesting.

"You're not exactly in prime condition to travel, are you?" Farah countered effortlessly. "I took your pain away, yes, but that wound is still fresh. It will hinder you more than you think it will, especially traveling a long distance or in a fight. And I have no intention of leaving my school until I'm sure it will be safe for my students and faculty for me to do so. I assure you, Griffin is more than capable of handling herself in situations like this."

Though a slight chill ran down Farah's spine. There was an idea she could try, but it would be risky for Griffin if the witch had indeed been captured and was in company. But if Griffin was alone… it might work.

"There is one thing I could try," she murmured. "I'm not as skilled as Luna at it, but it's worth a try." Her dark brown eyes illuminated their powerful silver-blue, and she began with the first phase of her attempt, simply reaching out to feel if Griffin's magic was still active. Though her eyes were open and her body was at Alfea, Farah's mind and magic had gone somewhere else, traveling the long distance until she reached Cloud Tower. There was something wicked there, something dark surrounding the school, but she searched through it intently. Finally, a soft but strong presence caught her attention. It presented to Farah's magic as a soft green, pulsing aura and was in a guarded room, thankfully, alone.

The fairy's magic withdrew, and she snapped back into herself all at once, letting out a loud gasp. She was trembling and sweating slightly because of the heavy exertion she'd just used, but her eyes, brown again, lifted determinedly to Kieryn's. "She's alive," she said quietly.

(Would you be able to play Griffin once Farah reaches the second part of her plan? You'll see what I mean in my next post lol. And I kind of went out on a limb here, but I need her to be alone for Farah's plan to work, if that's okay. Idk if you had any other ideas you wanted to use.)


(no that’s all good! happy to write her:))

Keiryn wasn’t a light weight by any means, but the fact that they were drinking straight gin one after another definitely was starting to hit him. It didn’t help that he hadn’t eaten in who knew how long. It meant that the effects of the alcohol was certainly starting to take effect. He was weak, dehydrated, hadn’t eaten, and needed water and food but neither of those things were on the table for the time being. He’d be okay, he’d gone longer without them but in the presence of alcohol it probably wasn’t a good idea.

There wasn’t even time to question what Farah was doing before she was doing it. While she was out of the present moment the witch chewed on his low lip, catching the rings in between them and tugging every now and then to keep himself centred. And then Farah was returning with a soft gasp and wide eyes and Keiryn was tempted to stand and go closer. He didn’t, and instead favoured for leaning forwards in his chair, “Are you okay?”

Travelling and using magic to transport the mind to different locations could be dangerous if not done properly. Keiryn had no doubt she would be able to do it many times if she wished but from how she was trembling and shaking, probably wasn’t a good idea. At least Griffin was alive, that was enough of a confirmation. It was all he needed. Farah was powerful, there was no reason to distrust her judgement or findings on that. Really he had no reason to be distrusting of her to begin with, but Keiryn couldn’t help but be cautious.

@emilyevewrites group

Farah swallowed heavily, still welcoming herself back into her body. She tested out lifting her arms and turning her head for a moment before she focused on Kieryn. He'd said something. Asked her if she was okay. It was more compassion than she thought she'd get from him, honestly. "I'm fine," she answered, still breathing heavily. "I just… I need a moment." She closed her eyes, then reopened them before rising to her feet. She almost faltered and collapsed back into her chair, but she gripped her desk with white knuckles to keep herself up. It had been a long time since she'd pushed her out-of-body magic that far.

When she was sure she could stand firmly, she took another deep breath. This was the part where she was shallow in comparison to Luna's light magic, but the headmistress still had a grasp on the abilities required for astral projection. Her eyes changed colors again, and she waved a hand through the air hesitantly.

At Cloud Tower in the room where Griffin was temporarily imprisoned, a carefully constructed image of Farah appeared exactly as she stood in her office at Alfea. She glanced around to confirm that the room only contained Griffin before whispering the other headmistress' name to get her attention.


Keiryn could see as clear as day that Farah wasn’t okay. It wasn’t a good idea to project like that so close after mind projecting, let alone at the intensity that she was attempting to do. It took a fuck-ton of magical energy and he had no idea how long it had been after Farah had healed him to begin with. Using so much energy was a bad idea. Terrible idea, really. But there wasn’t anything he would be able to do about it now since the woman had decided that she was going to continue to project and use her magic.

But, what he could do, was be there if she anything went wrong. Slowly, he stood from where he was sat and moved around so the witch was standing just off to the side. It took effort, and without a support to hold onto longer than it might have had he been fully healed. But he was there nonetheless, and that wasn’t going to stop him. No wound could get in his way, he was far too stubborn. If Farah fell Keiryn would do his best to catch her, even if he probably wouldn’t be able to hold her up for long. Maybe he should grab a chair, just in case.

Griffin was locked away in the dungeons of Cloud Tower. She was alone in her cell, trying to find a way out but her magic had been diminished from the attack and the barriers around the cell too strong for her to break free from. How Farah was able to get through was a miracle, but maybe there had been a break in the magic for a short period to allow her to project through. Either way, the headmistress of Cloud Tower was more than happy to see her, “Farah!” Her voice was a hushed whisper, “You cannot be here.”

@emilyevewrites group

Farah wasn’t stupid. She knew the risks of such powerful projections so close together. But she’d seen Griffin’s magical signature alone, and the astral message would only work if she was alone. That way, no enemies could see the fairy headmistress appear in thin air.

There had been no break in the cell’s barrier. Farah’s magic had manipulated her way through it until she could see Griffin’s form in the dull light. The headmistress of Alfea was particularly talented in barrier and veil magic, though she did have to use a bit more energy than she’d thought to get through.

Immediately, Farah saw the relief on Griffin’s face, and she crossed the cell to stand directly across from the other headmistress. “Never mind that,” Farah said dismissively. “Are you hurt? You must tell me what happened. Who attacked and imprisoned you?”


Griffin shook her head, reaching up with one hand to rub at her face. She was weary, tired, that much was obvious on her face alone. From the lines that seemed to be more defined than they once were, the fact that the dark circles under her eyes, too, were more prominent. The headmistress was clearly distressed, but that couldn't be helped. Not when her school had just been attacked and she herself imprisoned. But there was something more to it. Something else. Whatever barrier had been placed around the cell was inhibiting her magic. Unable to call upon her skills and talents to get her out of there.

The strain from the magical inhibitor was also showing in the dullness of her eyes, the way her skin seemed to have lost some of its usual light. Whoever had attacked them was powerful, more powerful than any of them could probably imagine. Especially if they had been able to sneak their way into the surrounding area, attack the school and win against one of the most powerful witches of their time. It almost seemed impossible. No one should have been able to have that power.

"I am not hurt physically," The headmistress started, and couldn't help the soft sigh that escaped her, "My magic has been depleted and I fear it will not return for quite some time," Another sigh, "As for who attacked the school? I do not know, they sent their goblins after me, put me in here. Valtor is the name I keep hearing whispered, but I haven't seen them."

@emilyevewrites group

(Question, at this point, would they know who Valtor is?)

Being closer to her now, Farah could see the toll that this wicked cell was taking on Griffin. She could feel the barrier’s ward pressing in around her, but being an astral projection and not a physical being, she didn’t feel it as much as she normally would’ve. She could only imagine how Griffin felt.

Any relief Farah had felt seeing Griffin alive vanished as she took in the dulled eyes and muted skin of one of her closest allies and good friends. She swore a lifetime of misery against whoever had done this to her. Whoever had taken such a beautiful, proud, powerful witch and turned her into a shell of herself.

Instinctively, Farah reached for Griffin’s face. Farah willed a bit more power into her hand to make it solid enough to cup Griffin’s cheek gently and turn her friend’s head to look at her. The fairy smiled softly at Griffin, trying to help her see the hope Farah did. “I will come for you, Griffin,” she promised. “You have the strength of Alfea beside you. We will help however we can and fight whatever wicked thing is here together.” With a wry smile, she added, “I’ve missed fighting alongside you.”

She made sure to keep the information Griffin gave her in her mind as she continued briefly, “It was your friend who came to Alfea wounded and on the verge of death and warned me of the attack on Cloud Tower. Kieryn. I’ll tell him everything you’ve told me, and we’ll figure out a course of action. How did these… goblins… manage to capture you?”


(in canon i think yes but for the sake of the RP im gonna say no)

The witch, even though she was more than aware that Farah wasn't actually there and the touch she was feeling was more imaginary than real, couldn't help but lean into it as the fairy held her cheek. Tired. She was so tired, but there wasn't anything that could be done about that now. What was done was done and that magical barrier wasn't coming down anytime soon. She was going to be stuck in this state of limbo without her magic for however long she was kept locked away for, Griffin just hoped it wasn't going to be as long as she was thinking it would be.

"Some of my students managed to escape," She said, swallowing, "I don't know where they've gone, home, I presume, but some may end up at Alfea. Please, Farah, look after them while I cannot." It would only add more stress to the fairy headmistress but there was no one else out there that would be able to care for her students like Farah. And she trusted her. Trusted her to make sure they would be safe and okay. Griffin didn't even want to think about the other students that hadn't made it out. Whether they were dead or imprisoned somewhere else. It made her heart sink to think about.

Hearing that Keiryn was okay - well was okay now was a good thing. Even though he had nearly died getting to Farah at least he was alive now, "Thank you, I appreciate you telling him. As for the goblins.. the had some form of magical barrier around them that prevented me from attacking them, then sucked away my own energy enough to weaken me and get me here."

@emilyevewrites group

(Gotcha ;))

Farah inhaled slowly as Griffin leaned into her touch. It pained her deeply to see such a powerful woman reduced to fatigue and worry. She stroked her thumb gently over Griffin’s cheekbone before leaning closer and pressing her lips to the witch headmistress’s forehead. She lingered for a moment before drawing back and studying Griffin’s drained expression again. “I swear I will come for you, not a second later than I can spare. I’ll get you out of this, Griffin.”

Immediately, Farah began to nod. “Of course I will, my dear,” she promised. “I’ll look after them as if they were my own.” But her heart sank at the realization that not all of Griffin’s witches had made it to safety. “The others?” she pressed gently. “Do you know where they could be?”

Farah made sure she remembered the information about the goblin’s powers. She would need to figure out some kind of way to break down their barriers if she was to take back Cloud Tower and truly rescue Griffin. Or if there was to be an attack at Alfea. Either way, Farah would need to know. Suddenly, like a wave of exhaustion, Farah felt her magic being strained to the breaking point. But she didn’t want to leave Griffin alone again like this, and she couldn’t bear to let her own fatigue show on her face.

“Griffin,” she murmured, lifting her other hand and making it solid to cradle the witch’s face in her hands. “Don’t loose hope. We will get you out of here. I must go and share everything you’ve told me with Kieryn. We’ll come for you as soon as we can.” She pressed a soft kiss in parting to the same spot on Griffin’s forehead before dissolving back through the barrier and transmitting back into her physical body.

The effect was mind-numbing. Farah staggered backward and nearly tripped over her own chair. She was breathing heavily and on the verge of passing out when she bumped into someone behind her. Without waiting to see who it was, Farah fell unconscious. Her magic had been pushed too far for the time being.


Before Griffin could even have time to respond Farah was disappearing from view. It had been nice while it lasted, at least she had been able to see Farah for a short while. But she didn't know where the other witches were. She hoped that they were safe, hiding in the tower somewhere but she couldn't be sure. Nothing was certain. Nothing was able to be found or seen or heard. Down here she was cut off from the world. There was nothing she could do, "Stay safe." Was all she managed to get out before Farah disappeared.

Keiryn was still waiting on the other side for Farah and when the headmistress came back to Alfea and into her own body. He didn't even have time to register what was going on before she was falling back into him and Keiryn was catching her. It was a slight struggle, only because of the wound in his side. She wasn't heavy by any means and he was more than able to carry her, but it was a strain when you were injured and couldn't rely on your full strength without pulling something and potentially hurting yourself more.

But, he managed to help the headmistress back over to the couch that he had once been lying on. When he got her there, he was gentle in lying her down. She needed the rest. Keiryn made sure that she wasn't in an uncomfortable position before he moved away. He headed to her desk and drained the rest of Farah's glass of the gin that she hadn't drunk before placing the near empty bottle back into the draw it had come from. This way if anyone came in they wouldn't see the bottle and have any idea what they had been doing.

@emilyevewrites group

Farah looked peaceful. Her lips were slightly parted, and her body draped over the couch with effortless beauty, even in her sleep. But it didn’t last as long as it should have for her to recuperate.

Her face began contorting with discomfort, and her eyes flickered open. Discovering where she was, the fact that she was back in her physical body, and still mildly drunk, Farah groaned and pressed her palm to her forehead. The last thing she could remember was kissing Griffin goodbye. And now she was back in her office, sitting upright on her couch. Her couch? How had she gotten moved to the couch?

Immediately, she began to look around for Kieryn. Wherever he’d gone. He had… he had aided her whenever she came back from astral projecting to Griffin in Cloud Tower’s dungeon. She vaguely remembered falling into someone’s arms before loosing consciousness. It must have been Kieryn.


Keiryn hadn’t left the room while Farah had been unconscious. Hadn’t dared to. For one, he didn’t know the school and so he feared he might end up somewhere he definitely shouldn’t have been, and the other was leaving the headmistress on her own. What if something terrible happened? He had no doubt she was strong, had seen it first hand, but with no one around in case it all went south? For once he had listened to his better judgement and stayed. Strange to be caring - if only a little.

He was seated in Farah’s chair this time when she woke, lounged in it as if he belonged there, as if it were his own. The witch sat up when he noted that Farah was awake again, and this time his frown was more concerned than it was angry, “You haven’t rested enough.”

No asking how she was, how Griffin was. No checking in with her. All that he was focused on was the fact that she had used so much of her magical energy, depleted it, probably, and was waking up far too soon. Keiryn didn’t move from the spot he was in, even if he wanted to. Farah would have to kick him out of the chair if she wanted it back. Besides, she had to take the couch.

@emilyevewrites group

Farah moaned softly as she sat up, still blinking the haze of sleep away from her eyes. Her entire body felt as if it had been out through the wringer. She ached just about everywhere, but that’s what she got for astral projecting all the way to Cloud Tower with minimal experience. The only other astral projecting she’d experienced was with Luna, but the powerful light fairy always sent herself to Farah instead of the other way around.

Her eyes locked on Kieryn in her chair and narrowed. “Get out of my chair,” she ordered hoarsely. The headmistress’s eyes immediately widened at the strained sound of her voice, and she put a tentative hand to her throat. Had the projection even overworked her vocal chords? She blinked and made an attempt to swallow, but her throat was inexplicably dry.

“That’s not a luxury I can afford currently,” she whispered while pushing herself to her feet slowly. She breathed deeply, stabilizing herself as she stood, and walked carefully over to her desk. Her hands immediately reached for the solid surface to support herself, and Farah winced at the action’s message. She was weak… or at least weakened. And vulnerable in front of a witch she barely knew. She didn’t like it.


“No.” Came Keiryn’s short reply. No, he wasn’t going to get out of her chair. Farah needed to rest. Even if the headmistress didn’t want to, or couldn’t afford it, as she said, she needed to recover, just as he did, “You won’t be able to protect Alfea if you’re as weak as you are. A few hours rest will do you good.”

And it would do him good, too. Keiryn was more than aware that he was in the same boat as Farah. Weak, wounded, even more so than Farah herself. At least she wasn’t sporting a wound that could have killed her if help hadn’t been right at death’s doorstep. But as the woman practically hobbled over to the desk, had to brace herself on the piece of furniture to keep herself upright, there was a very faint look of concern that crossed his features.

They didn’t know who the threat was. At least, he didn’t know at that moment. If someone was able to take down Griffin so easily, take all of Cloud Tower in a few hours, they were a danger to the whole magic dimension, not just the schools. Their first priority was going to be getting Griffin back, making sure he witch headmistress was okay, but they couldn’t do that if both of them were weak and injured. The more that they pushed the worse it was going to become, and even if Keiryn was stubborn, he wasn’t going to let Farah go down, too, as much as he hated fairies.

@emilyevewrites group

Farah knew more about the threat than Kieryn did. She promised Griffin that she would tell him about it, but she wasn't exactly in the right mind for that. She wasn't in the right mind for nearly anything. The alcohol from earlier was still clouding her senses and her judgment. In fact, it was even worse now that it had been given time to settle in her body. It influenced the slur in her words, the clumsiness of her movements, and the quality of her decisions.

The headmistress' eyes narrowed indignantly at his response. "What?" she asked, shortly. Farah stumbled around the desk and practically fell across Kieryn's lounging form in her chair. However, she caught herself instead and used one arm to brace her body weight on the back of the chair with her hand right beside Kieryn's head. Her other hand gripped his chin and neck to turn his face to her, bringing their noses to the point of almost brushing. "I don't believe you understood me," she hissed. "I instructed you to get out of my chair."