forum Murders on the Beach | one on one | closed
Started by @Mojack group

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@Mojack group

Lately, people have been dying.

Of course, people die every day. But not in this way - a good chunk bitten from their neck, their final expression frozen in fear, signs of a struggle; the signs have all stayed similar.
And they show no sign of stopping, either. The murderer’s targets have no connection to each other. No discernible reason can be determined, aside from sadism - and the possibility that the murderer may be a cannibal. But human teeth can’t bite like that - no, not rip into one’s neck like that. So surely, it must be an animal.

Whether you like it or not, this is the case you’re working on. The killer, whatever it is, shows no signs of stopping. If it turns out to be some sort of crazed animal, then you’ll call the right people to handle it. If it turns out to be a crazed person, then you’ll also call the right people to handle it. You’re the investigator, after all. It doesn’t mean you can’t fend for yourself - but generally, it’s not expected of you to preform the arresting.
The coast is a popular place for tourists, and despite the murders, business hasn’t slowed down.

One late evening, you’re at a bar. Maybe you drink, maybe you don’t. Maybe you’re waiting for someone, or maybe you’re playing a game - maybe you just like to go here to relax sometimes.
You notice something peculiar, though. You see..a lot of people. The coast is busy, after all.
But there’s something off about that man.

He’s talking to another person, and from what you can tell, they seem to enjoy his company - you can’t quite discern what either of them are saying, however.
Within minutes upon you noticing them, they both get up, and go outside. You’re not sure what compels you to do it, but you follow them, a little ways behind - and they go into the nearby alleyway, where it’s a little quieter.
some of the victims were found in quieter locations. in fact, nearly all of them were.
Careful not to get spotted, you watch - the person seems quite relaxed. Almost in..a daze of some kind. He lightly holds them, and for a moment, you think that maybe your hunch was wrong. That maybe this is just a couple looking for shelter from the public eye, to enjoy a private moment.
Then he bites them. They hardly react, almost seeming to fall asleep from where you are, it’s hard to tell. But he bites them in the neck, and you freeze, because that’s definitely not normal. he drinking their blood?

RP in which an investigator of a mysterious string of murders encounters a mysterious (well, more like follows) stranger in an alleyway one night and sees something that they’re probably not supposed to. You, the person joining this RP play the part of the investigator.
The investigator doesn’t have to be from a police department - they may have been hired by a concerned party.
This RP deals with vampires of several types, all of my own creation. I won’t say too much OOC about the types of vampires, as you’ll be playing from the perspective of a person who’s encountering a whole new side to the world.

First, for clarification— my OC is not the murderer! Your character will not know this initially though, so it’s up to you as to how they react initially…
Could this be a romance? Like I say with most of my RPs, it could be - depends on how things blend with our characters.

Anyways, rules.

  1. Ask before joining; I will ask for a sample of your writing with dialogue if I forget/don’t know your style. If I deny you, it’s nothing against you personally! Im just fairly selective with my one on one RPs, although not really other types.
  2. Mature RPers preferred due to potential content of violence and whatnot.
  3. Any sexual content will be a fade to black, as I’m not fond of writing it.
  4. Swearing is allowed, as well as violence (duh). But as I’ve said once before, there’s a time and place for everything.
  5. Good grammar is appreciated, but we’re a flawed species that makes mistakes sometimes. So it’s acceptable if it’s not a 100%; I’d just prefer proper punctuation.
  6. In fights, play to your strengths, remember your weaknesses. Don’t autohit, don’t dodge everything, and we’re cool (I’ll do the same).
  7. These last bits aren’t really rules. I can be very active. I can also be very inactive. Please note this if you want to join.
  8. I really want any potential partners to know - if I appear to ‘ghost’ the RP, it is 100% not against you. I’m just a very awkward person overall and my thought process goes something like this once I come back from a long break “well I’m not sure if they’d want to continue this…” Again, I don’t really know how to explain this! But if you see me online, and want to continue the RP, feel free to send a message (either through pm or in the RP).

If you have any questions, be it a rule related one or story/lore related, feel free to ask!


Age: (22-26) (personal note - chronologically my character will be a bit older than this, but he stopped aging in this age range)



((Of course! Here’s a scene I wrote recently from a book I’m working on. Since you don’t know the background, the scene might be a bit confusing, but it has decent dialogue. 😂))


((I looked around to see where the voice was coming from, and
when I found its source, I couldn’t help but scowl. There, standing in the
shadows of the market, was someone who looked very out of place. It was a rich boy or, as I would soon find out, a spoiled brat. It wasn’t that rich people were uncommon in the Black Market; everyone in System was corrupt in one way or another, even the folks who were wealthy had visited the market before. Most of them, however, tried to cover up their status in order to not get robbed. This man wore his wealth on his sleeve.
He walked towards us with an aura of arrogance that I could feel
from a mile away. He was a prideful, naive fool for dressing the way he did, but I couldn’t help but notice the way he walked up to Ortega. I doubt this man feared even death.
“I heard you needed an escort home, Miss.” His lips curled up,
revealing a gold tooth engraved with an intricate pattern. “I would be glad to be of service to you.”
“Actually, I already have an escort home,” I replied, trying hard to
hide the sass in my voice. “Isn’t that right, Ortega?”
I noticed the way Ortega had started to fool with his knife again.
This boy was most likely seconds away from getting a blade plunged through his heart. “That’s right, sir,” Ortega spat. “And it would be quite nice if you took a step back from my table. I was trying to conduct business with my customer before you interrupted me.”
The boy simply rolled his eyes and, without another word, tossed
a small leather bag onto the table. It landed with a clunk.
Ortega’s eyes went from the bag back to the boy. “What’s this?”
“Open it and see for yourself.”
Ortega wasted no time snatching up the pouch and
wiggling his fingers into the bag. He worked it open, peering down at what was there in awe. His eyes gleamed as he let out a chortle.
I looked up at him in shock. “How did you—“
“Shh.” The boy glanced at me and winked. “A thief never reveals
his secrets.”))


((Thanks! Nah, I don’t have any questions. The only boundary I do have for rps, however, is that I keep romance at PG; I’m totally fine with kissing, hugging, and stuff like that, but I avoid any sexual themes. Hope that’s good with you 👍🏻👍🏻))


Name: Kendra Cadel
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/her
Orientation: Straight

Appearance: Slightly curly dark brown hair that goes down to her mid back with curtain bangs; greenish blue eyes that are down turned; normally wears a bit of makeup with a more vintage sort of style
Personality: Is incredibly intelligent, decisive, and cunning; can come off as slightly flirtatious depending on who she is with
Backstory: Kendra grew up in a pretty normal home with her two parents and younger brother, and she began taking an interest in crime at a young age. As she grew older, her life began to progress as she got married and got her dream job as a detective in the police force. However, she was fired from her job after almost attacking a suspect, and her marriage fell apart soon after. She was broke and single at the age of 22, but she soon began to pick her life up again as she began to work as a private investigator.

@Mojack group

Name: Elias Batista
Age: 25 - technically 147 years old.
Gender: Demiboy
Pronouns: he/they
Orientation: Asexual panromantic

Appearance: Elias stands at around 6ft. They have golden skin and hazel eyes; when his vampiric nature is especially active, they appear to glow amber. Their dark brown hair is thick and neck length, with a bit of a natural waviness to it. He has a slight stubble; doesn’t completely shave but doesn’t let it grow into a full length beard.
Elias tends to stand slightly leaning forwards, but can stand perfectly straight when need be. They have some muscle on their form, which is slightly above average weight, but not by a lot.
Their teeth resemble that of a classical vampire, with fangs - this is not something that they can hide. Surprisingly, most people don’t think much of it, since in the modern world, there exists plenty of people willingly modifying their teeth to obtain that look. And otherwise, they’re a pretty normal human.

Clothing: Elias tends to fashion brighter clothing, suited more for outdoor wear. Hawaiian shirts are a staple of theirs. They usually wear shorts that go slightly below their knees, and sometimes a forward facing black baseball cap (that along with their undershirt is really the darkest thing they wear; even then it’s sometimes white or grey).
He also almost always wears black sunglasses for some reason, even indoors…
Personality: Outgoing, expressive, and the life of the party. Elias thrives on social interaction, and due to their vampiric status, they don’t need that much sleep - which means more time to party!
Elias takes life lightheartedly. He’s not one to make a big deal of things, at least not out in the open.
He takes the stability of his friends very seriously - though his lighthearted nature may lead some to think of him as a pushover, they can be quite threatening when they need to. Additionally, they hold grudges, and considering their nature, those grudges are long.

Background: Considering his…’supernatural-ness,’ it would make sense that Elias was born in a different time. They were born in Puetro Rico, in the late 1800s, and led a relatively average life for the time they were there. He was born to a family that could be considered ‘lower class,’ with very little power in the politics of the location.
Aside from that, his life wasn’t exactly bad. Certainly not easy, but not awful - he had a good family who probably taught him to see the positivity in things. That way of thinking has stuck with him through thick and thin.
He would later work on a farm as an adult. Again, somewhat ‘average’ life; as a farmer he kept to himself and his closer friends. While he didn’t do it on purpose, he often overhead a variety of interesting conversations at his job.
An opportunity presented itself for him to go and earn lots of money, and Elias took it. They were hesitant to leave their family behind, but knew that the living situation of their parents and siblings was stable. After a teary goodbye, Elias left the island on a boat to the States.
Unfortunately, the ‘opportunity’ was a trick.
They were instead destined to be offered to vampires - their families, if they had any, would be told that there was a work accident. After all, the higher the pay, the higher the risk…
Elias survived thanks to an inexperienced young vampire - his survival was technically a mistake. When he woke up, he was not at the docks, but in a pile of bodies - he recognized a few of them, the others he’d ridden the boat with.
Lost in the States with no foreseeable way to get back home, Elias was at a loss of what to do.
Being bitten by a vampire doesn’t always turn you into a vampire. It usually doesn’t, in fact. In Elias’s case, it did - his transformation into one was slow, and for the longest time, he had no clue what was going on, other than the fact he was changing.
He only realized what he was when he overhead someone’s conversations. It wasn’t a serious conversation to those people, they didn’t know vampires exist. But to Elias, it was their realization. They were truly a creature of night.
Initially, Elias was more reclusive, but over the decades began to return to their normal outgoing personality; going even further than that. He learned to blend in, to utilize his abilities - and more about the vampiric world, although he usually stays away from other vampires, so he’s not well versed in vampiric histories.
In the modern world, Elias enjoys the life of the partygoer. They attend a variety of them and get to know a variety of people, genuinely enjoying the connection. Otherwise, they spend a lot of their time charming tourists or sometimes locals, even offering themselves as a guide occasionally.
Although they’ve lived a long life, it’s been eventful, and they’ve done a lot of things in it.

Other: Elias speaks Spanish and English. Through his time of being alive, he’s had time to learn quite a bit, and he’s studied a bit of French as well as Mandarin.
They personally see the modern world as the easiest era they’ve lived in.
Elias’s specific vampire breed does not burn in the sun, but they are mildly irritated by it. They can sometimes build up a resistance against the sun, but it can only do so much.

((I’ll have a starter up soon!))

@Mojack group

Lights, a bustling atmosphere. Elias could practically call it his home.
One of the bars in the city - a bit closer to the beach. Elias had chosen to stop by, investigate the variety of people in the bar. He’d chosen his target - an individual who was more than willing to talk to them. A tourist or visitor to the area, he reckoned, judging by their scent. He learned a bit about them, their name - Arden, their job as a journalist… He even told them that he’d check out their paper later on - Arden smiled, writing them a note with the website name on it.
But of course, enjoyable conversation could go on for only so long. Well, for Elias, it could go on for a while — but a human? No. And they were…working on a timer here.
“May I?” He asked them, and they nodded - Elias took their hand in his. They stood up, and Elias leaned forwards slightly. In a low voice, a whisper - almost a hiss - they said, “Now, why don’t you come with me?

It generally worked. And it worked this time - Vampiric pheromones used to lull the prey into a sense of safety. Makes it easier to get to a quieter spot, which most vampires preferred. Elias was no different. As outgoing as he could be, feeding on a person was something he really didn’t want to do in an open space.
With their hand intertwined in theirs, Elias led them outside, engaging in idle conversation with them. “Where are you staying?” They asked. “I could take you there.” They were being truthful - after this, Arden would wake up, maybe with a mild hangover or soreness in the neck, but at least they’d be in a comfortable place. As far as vampires go, Elias was a pretty good one, he liked to think.

Turning into an alleyway, they continued down, slowing down. Arden embraced them, which caught Elias off guard. He turned around gradually, meeting their eyes. Elias met the embrace, looking into their eyes.
It would be safe for them to feed now, they reckoned, as Arden fell into what seemed like a sleep, their body now limp - it was up to Elias to hold them upwards. Parting his jaws, Elias move his head to their neck - and bit.
Arden didn’t react, with the pheromones and all. The bite wouldn’t be lethal, and it wouldn’t turn them - Elias was extremely careful when it came to that. They lifted their head momentarily, small amounts of blood running down their lips. Oh, how thankful they were for keeping a cloth on their person.
They continued to feed for a short amount of time. Not wanting to give Arden an unpleasant time for when they wake up in a few hours, Elias stopped, and pulled his head back. He gently laid them on the ground for the time being, while he searched his pockets for his cloth - finding it, he cleaned the blood remnant from his face.
He’d return Arden, just after he finished cleaning himself up.


The atmosphere of the bar was one that Kendra hated, but it was that she often returned to again, again, and again. She never quite understood why she came to this joint so much; it was overcrowded with a bunch of drunk, arrogant men, and the place reeked of alcohol, cigarette smoke, and plenty of other unholy scents. But, while she hated to admit it, part of her enjoyed the rowdy and loud feel of the place. The constant action of the bar kept her attention away from her thoughts, and as she downed drink after drink, the problems that plagued her life began to slowly fade away.

She not only went to the bar because of its nature, but also because of the interesting characters that would often turn up there. People had always intrigued her with their unpredictable actions and unique personalities, and the people at the bar were no different. She normally spent most of her time sober watching others and listening to their conversations, but tonight, a particular person caught her eye. There was nothing special about him; sure, he was nice looking, but even some of the more handsome people she had met had ended being a bore. But, as she continued to watch him, something about his demeanor threw her off. There was something weird about him, but she couldn’t place her finger on what. So, when him and another person stood up and began to head towards the door, she followed.

Kendra knew that she shouldn’t be going after them; after all, she had gotten in trouble for her impulsive decision-making before. But her gut told her something was off about this situation, and she didn’t want to regret not doing anything about it.

She waited near the door after they had already left, and after a few moments had passed, she headed after them. They were fairly easy to find; the two of them were standing in the alleyway near the bar. Kendra, wanting to be discreet, ducked behind a trash can. She knew this whole thing was stupid. It was probably nothing, and she could imagine what they would say if they found her hiding behind a dumpster. But, despite the conflict raging in the back of her mind, she stayed there, watching and listening to the encounter between the two individuals.

For a while, it seemed completely normal. The interaction was so normal, in fact, that Kendra decided that her gut feeling must’ve been wrong. She began to slowly get up when she paused. She could feel her heart jolt to a stop as she watched them, and slowly, she lowered back down onto her knees. Wait. Was he… biting him?

Kendra continued to watch as the victim passed out, his head falling back. No, he wasn’t just bitting him. He was drinking his blood.

Kendra leaned forward, feeling like she was about to vomit. She sunk her nails into her arm, gathering all her willpower in order not to scream. She knew she had to do something, and her brain whirled with all her options. She could simply leave and forget what she saw, but she knew the guilt would kill her. She could approach the man and confront him directly, but he was much larger and bigger than she was. He could easily take her out if he wanted to, and there was no telling what he would do to her. Her only option was to go back inside and get help. Sure, there was no telling if anyone would believe her, but she had to at least try. So, without another option, Kendra began to slowly back out of alleyway, trying her best to keep herself from being seen.

@Mojack group

Wiping what blood was on the corners of his mouth, Elias pocketed the cloth, making a note to clean it once he got home. Whenever he got home, he reminded himself - they’d sometimes spend a long time away from their apartment. Not having typical human needs affected your lifestyle.
They paused, still somewhat crouching as they looked around. They were certain that they had a good route in mind to take — to deliver Arden home. That would be his first objective. If anyone asked - They just had too much to drink.

But something caught his eyes as he was looking around, towards where he’d come from, in direction of the bar. No — someone, he realized, his keen senses picking up on the movement. The person appeared to be leaving the scene, their body language giving him the impression…of..well, fear, maybe? Something along those lines. Elias didn’t even hide the fact that they’d noticed the person, staring directly at them, but there was no hostility to his gaze. Instead, he inhaled, and sighed — “Well, damn.”
Had it been the first time they’d been caught drinking blood? No. There was no horror or fright to his words, if anything; mild annoyance.
“You just turn away and we’ll forget this ever happened, yeah?” Elias called out, standing to their feet as they picked up Arden.


Kendra froze, her hand going to the knife in her purse as he spoke. She could make a run for it; she was already almost out of the alleyway, and it would only take her a matter of seconds to get back inside the bar. He wouldn’t dare try anything with so many people around. But, at the same time, he didn’t sound as aggressive as she would’ve expected, and that fact gave her the courage to turn around and face him.

“Turn away and forget this happened?” Kendra scoffed. She knew better than to get on the man’s bad side, but the remark was an absurd request. “You just killed a man and freaking drank his blood. And you expect me to just ignore the fact that that happened?”

She took a step back, her hand wrapping around the hilt of her knife. She was still trying to piece together what had just happened, but none of it was making sense to her. He didn’t have any weapons, or at least none that she could see. Did he really just kill his victim by simply biting him?

@Mojack group

Elias pursed his lips, taking a few more moments to consider a response. There were multiple reasons why most vampires preferred to live in secrecy, and this was one of them - the reactions that humans often had. Then again, the reaction wasn’t unreasonable…it was just hard to deal with.
“They’re not dead,” Elias tells her, flatly. “Just sleeping. Their heart’s still beating, and they’ll wake up in a few hours.” He explains.

They stayed where they were, choosing not to approach. “Like I said, we’ll just turn away from each other, and go on our own ways, yeah?”


She stared at Elias, crossing her arms over her chest. As an investigator, she knew she wasn’t going to let him off that easy. After all, she had just witnessed him drink the blood of an unconscious victim. A victim who could quite possibly be dead.

“Well, if they’re still alive, you’ll have no problem with me checking for a pulse.”

She hesitated before she walked over to Elias. She didn’t like being so close to an Individual who had just bitten someone unconscious, but as far as she was concerned, she didn’t know what else to do. Besides, she made sure to keep her knife close, and she wouldn’t hesitate to plunge it into his gut if he tried anything.

She checked the pulse on the side of the victim’s neck, and as she did so, she stole a glance at Elias. Even though her insides were trembling, she tried to keep her voice steady as she spoke. “What did you do to him…?”