forum “My dads my nemesis…” “Damn- you know he’s right behind you, right?” “Damnit-“
Started by @Eli-the-transboi group

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@Eli-the-transboi group

Finn looked tremendously confused. “No! I don’t even know him!” He still looked terrified, a look of unrecognition in those childish eyes of his. From how he was trembling, it was clear he really didn’t know who this man standing in front of them was.


Aella smiled
"its ok, i belive you"
she turned back at her father, pulling her knifr out from her boot
"Get. Out"
Aella summoned all of her mental strenght, and willed her fathers spirit to leave
Aella felt a bright lights flash through her closed eylids, and when she opened her eyes, saw, with relif her fathers spirt was gone
she straigh away knelt down and hugged Finn
"I'm so sorry, are you ok, i didnt mean to summon him im so sorry im so sorry im so sorry imsosorryimsosorryimsosorryimsosorryimsosorry"
Soon, Aella broke down into tears again, clinging onto the boy like it was the only thing keeping her tetherd to earth, and in some ways, it was


Aella was the first to break the hug
"i- i need to go-"
she ran out the door, infuriated
they had a deal
he broke it
he would pay the price
she ran up to the president office, hypnotising her way through
Aella practically burst the door open
"Ah Aella, lovely to see-"
The presidant looked up, shocked, but then sighed
"i take it our plan didnt work, he crossed the border didnt he?"
Aella didnt say anything, instead, she walked up to him, and using on of her long claws, slashed his neck
"you. will pay."
"fair deal" he said, suspiciously calm "you will have to get through them though"
A army of bodygaurds broke through the door,
all it took was a glance, and they were behind her
"Oh- did you foget, they work for me now"
she smirked, and, in 2 swift movments, stabbed him.
there was no blood, an instant death, which was a pity.
She walked out of the presidents office, keeping a straight face.
no one questioned her.
she walked back to her estate
and sat on her bed
still no emotion showing.
It was then when she laughed