forum "Now I know it's insane--" "I get to walk around shirtless and literally live in the lap of luxury? Where do I sign?" /Male OxOxO romance/ closed! / 16+only
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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@Elder-God-Whisper work

(Yeah… I’ve been stalkinnnnngggg…. sweatdrops in guilty They certainly usually end up breaking my heart. Lol. …over and over again…. But yeah, long time no talk!)

Deleted user

Name: Dalimil Ashbrooke
Nicknames: Dali
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Homosexual
Race: Half elf

  • Eyes: Almond shaped and colored a deep brown.
  • Hair: Dusty blond, a bit shaggy but still pretty short
  • Face: Dali has a more round face, with not a lot of jaw and more stout features.
  • Body: muscled with a bit of chub, very huggable
  • Height: 5'0
  • General weight: Listen man, I have no concept of weight.
  • Typical Clothes: A simple brown tunic and some pants, nothing fancy.
  • Work clothes: Basically the same thing as his typical outfit
  • relaxing cloths (if applicable): N/A
  • Distinguishing Marks: A smattering of freckles across his nose, oh and the limp.

Personality: Dali is down to earth kind of person, honestly the only thing I have that describes him is "sweet southern boy" even though he's Czech.
Background: There isn't much to say, he was raised on a farm and moved to the capital pretty early. He joined the army and then got injured pretty badly in a battle, enough that he couldn't be a warrior anymore.
Likes: Sweet things, most animals (bees are fuckers and he hates them), sunsets, having quiet time with friends.
Dislikes: Fucking bees, the fact that most people that knew him in the army now treat him like trash, cold weather.
Strengths: He's a very hardworker!
Weaknesses: He's not very patient.
Fears: Well, it was not being a soldier anymore and welp, he's not a soldier, so probably death.
Pets?: n/a
Powers?: His elf side is mostly healing elves, so he has minor healing abilities, it's mostly just his presence being a painkiller.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Ooooooo, I love him!!

(Aaaaa, if be play with you joining if @WoodlandCryptid is, but if not we could totally do another one on one if you want? the last time I tried this prompt it had been poly too)
(i also feel that, I've got 25+ in public and private in total…)

@Elder-God-Whisper work

(This just got even better… (Tbh I would hop in too if I was any good at group RPs…. but I learned early that I'm not so… stalking))

(gasps in offense Not good at RPing?? LIES.)

Deleted user

(If I could, like, steal this idea mayhaps…. @Wolfy maybe you could do this idea with me, if you and Swim are okay with it?)

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(First of, Yay!! Whisper go ahead and get a character sheet up then <3)
(Secondly, this is a lie, you're really good!! I swear, it's not something I say lightly)
(And if you two want to do that, I'm totally fine with it! I don't own the prompt, if it's one I posted always feel free to use it yourself if you want to! If you're inspired, just go with it!)

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

(I said GROUP Rps, not Rps in general. I get confused stalking any thread that has more than 2 people…)
(Also @Starlight-Starbright while I would normally take up your offer I don't think I have the capacity to make another new RP with a new human at the moment… Maybe some other time tho?)

@Elder-God-Whisper work

Name: Dragomir Son of Firth
Nicknames: Mir
Age: 22
Gender: Male (can actually change genders but prefers being Male)
Sexuality: Homoflexible
Race: half human half Fae

  • Eyes: bright magenta with purple flecks
  • Hair: white blond
  • Face: an angular but soft face.
  • Body: athletic but in a speedy, light build. He was a scout and occasional spy in the battlefront.
  • Height: 5’ 7”
  • General weight: 125 lbs.
  • Typical Cloths: a light grey wrap tunic belted with a braided leather belt with rose quartz beads woven in, loose dull-purple harem pants with slits up the side., (No that was not supposed to be a pun, allusion, or anything like that), and soft leather moccasin-like shoes with fur lining the insides.
  • Work clothes: dark, rather tight-fitting shirt and pants with sturdy boots with small spikes on the soles to help grip trees, fences, or walls as he climbs them.
  • relaxing cloths (if applicable): a loose shirt with strings tying it closed from the front, and pants that flare slightly at the hem.
  • Distinguishing Marks: Irish swatches of freckles all across his body, mainly cluster on his face, shoulders, thighs, forearms, and back of his neck. A scar runs down his back, but isn’t deep, but does have a deep scarred wound on his upper right arm which makes it hard for him to use that arm, which was very unfortunate as he was right handed.

Personality: slightly excitable and frequently flits around (no he has no wings, it’s metaphorical) when he’s unsure of what to do, honestly acts like a little puppy and can get clingy, but is also smart as a whip and will easily beat people in debates or battles of wit. Honestly a bit of a fem boy. When he’s attacked or has PTSD flashbacks, he becomes aggressive and wild.
Background: Was born in the outskirts of a city to a Fae mother and human father and his mother left when he was younger due to her colony head recalling her from outside contact. His father was incredibly saddened by this, but took care of Mir until he went missing after going out into the woods to gather herbs for the apothecary he ran. Just days after the incident, Dragomir was drafted into the military and sent to the western front lines, where he lost himself in battle and learned to turn off his emotions when necessary and become cold and calculating, but this only happens when he’s absorbed in a mission.
Likes: bees (because they remind him of Fae colony and hence his mother), butterflies, flowers and herbs, baking, shiny things, and singing. Also eavesdropping on the higher-ups.
Dislikes: isolation, silence, being lectured, wasps, and cruelty.
Strengths: his agility and speed as well as his empathy.
Weaknesses: also his empathy which he can’t turn off unless he’s in a survive or die situation, his nosiness, and his struggle to tell lies, which led to him easily being able divert conversation, and avoid answering questions straight.
Fears: being abandoned, spiders, and being useless.
Pets?: Well, there’s a tiny black capped chickadee that kept following him around and he accidentally brought it back with him when he was discharged for his injury. Their name is Angel.
Powers?: can tell if people are telling lies, reading emotional auras, and can manipulate people’s emotions. (Usually just uses it to soothe troubled minds)
Other: Always wears a strange necklace with a tiny rose carved from an emerald with two tiny gold disc charms on either side with a symbol embossed on them that is unrecognizable.