Surprised you started in Notebook though instead of Discord this time-
What exactly are we doing?
Okay so I plan on playing off that line off “For mother and father just paid off the dowry-“ meaning he was probably in an arranged marriage but definitely doesn’t want it and is yearning for Mr Rose from afar, and my theory is that they meet in the garden when the forcefully engaged one sneaks into the garden to steal a rose-
Yes yes yes I love it
Do we want Mr Rose to be a nickname, or his real name?
Lots of planning on Discord, how do we actually start this
Do you want me to start by giving my character a first name and him out in the front yard doing gardening, thinking about a spell jar he wants to do to help his parents with his arranged marriage?
Yeah, the baby actually needs a first name-
Go for it
Nyoka grinned as he patted down the dirt around his new rosemary plant, thinking excitedly of being able to use its leaves not only in cooking but…. Also a spell jar. He desperately wanted to help his parents. He knew they were struggling to pay off his dowry to the man they had arranged for him to marry. He frowned as he looked over his garden, realizing he had nothing for a love component. He stood up, wiping his dirty hands off on his apron, wondering what he would do. He glanced across the road to the large house of their neighbor. Their neighbor’s roses were blooming extravagantly. He had never really talked with the neighbor….. He had also seen a carriage leave the large house’s carriage house this morning. His parents weren’t home, and the neighbor certainly wasn’t…. His eyes darted around. Surely the neighbor wouldn’t miss a single rose blossom… There were so many. He picked up his gardening trowel and tucked it in his apron pocket, scurrying across the street and ducking behind a bush, searching for a good rose. He found one that looked so plush and healthy. It was perfect. It was everything he needed it to be. He reached up to try and twist it off the branch.
Phineas Blackwood was a quiet man. Being third in a line of six, it was expected of him. He'd learned from a young age how to stay quiet and out of sight.
It was no wonder he was the mafia's deadliest hitman.
So when the family left him behind while they went shopping, he had half a mind to believe they'd just forgotten him. Not that he minded, he had a garden to maintain. He loved his rose garden, it was his pride and joy.
So when he emerged from the shadows to find someone in it, looking to pluck one of his prized roses, he got a little defensive.
Okay, maybe the revolver he placed to the back of this intruders head was a bit of an overreaction but eh, non-lethal force wasn't Finny's specialty.
"You've got five seconds to explain what the hell you're doing in my garden before I make you a memory." He wished his New York accent wasn't as strong as it was, especially in such a posh place as England but such was his curse.
Nyoka almost yelped when he felt cool metal against the back of his head. Nyo stammered out, “I-I’m sorry, I just wanted a rose!! Pl-please-!!” He was already trembling, unable to look around to see who was pressing what he could only presume was a gun, from what he felt, to his skull. His own accent was a bit thick too, a mix of his parent’s exotic accent and an English one. His vowels were rolled out and his consonants were half popped and half clicked. The poor Omega was terrified, hands frozen where one had reached for the flower while the other was in his aproned lap where he knelt.
Finny raised an eyebrow at the accent. Where had he heard it before? Ah, whatever. He had more pressing issues to worry about.
"Is that so? Just wanted a rose?" It was…almost too innocent. Considering how terrified the omega seemed, Finny wanted to believe him. Which he supposed was the reason why he hadn't already but a bullet through his head.
But it wouldn't be the first time he'd dealt with third party players for other gangs so he couldn't take any chances.
“I-I’m sorry, I- I live across the street, I just wanted a rose for a project I was gonna do with my other herbs and flowers!!” Tears were now leaking down the petrified Omega’s cheeks. He sniffled, unsure of what to do or say. This was it. He would die because of his reckless decision to take a single rose.
Across the street…oh shit.
"Oh sweet Mary and Joseph, you're the Evans boy." Of course! That's where he'd heard the accent before! It was the ones the neighbors had cause they'd moved from Africa. How he hadn't recognized it before was beyond him.
He dropped his revolver back to his side and pinched the bridge of his nose. What a headache, the poor kid was scared out of his mind and it was all his fault.
The smaller man immediately crumpled once the gun was removed from his head, scooting quickly away, curling up in a trembling fetal position, as if he was trying to become one with the bush. He looked up at the other with tear filled eyes and stammered out, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you ups-set, I thought one flower wouldn’t b-be missed, p-please don’t hurt me-“ His mind was racing, unsure of what the big Alpha would demand he do in compensation, knowing full well that not only did the other have a physical advantage over him, but he also had a weapon. All he had was a trowel and a bloody hand from scraping it on some thorns as he had snatched his hand away recklessly.
Phineas bit the inside of his cheek, brows furrowing in thought. Dammit, he didn't deserve to be scared like this. Come on Finny, think!
As much as it pained him, Finny plucked the rose the boy had been reaching for from the bush, offering it to him with what he hoped was an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry for scaring ya, I'm just a bit…jumpy when it comes my garden."
Nyoka made a soft sob and cringed away from the rose, thorns digging into his rich brown skin, making blood drip on the grass. He squeezed his eyes shut, thinking the Alpha was trying to trick him. “I-I’ll give you whatever you want, just p-please let me return to my Mama and Baba after….”
Well, I'm in trouble. Come on, come on, think of something…!
"Whatever I want, hm?" His eyes drifted to the blood on the grass before answering. "How about you let me take care of those wounds? I think that'll be good enough. After all, you did get them on my property, it's my responsibility to take care of them. I swear on my life, I won't hurt you."
It wasn't much but he hoped it was enough, at least enough to get him to stop crying and unball himself.
Nyo blinked, looking up at the Alpha with a sniffle, looking confused. He glanced around with just his eyes for the gun he knew had to still be around. “B-but I tried to steal from you…. M-my wounds are my own fault…”
Finny tucked the revolver in his waistband, reaching out to help him up. "Please, it's the least I can do for scaring you. I overreacted, you didn't deserve that. You don't even have to go inside if you don't feel comfortable, I can go get some bandages and help you out here."
Nyoka sniffled and started to untuck himself. “You really won’t hurt me….? Aren’t you a-angry at me..?” He couldn’t understand what had flipped the switch in the other man. He had raging only moments before, ready to kill him with a twitch of a finger, and now he was asking if he could patch up Nyoka’s skin. He looked down at himself to see the damage, his bleached apron now spotted in red. He whimpered, “Oh no, I’m never going to get the stains out of this… I’m going to have to sew a new one…. Fabric and thread is so expensive…” Another tear dripped down his cheek as he remembered his parents talking about their financial crisis while they thought he was asleep in the other room.
Finny frowned at the red spots. He knew the neighbors were stuck in debt, he couldn't imagine how rough that was.
"I know my mother has some extra fabric and thread, I can give you some to make a new one if you want. As an apology, I still feel bad."
Phineas didn't know much about how to calm the poor omega's nerves but this he could offer, try to get him to calm down.
Nyoka immediately, refused, claiming, “N-no, it’s okay! I’ll just try to sell some of my garden plants to get the money. It’s okay, really! It’s my fault anyways…” But he looked more relaxed now, body now unfurled and shoulders not so tense. “I’ll…. I’ll take the offer of bandages though…” He started to try to get to his feet, but they quickly collapsed from under him, leaving him yelping as he fell, joints still weak from the adrenaline rush of being in a life or death situation.
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